Knights and dragons trope
Knights and dragons trope
I want to knight her dragon.
Dude, what if fairy tale.... BUT SUBVERTED?
I hate women
Where are their breasts?
Lame shit
This was drawn onions "males", if you can even consider them males.
Now draw a follow up with a knight wooing dragon milf like someone did with that other faggot's basically identical comic
Why is the 5 year old's body in skin tight clothes for pedophile viewing pleasure?
It really has become a bore.
dragon mom and buff loli(?)
what kind of 5 year old has that incredibly buff flat man's body? That's Hulk Hogan if he shaved
How this for a knight and dragon trope: knight was sent to rescue princess but when reaching to the location of said princess, they found out that princess is spoiled and rotten while the dragon who is female wants to be rescued from this torture. Knight rescues dragon instead and the king realizes that he raised her wrong.
Oldest one in the book, I think
Yeah I was thinking of that too.
They're so jacked that they have very low body fat. That loli could benchpress 2 of you.
what kind of 5 year old has that incredibly buff flat man's body?
Anon shes half dragon. She'll probably live for 10,000 years, have super strentgh/endurance, and be able to withstand any manner of damage or magic.
Nigga is into kinnrori
I can just tell that the artist is a woman
The only subversion I like is when the guy fucks the dragon.
Where's the "Otherwise-ferocious dragon collects random peasant folk and keeps them as pets while unable to communicate her expectations and poorly understanding human culture" trope?
I like the part where the Dragon tsundere against fat donkey cock.
Defeated by putting babies in her
It was a bore ten years ago. Now it's outright painful.
I came into this thread to say that the whole "the dragon's good/the dragon's sexy" thing has been overdone by short gag comics (but badly needs to be done in not-so-short comics).
But I've gotta say, "the maiden's mom is the dragon" is a new twist.
I'd argue that the problem is that it's 49% Shrek/Looney Tunes subversions where it's mocking the fairy tale as being too babyish and doing joke seriousness ("The knight is doing this for money! And the maiden doesn't want rescuing!") and 49% lame as fuck 4-panel Overly Saccharine Wholesomeness.
I still say you can do subversions and make them fun. Little Thieves ("soon to be animated!") did a subversion of The Goose Princess that worked damn well by making the "evil" servant who stole the Princess' life into the main character and making her fun and understandable even when she was clearly in the wrong. Puss in Boots and the Last Wish subverted fairy tales left and right, but at its heart it was about a dude coming to grips with his own mortality. If you've got a solid story, some talent, AND you take the time to expand it all, you can make something good out of a Fairy Tale Subversion.
it's yet another extraordinarily low effort furry porn thread our fuckwit jannies will do nothing about
There's nothing worse than a wannabe janny.
None of the power yet twice the faggotry.
Its so common now I think it would be stranger to see the fairy tale play out properly.
So it is no coincidence, then, that there is a new janitor recruitment drive just now?
Also, furry dragons???
I'm sure Hiroshimoot will answer your emails any recruitment cycle now