
he's coming in Act 3, you heard it here first

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The next notArcane series will be about Annie

She's in

riot blue balling his arrival with that one mage that saved jayce

did they need to give her nipples

literally who

My mommywife LeBlanc

ezreal getting his pelvis shattered by ambessa when?

I'm so sick of the Noxus stuff I still haven't bothered watching it desu

Her getting bodied by Pantheon? What about it?

Isn't leblanc dressed like a stripper?

Are you all ready for the Timebomb song and episode??

Is the hype dead for the show? There is no talk about it on any social media platforms and it’s also reflected her in the thread and on Anon Babble/. Maybe Anon Babble as a whole has just been dying. Activity her has just been so slow.

Did they change jinx’s model?
She looks closer to her appearance in other media - sharper angles on her face and all. She was a lot more cutsey in s1

Now come on bro. Use your brain here. It's a cosmetic.

There are 2 different models in S1 (powder adult and jinx adult). There is only jinx in S2

I want that tranny cat to sit on my face.

Why did Vi agree to gas the underground, but acts all pissy for 1 kid?

the problem with arcane discussions is here is that it's split between Anon Babble Anon Babble and Anon Babble

Because it was targeted gassing???

I want to cuddle with her while she is trying to pull away . I want to tell her she will never be an real woman while she is trying to justify her own self , how she valid. Then i will say "okay , you are a woman. My woman. My little cute kitten"

Caitlyn knows where Ekkos tree is
Burning it will be KINO

If Caitlyn burns it down
She will be Hunt down and gang raped before either being killed or used as a local cum dump or breeding stock for heimer


Do you not want Caitlyn to be redeemed???

I wrote that shit half asleep. I didn't realize how many grammatical errors I have made. Just kill me already.

there's no talk about it

Arcane is most talked show on Anon Babble right now. Majority people doesn't go on social media mainly to avoid spoilers from attention seeking leakers.


noxians in piltover?

they might curry favor with them and become their ally

quickly, we must arm the opposition with petricite weapons to maintain the balance of power in the region

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No, I want her to get worse. Act1 was far too lighthearted, I am having withdrawal symptoms from S1 which left me depressed for a week.

Lux acting as Demacian ambassador is a way to get her relationship with Lux going

she doesnt look like that

there's been like 6 different arcane threads that reached bump limit since act 1 dropped

You'll speak otherwise after they conquer you. RAISE THE NOXTORAA!

Gassing is used as area control. Don't want to get gassed, just leave the area until they finish their sweep.

I really hate the “dump him for the other” thing fans do. Why does Jayce have to suffer to satiate their lust

No one in Anon Babble talks about this. They hate this show hard.

I don't care if you hate or adore the show, just leak Fantastic right now.

Pointing a gun at someone is used for area control. Don't want to get shot, just leave your current position until the shot goes off.

Times change.

KKKaitlyn going to work.

”The people of the Undercity deserve to breathe”

Caitlyn calls them animals and releases the toxic fumes

What did Caitler mean by this?

Holy shit

we have identified signs of arcane corruption on this tree. It needs to be disposed of for the safety of the city

Cant wait

“Lesbian military dictator” goes kinda hard, not gonna lie.

In 12 days we will know if caitvi is ded or thriving . I'm nervous

So like the gas is supposed to be her mother's legacy? Something her family made but was never used?

Is the hype dead for the show?


They made the system that contained it.
KKKaitler unleashed it

We've been discussing episodes 1 to 3 to dead since the leaks. There was nothing new for us leak watchers except the new intro.

Will we ever get to see him?

inb4 the random rat of the first part

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There were like 3 threads and I didn’t know in which one to discuss

where's the mega link

just torrent it

Jayce is not exactly a beloved character, even before Arcane I do remember some people making a "remove him like gangplank but for real", although it was a latam request, so no wonder if you didn't even know about it.


I think I saw a thread once a year ago, the issues is it fucks up and ready fucked up lore that was finally starting to stop restarting and rechanging and now is probably gonna be permanent.

