
Does this count as NTR?

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The rare Ugly Bastard Loss, actually.

Website comment:

Would you still love me if I was covered in giant snakeman bile?


Patreon comment:

If there's one way to distract Ruckmearkha, it's to give him something utterly brand new to experience. He's never before thrown up a meal in the middle of an eel-infested khert-fire in such a way that his meal's own hallucination showed up for them both. Why, it's almost like being human. For a second, anyway.

Roger that's a red ghost don't trust it

Someone is gonna have to explain to me the difference between a memory and as a soul. Also I imagine roger is about to disperse like Knock and Ana did.

maybe rape snake can be defeated by snogging after all


Nary wouldn't have kept jacaranda

Nary-a-care Frummagem has not concept of cool.

a meal so good you'll even savor the vomit

Ash continues to surprise.

How far can that slippery old lady actually get before the rape snake grows bored of the gay soap opera?

a soul is the framework the Khert tracks, it has a unique ID for pymaric purposes, ports, and the structure for everything as far as the Khert is concerned (it's essentially a fragment of the Khert in itself, but not a separate one like a Senet has)

Memories are like files stored within the soul, and when the person dies, the memories all get flushed into the Khert to jsut kinda hang out, mostly accumulating into eels or squishes or the detritus of the Khert. Whether the soul after that point gets reincarnated or just vanishes into nothing is a matter for theology.

Think of the soul like a program and the memories like files stored within it, perhaps

as for Roger, I wonder if he does disperse here, and they lose all that effort draining him via Ruck

What about the first soul

Hopefully far enough to slip Chea away. The rapesnake is fast though.
Also does this fuck up the dammakhert plan or what? Not to say that the plan wasn't already on lifesupport given the Black Tongue annihilation.

I think that plan already flew out the window when Sessine killed most of the black tongues.

it being cool is probably why he'd keep it at first, but given it's literally the only known lion on the entire planet you could get a no-doubt insane price for it from the right buyer

given it's literally the only known lion on the entire planet you could get a no-doubt insane price for it from the right buyer

I suppose tittybird's adversary made Nary an offer he couldn't refuse.

well, that's some weird shit that definitely does NOT come apart at death, and was explicitly artificially created, but what that means beyond that is still mysterious to me

I have no idea what’s happening. This is the first time in this webcomic I’ve truly had the experience of true, unfettered, utter bewilderment.

She’s got to run real fast. Hope she does.

A soul is just *you*, a collection of all your memories. The second your heart stops you immediately begin to fracture into individual memories barring some special circumstance as we've seen throughout the comic. Roger is a bit different from Knock/Ana since the venom is going to straight up dissolve his memories, he will simply fade into nonexistence instead of dispersing into the khert.


Something that came about thanks to tittybird/unknown man khert fuckery. Memories weren't even a permanent thing before they fucked around with it and because of how fucky the khert is with time once they did that it retroactively has always been.

Wait so is Ruck dead? I can't be sure.

Is NTR like reverse vore?

15 minute verification wait

By Ssael, this place has really gone to the dogs.

What the fuck, how did he emerge from the snake? Just how undigested could he really have been?

This isn't the real Roger, it's a memory/soul construct, like with Knock earlier.

You’re saying the bleeding catatonic husk that alds aren’t even having a “foi hellick moment” over is tHe REal Roger?
Souls matter, not the meat that usually houses them.

Yup, nice to see I wasn’t the only one pigheaded enough to go “O rly? Well I’ll do something else for awhile, hiroshimoot will never stop anon”.

Still way and overtoppingly gay.

efheby are built to put everything back where they found it, and Roger was still needed as far as Ruck knew. So he was probably barely digested

Real in unsounded is hard to know. Like a soul is a construct that on death has all memories leave it but is that the end? I know ashley's an atheist but without her giving a definitive answer we don't even know if something exists beyond the khert.

"Dear Ashley.
What the fuck."

Sincerely, the management

Well sure, philosophically it's murkier. The point was, it's not Roger's actual, physical body, and is therefore not bound by the laws of reality as we know them (especially with the Khert fire going on).

That said, Roger's body isn't quite catatonic (we saw it thrashing about just earlier). Ashley has said before that Sette's self-edited memories will eventually return to her, and by the same token, it's possible that Roger's memories will return to his body - assuming they both manage to stay intact, at least.

Captcha: G4YDM4

Yes Captcha, but it's very GOOD gay drama.

Yeah, I'm lost too.

Ruck got too high on twink and now he has an upset tummy

Of all the things I thought could happen.
This wasnt it.
Nj Ash I am proper flummoxxed and disgustipated.

He's just splashing around in the bloody water but yeah it kinda looked like he was splitting apart at first glance

That'll teach you to chew your fucking food.

If I'm understanding correctly...

Ruck vividly experiences the emotions of those whose memories he has drained

he has eaten enough of Roger's memories that he's effectively got the bulk of his consciousness inside him, and he hasn't swallowed yet

smoke eels like to mimic people's worst memories, this one has taken the form of murdered Mallory

this is vivid enough for Roger's consciousness to push itself to the forefront

Ruck is made of First Materials, allowing Roger's consciousness to manifest physically through him, the same way Knock did earlier

That last part is making an assumption about how ghosts and possession work in this setting, but I think it holds up. Alternately, it's just the Khert fire doing its thing.

Ruck just barfed up the yellow venom that Roger's memories are dissolved in. Seems the venom's shape and appearance can be affected by the memories it contains, kind of like a smoke eel. I don't think the venom's a first material, just a memory solvent


I don't think the venom's a first material, just a memory solvent

I wonder if we'll see eels running away from the venom in the next page.
Honestly they should all run into it.

how convienent