how was this relationship perceived by normies?
cute or creepy?
How was this relationship perceived by normies?
Nobody noticed
I say adorable.
Thankfully he’s not into furries
Winnie's cookie
Who gives a shit what they think?
Yeah, you do kind of have to be paying more attention than the franchise warrants to remember she's old enough to be partly responsible for him being born in the first place.
It kind of gets lost in the other joke of the wolf parents being so horny for each other that he keeps her in a constant state of pregnancy.
Cute and objectively speaking a good match for a future wife
Made them wish he had a wolf boyfriend instead.
As a normie I think it's pretty weird.
It wouldn't be cute if the genders were reversed
Speak for yourself.
what the first guy said
Need a sequel where they are teens.
It wouldn't be cute if the genders were reversed
I wish I was Dennis
Anon Babble is obsessed with aged up shit
I think every single thread about a child character has someone say something like this, or post aged up fan art
I love designs of them older.
It's a combination of it being pretty reasonable to be interested in "older variant" art, combined with the fact that Anon Babble media skews toward kid characters these days, wrapped in a burrito made of "Johnny got flanderized into a dumbfuck retard so may as well look to the next generation for any cuteness."
they make a cute couple
More art please.
normies dont care about shippings or cartoons
Actually I always noticed this and wondered wtf, like even if we use monster aging. She should be a teen then by dog years or he should be younger since he's half vampire that apparently being 118 is 18 years old.
But I feel bringing logic into this series is naive. So just take it on first glance and concept is fun and I'm sure cute to kids.
Her age was poorly defined, all we know is she's "older." And presumably little Johnny is an early-bloomer.
What I want to know is why do some fanarts make her bigger than Dennis. Not against it, but Wayne is the shortest of Drac's monster bros.
1. It's funnier.
2. Wayne is the result of centuries of werewolves being forced to hide themselves, followed by years of being a depressed dad. His kids could end up much bigger and healthier now that they can roam free.
It's okay he's not a human
she was a child in the first movie
ginger vamp wasn't born until the second movie
Uh age gap is problematic
This; for the most part.
Normies know kids have a degree of sexuality. Like how Peanuts had the kids talking about "nibbling ears" in regards to their crushes. This "don't sexualize our kids" bit is just a way to hate gays because a lot of hate comes from the idea that being gay is something you're groomed or traumatized into. So to them, straight sexuality is more innocent and gay sexuality is sexual.
you'd have a point if trannies weren't trying to groom kids
She had a pacifier, she was a toddler at most in the first movie. She's got maybe a year or two on him, it's cool.
If anything it's safer for him.
Normal, mature, well adjusted
heehee awww cute!
Anon Babble chucklefucks
take it to trash, fuckface
This answer your question, butterface?
Wish I had more that was good. I've seen a lot that's bad.