Arcane’s community is full of gay zoomers who need every single character to be LGBT, otherwise it feels unrealistic compared to their social experience (it only exists in discord rooms)

Hopefully a short cameo during a big battle

Caitlyn is the wifebeater in their relationship

I knew Caitvifags in here were gaslighting people into thinking s2 sucked just because their ship didn’t go as they wanted. Despite the issues and complains with writing and pacing the General Public liked act 1

Warwick will be criminally misused and the whole lead-up to it will feel unsatisfying. It would be necessary so it doesn’t seem like Vander is alive out of nowhere, but it will be resolved too quickly just like everything else this season.

Viktor and Jayce have far more chemistry and homoeroticism in their interactions than Jayce and Mel. It's no surprise that nobody cares about the latter.

The general public is also known for having massive shit taste. That's hardly an argument.
S2 is not bad but it doesn't hold up to S1 so far.

That would be a point of no return for her. Irredeemable after that.

Although then again, Jinx is supposed to be irredeemable by now and they're still
crawling their way into that so whatever.

no, i wish her to go full villain
it will be extremely gay if pilties go full fascist mode and then their supreme leader backpedals

this comment brought to you by the “why are men always so afraid of showing affection and emotions” gang.

please let this happen, this will be pure kino

She's being manipulated by Ambessa so she isn't even that evil and will never become that.

cheating is women's favorite fetish
just read their shitty novels
troons are also into it probably

Caitvi fags are the biggest dick suckers for this season, are you kidding me lol. Go on any mainstream media site that's not Anon Babble

Believe it or not, yes. Proper anatomy is important in art, 99% of the people won't notice but it's something that could affect the way the cloth lays even a little.

No, I want her to get worse


Ambessa fucking sucks, i wish she wasn't in that story at all

I like her. I think she's cute

This is already gay. The show made it clear that Cait isn't gassing these fuckers out if her free will, but because Ambessa chose her to manipulate her anger and grief. I'm guessing because they want to lower her to the same level Jinx is so no one can claim either has a moral high ground. So fucking gay.

Her and ambessa barely even talk substantively in the whole 5 episodes you can watch

I want to see her being violently torn apart.

techmically this still can be turned around, likie with actual hitler when people who insalled thought they would control him, but he turned out to be too unhinged, so Cait could still go dictator mode, but she won't, because writers are weak

jinx is supposed to be irredeemable!

this would make Caitlyn irredeemable

this was a point of no return!

Plenty of terrorists and dictators were turned into legendary freedom fighters and statesmen after they won.

Rape and cheating. Both are power-games dealing with extreme trauma. Both bring women's favorite myths to question; equality, peace and kindness.

Rewatched the leaks
Episode 4 is meh, the jinxers are cringe, but the WW introduction is kino
Episode 5 is good if you remove the retarded hug, the Singed scenes are good

she's most likely going to die

By their own peers. That's not the point. The point is the general audience won't accept terrorism as an act to be celebrated because it goes against human rights and proper morality. You'll never hear of a dictator or a terrorist being celebrated as a hero in a global forum because those titles denote crimes against humanity.

Jinx can be a hero in Zaun but that's irrelevant because she's a bad person in the eyes of everyone else, including viewers. Same if Cait goes Hitler.

what does it have to do with fiction tho?

You'll never hear of a dictator or a terrorist being celebrated as a hero in a global forum because those titles denote crimes against humanity.

Obama? Netanyahu? Trump?

Eh. They really glossed over how much damage jinx and caitlyn have done desu. They imply jinx's attacks killed civilians, but never show it. They show children on the streets of zaun and destitute, suffering people begging and pleading to janna, but we only get a brief sequence with the gray. They did both on purpose to make them both more forgivable, which is lame

Vi looks like she's already bracing herself to be hit

Silco was a hero in my eyes as someone whose country clawed independence from an empire.

nipples and human anatomy are evil

Circumcision and abrahamic coping mechanisms have been a disaster for the human race.

All the zoomers missing the conan reference

Well. It's over

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I know your brain has been rotted by US political circus but neither Obama nor Trump were dictators. Not even close.

t. guy who lived under an actual dictator

If Cait wasn't being manipulated she wouldn't have done this in the first place. S1 makes it clear that she's an idealist who believes in the recovery of Zaun. In order to understand her turn to Caitler one needs to understand why the idealist Caitlyn had to die.

Next Saturday u don't gonna say the same

What the fuck is this biomechanical cursed shit? Where are the cyborg bits? Where's the self lobotomy?

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the human body is made to be "fixed". all appendices must be removed using your tax money.

this armor is so shit
why is lol designed like some korean mmo?

This is why ambessa as a character is incapable of filling the silco void. All she cares about is her own family

Dictator or a terrorist.
They were the latter.

coming soon

why is is game played overwhelmingly by Koreans designed for the Korean market?

gee I wonder

I suspect the GLORIOUS EVOLUTION is coming after they stop whatever the fuck the voidshit is doing and it's no longer animating him/keeping him from being crippled.

What retards itt try to say by brining up people from irl who did messed up shit but managed to have a tolerable public image among retarded masses?

Show so good it triggers the real issues.

why everything koreans make is soulless slop?

Jinx is a cute single mom

Cait is an ugly horsefaced lesbian

Bc they're asian, duh

I fear the glorious evolution in arcane will be about him wanting to spread the "voidshit" to everyone.

They wouldn't fucking dare.

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japs are asian and they make 70% of good games nowadays

Unlikely. We already know the voidshit will escalate in an explosive manner. He has yet to wield his laser.
We also know that whatever it is, is interacting with hextech, and could be a catalyst to WW transformation.

is there anything so undoing as a daughter

jinx now has a daughter


Yeah i thought about it too, they're going to make viktor some kind of metallic malzahar.

most based taco muncher
dykes who feel cheated on after their fictional love interest leaves them. femcels are proof that humanity was a mistake

He is a Jesus allegory, what is Jesus' whole deal?

come to me, the sick and the sinners, I will take your suffering and your sins into myself and give you eternal salvation

The more people Viktor "redeems" the more powerful he'll become

Why did Jayce come back from the wild rune dimension with a leg brace?

pantheon wannabe


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why do you keep asking this question? we don't know what happened to jayce during his trip

Japs are the exception to the rule. Most east asians are not japanese

Blew out his ACL running from horrors beyond our comprehension

It's the first time I'm asking this.

Victor in arcane is almoust direct opposite of original one

cold and pragmatic utilitarian

emathetic idealist

glorious evolution is based on tech

new glorious evolution based on magic

completely replaces his completely heathy body with tech because it's just better

reluctantly turns parts of himself into magic because he's a dying cripple, undergoes full transforamtion by a string of accidents

can sometimes be a big problem due to his attitude

will prbably do nothing wrong

doesen't care to have a cult

seems to be amassing a following

i dont understand Jayce plotline.

>glorious evolution is based on tech

>new glorious evolution based on magic

If they actually do change this, they'll need to alter Orianna and Blitzcrank to suit.
Until we see his shoulder arm laser though, I wouldn't worry too much. This is just a phase.

Missing the best part of that sculpture

Tibbs cake is real.

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what have we done?

He says while the sisters are kicking each other's asses, he and Viktor should have never messed with the runes and created hextech.
His whole mission now is to undo his life's work.

He has it all - talent, physique, smarts, hot girlfriend, influence, fame - but he is still ultimately directionless and weak because his actions are entirely downstream from the wants and goals of those around him. He is a people-pleaser and needs to finally find a thing to stand on and not compromise.


But the times they do talk it is very substantial.

god vi's ass is so fat, she should have smacked that instead

So my tranny senses weren't wrong the first time I heard that voice

hello newfag

Gee, it's almost like he's about to get a VGU to change his League version to better fit this new one or something.

Also his Glorious Evolution is still somewhat tech based. It's still Hextech. When he's doing it you can see nuts and gears flying from around into the spiral. The point is he's technomancing the metal and parts to fix what's broken and they're just handwaving the steampunk look of it with the gold swirly stuff instead.

Know what the coolest part about Viktor is?
He's not brainwashing people, he's legit converting them to his side. Look at Salo, he went from a piece of shit classist nepobaby junkie to a good guy at peace with himself.
Same thing with the first junkie he cured, the guy was so moved he dropped to his knees and started crying in gratitude

lux disembarks at piltover and is wowed by the massive hexgates and open use of magic

so wowed that she ignores ezreal staring at her

for ezreal, time seems to stop and he can only see the most beautiful girl he has ever seen, he can barely even speak

for lux, the wonder of piltover is slightly ruined by this guy obviously thirsting for her

this is all false! Viktor will reject the magic nonsense, cleanse himself of the void shit and go full cyborg!

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also this

professor stanwick padidly took credit for viktor's own invention

stanwick padidly died long before viktor was born and was actually a good man and a dear friend of heimerdinger

was expelled from the academy after jayce ratted him out

left on his own, jayce didn't care that viktor tampered with the arcane and even wanted to keep working with him despite knowing that he indirectly killed sky

He will die in EP6, mark this

is this a dream sequence? why he killed him?

It's most likely an alternate timeline Ekko created

Some leakers said that Jayce will end up killing all of Viktor's followers. Probably something to do with the void.

That wasn't me. I saved the picture and asked again because I thought that him having a leg brace was an interesting detail.

Is the gas even that bad, its not like she's turning it off forever.
No different than police using tear gas and water cannons.

so what was the point of Jinx's paint keikaku?

What was the plot with the shimmer brushes? I totally missed what this was all about

love the political aspect of the show. i think is really well made

love the hex tech plotline with Victor and Jayce

have to tolerate dyke romance and le crazy teenage villain

feels like they have different writers for each plotline because even the dialogue is really fucking different

Those of you who are familiar with both the game lore and Arcane, do you like your favorite characters here or their original incarnations?

Viktor talked to Jayce through him and basically told him he's going all in on the hexcore corruption, Jayce's priority now is stopping all that shit after what he saw and went through all those months on "the other side".

Viktor and Jayce switched their views on hextech.

Fireworks for her death
I like pretty much every character more here.

What was the plot with the shimmer brushes

salo is secretly a shimmerhead

I totally missed what this was all about

he is using shimmer, which is a zaunite drug, presumably to cope with his missing legs
mel plans to expose his shimmer use to slow down ambessas plan

I assumed she was giving Mel blackmail material to discredit Salo's reliability as councilor.

i'm not that retard i'm a different retard

No one responded because we don't know or do you want a fanfic explanation?

Maybe it's nostalgia but S2 definitely doesn't have the same vibe as S1. The end of Act 1 is nowhere near as impartial as the end of Act 1 in season 1.

hates hextech

uses his hextech hammer


General public liked act 1, but I'm also seeing lots of complaints about S2 I didn't see with S1. Some people are disappointed with where the story is going and the characters, but from a more objective point of view the main complaints I'm seeing are:

1- The pacing. I get that they needed to make act 1 more of an act 4 for S1 and they needed to close some subplots and introduce others, but it is rushed. They rely a lot on montages and people paying attention to small details. There are very few slow moments which were IMO one of the highlights of S1.

2- The music. People seem to like the music itself, the complaints are about how S2 so far is almost like a Disney movie with a bunch of musical numbers every episode and how it takes from the plot.

Some anons said this when they dropped the artist list, but yeah, there's way too much music. It's like they write the scenes around the music and not the other way around.

When I played LoL 10 fucking years ago I couldn't care less about lore or characters

making it a cat person was a mistake, you could easily play up the decadent type lgbt roaring 20s type thing but you have to make it at least somewhat androgynous. as an anthro cat we already have no idea what gender it is and it comes off as forced giving it a trans voice actor

i took it as magical tear gas but they do include the line from smeech saying it was factory smog trapped underground. either way short term exposure won't mess you up too much which is why the ventilation system was a game changer for them


She's alright. They really doned down the whole police brutality thing.


I don't like what they did with the hexcore, but I'm cautiously optimistic. Personality-wise, he's great.


Kino backstory. 10/10 so far.

I told motherfuckers here S2 will be upbeat and heroic after the miseryporn season1 three years ago and nobody believed me. S1E9 was rock bottom, the only way to go is up.

still posting leaked trash when 1080p version released

only thing i hate about this show is how out of fucking nowhere those imagine dragons like songs start and the whole thing becomes a mtv videoclip.

At least Ambessa's grooming will probably stay non-sexual, she likes her girls big and boys cute.

Lmao what lore? I only play the game.

Why is 'the grey' fucking green?

3 - some chatacter arcs don't make sense . Vi has no direction in the story and is easily overshadowed by everyone else and since Jinx became too normal they needed to give her a plot device character that they can kill off later so she can become manic again. Caitlyns descent from idealist optimistic person to Caitler happens too sudden and Viktor and Jayce's parting ways, despite being unavoidable, happens so suddenly that it has no impact. The plot is convoluted with character plots that I fear some other plot points will be left open or rushed.

I was just curious, why are you so mad?

it feels like they used some algorithm to determine that those were the moments with the most engagement so they put two in every episode of s2

I agree with both points here. I guess the music is a valid way to tell the story but after the first 2, I was saying that was enough of that. Definitely feels like we’re speeding to midpoint so far

I need to get my hands in the leaked episodes for comparison, can't find them anywhere on the regular trackers.

I'm not even that original anon I come here to be an asshole so I don't get banned from other places. Again, we don't have an answer to your question

Jinx is in Silco's position, rediscovering her humanity by caring for a poor little wounded soul


You'd think Disney would put more work into their 3D shows after the first season made waves but everything upcoming looks like booboo

it was triggered before it was fully ready.

that kid is a giant walking death flag if I've ever seen one.

and she'll get undone be her just like him.

ep 1-3 only differences are in how the music is presented. dialog and scenes stay the same. only exception is during ep 3 when jayce sees the wild ruin in the leaks he says "what have *I* done" but he says "what have *we* done" in the official release. there's also that tranny cat girl who was voiced by a real woman in the leaks.

that and the fact that Silco is one of the best written characters in an animated series in the past decade, there's that too.

She's so kind and gentle to Isha, you can already tell they mean the world to each other

Would you rather live in Vander’s or Silco’s Zaun?

got reckted by bpd schitzo teenage girl

silco is no better than ambessa by allowing family to be their weakness. edgelords cope.

Well to cait defense her mother was killed

Why would they care? Your FOTM disnay slop sales 10x what Arcane does

Jinx has murdered at least 20 people on-screen

Cait is just a little rough with her police work.

Jinx is still the fan favorite by far.

Is this the power of motherhood?

in the first 3 episodes shes not, she's visibly offended when she touches her


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My daughter and my daughters daughter are perfect and can do no wrong

Why everyone hating on vi?

Silco never got to meet his granddaughter

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I like everything about this show but Vi. Everytime she appears on screen I want to smash her. She was ok in season 1 act 1 but even since the timeskip she has the most punchable face ever created. It doesn't help that she is the only character that is a complete retard with no goal or motivation

You have shit taste I'm afraid

Vi hits Powder at the end of S1E3

Cait hits Vi at the end if S2E3

No Silco to pick her back up

Yeah, that was this moment for Jinx.
She doesn't understand why this little girl is risking her life to save hers.

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Just venting a little i guess. Wanting a future for animation where we learn from each other (tbf it's just Disney dragging their legs)

there's a special room in the afterlife for Jinx's dads.

I think she's a little retarded and she's the cause of her own problems but she definitely doesn't deserve it either.

Perhaps gassing the poor were a step too far.

Telling a creator you don't like his work is called harassment

why has it become the norm?

Maybe it’s more the delivery, guy could have easily expressed themselves with the vitriol

Most project their own feelings into things. Since they are furry or trans they want the furry or trans get a main.


Caitlyn scene entering the council room sounds different and in the leaks she says “Today’s attack proved that” in the official “The undercity’s attack proved that”

Kind reminder S2 has the same sex choreographer as S1

She's phenomenally fucking stupid

do you have ANY IDEA what it's like to lose your parents?

hey Cait when you really think about it Jinx and you are exactly the same

Where's your proof?

Cuz is toxic gas smart

This is Vi's season they said? The season for Vi pain and suffering they meant?

literal Piltover princess losing her mother at 21 is the same as getting totally orphaned twice at age 8 and 15 in the undercity plus 7 years in prison.

Her life would be better as a goon who just follows someone and hits people. Thinking and talking only cause her troubles.

Who do u know this info anon.
So the sex is really a thing on season2?.i have seen ppl posting the sex warning from Netflix.

We already know she's getting fucking mauled by Warwick in episode 6. She'll survive it though.

Well this could be the end of the series where she gets mindbroken by caitlyn and become her lapdog

Look I fucking hate the dykes and their bloated screetime and even I gasped when she said that shit.
There's being boneheaded, then there's being braindamaged and Vi is firmly lobotomized.

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Ok so it’s probably inconsequential, but the arm that Jinx made for Sevika, right? It’s cool and all but the RNG factor of it irks me. I’m sure every slot machine combination results in a form that’ll maim the enemy but what if she wants one form over the other. Idk feels rule of cool over logic. And I know it’s in line for Jinx, and the point of the arm is to kill, just weird to me

is this from season 1?

gets tear gassed

pinches nose

get used to breathing it after a few seconds

Zaunites are built different. Damn.

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Silco could have tanked it

Hasn't Ekko gone missing..?

she is suped up on shimmer

Its a personal present because Sevika is a gambler who loves slots <3 my daughter is so thoughtful and creative!

it's from a teaser. read the filename.
he's presumed dead.

That compilation is too hot

the rich can suddenly turn on tear gas no matter where you are

in your home at work at public nowhere is safe

Kinda alarming information.

He, Heimer and Jayce are about to have a wild ride.

There's a timeskip of about a year or two for next week's episodes.
His gang wrote him and the hamster off for dead.

Thankfuly It is only fiction

It's from the fucking Act 2 teaser you retards, Jayce looks like a hobo so it's obvious there's a time skip (which all leak watchers know), atp Ekko has been missing for months so no shit they put him up there, they think he's dead

kkkaitlyn kkkiramman

new ground has been broken in zaunite standard english

How will Ekko get his time powers?

yordles can't die you dumbass

Someone made a point of saying Sevika likes gambling (shown a few times in s1) so it kinda gives her a rush

It's been a while since I watched the leaks, doesn't this look like Ambessa will attack the place Viktor is at? What's Jinx doing in there?

IMO that entire fight thing with Rictus kinda looks like what happens before that shot of Jinx with a bleeding nose and fire all around.

Does this line up with anything 'leaker' anons have said?

Even when she's being nice and thoughtful Jinx always finds a way to fuck with Sevika

Silco tanked it because he spent his youth in the mines. Jinx was comparatively spoiled and did no such thing

Yes. I am talking about Silco.
He would have tanked it.


I just want to see how this Noxian stripper clothed Tzeentch will outplay everyone in last second and lock Ambressa in her personal dungeon

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How would sex with Baby Blue go, let’s say she actually loves you

Captcha: MHMMM

hand holding , kissing , tightly hugging each other , cuddling , crying ... LOUDLY

I liked her in season 1 but now she’s very boring and I can’t stand her it doesn’t help her fans are annoying anyway Jinx has always been the cooler sister

What's Jinx doing in there?

She and Vi are bringing WarWick to Viktor to get him healed.

Is this from a 'leak'? What else was said there? That from the same leak as the anon saying Vi would get her tit bindings slashed? It explains the chest scar at least

the first 2 AMV sections kinda sucked but the 3rd one is fantastic. hoping they keep it up for Act 2

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What was the green thing that the Ambessa guard had?

Sevika and Jinx put their differences aside for the sake of Silco's memory


I found it weird they portrayed Sevika as Silco dependent. In my head she was more loyal to Zaun than to Silco

Is this the power of motherhood?

no, it's the power of manic pixie dream girl and being smoking hot

It was from a random leaker. Not the Vi titty one

Will probably create it in the alternate dimension so his hextech won't be affected by the Arcane

She was more loyal to Zaun than Silco. But she was ready to give her life for him two seconds after meeting him, and spent the next decade being his right hand woman. You don't work with someone on that level for years and not develop some sort of a bond.
Plus, Silco was a manager. It's a different job than being a floor worker, not everyone is suited for it, and even if you are it can take some time to adjust to new job requirements.

Hellfire was SICK, my favorite so far

I always thought it was a neat detail how Sevika was there when Silco adopted Jinx, half delirious from bloodloss and shock while being carried but still

It’s important to remember Sevika doesn’t know Jinx killed Silco

does ryze solo both zaun and piltover?

It wasn't because of Silco. At first it was because Jinx felt the urge to fix her arm because she could. Latter it's because Jinx could join the lanes into a real revolution. Silco was just the excuse to have them in the same room.

Jinx dies. Vi marries Jayce. Caitlyn becomes a seething old bitch like her mother. Ekko becomes leader of the undercity. Is there any more perfect ending to this season?

The seals on his spear looked like Kaenic Rookern, an item from League that gives a passive shield against magic damage. It's visuals in the show look like Riven's runic blade, so I am assuming this is a noxian variant of Rune Magic used to shield it's user.

Jinx can't die. She's a champion

No cause Vi marries Jinx is the perfect ending

Antisilcofags always come up with the stupidest fucking "arguments".
They're saying that for all of his faults Silco was ultimately good for Zaun and good for them personally, and they squash their years-long feud because of it.

Having random rubble on the floor to match your funky desk is a hilarious decor choice.

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Imagine dating Vi and having to tell people that she’s your gf, and in fact, NOT your bodyguard brother.

Linke meant the third act ends with Vi face down, ass up again—but in Cait’s bed.

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Pretty straightforward eye for an eye shit. Gas my city, I gas yours.

So - what is the fucked up thing that will happen to Viktor’s acolytes that convinces Jayce to go gorilla mode on them?

worth it if I get to sniff her hairy pits and bush

Stone garden stuff and if that rubble is actually fucking rubies or some precious gems, it becomes a power move/opulence thing.

become a fascist dictator

immediately get rewarded with sick drip

Democracy bros… its not fair!

Did you anons notice how Vi moves her hand on Caitlyn arm? Not grabbing so hard? This little details are amazing!

Yeah that felt kinda odd. She saw him softening up over all the years he parented Jinx so him faltering/dying was always on the cards. She was also prepared to kill him if a bigger fish came along.

never happened. But it should have.

That's true even in real life. Fascists have the best drip in general, save for maybe monarchies.

Oh, yeah, she does. Pretty nice detail, Vi literally pulling back as soon as she feels like she's coming on too strong.

I believe this season is proving Silco was completely useless as a leader for Zaun. Jinx achieved in a month what he couldn't in seven years, which is joining the lanes for a revolution. Not to mention the chembarons and Ambessa also achieved Silco's objective of instilling fear in Piltover in just a few days. Goes to prove Silco was too passive and let Zaun turn into a hellhole simply to justify his inaction.

Isn't it just to symbolize the more influence Noxus is having over Piltover?

Well they should've turned in the domestic terrorist who blew up the mayor's office and left half the government dead and the other half crippled & easily manipulated.

Not go "we don't turn on our own kind" and then kill their own kind with a bunch of gangster infighting.

jayce has some die hard fans, the types that only watch for him and for viktor
mostly russians

Sevika would always barge into his office to report or complain about shit

Jinx would always sneak into his office to bother him with dumb shit

he's gone but they instinctively go to his office anyway


In their own weird way they were a happy little family

What? Jinx is just a petty terrorist. Zaun is completely fragmented and the only reason Piltover didn't roll them over was due to Caitlyn and Jayce's plea to deal with Jinx first. If they were an united front, that chembaron lady wouldn't have needed to make a secret attack in Jayce and Mel.

Jinx is just keeping the fire alive, but Zaun has no real means to fight until we see how far the Shimmer production went and how strong Warwick and Singed plans will be.

let Zaun turn into a hellhole

The undercity was already a hellhole. Silco managed to economically develop it and enable the accumulation of enough capital to turn it into a threat topside couldn't ignore.

Why does she dress like this? Aint she cold? Is she stupid?

I liked the little expression she gives Blondie when she’s introducing herself. That little twitch of the face that says, “so?” or “and?”

Silco is LE BAD!

Sure sure

Jinx is just a petty terrorist

She's literally the symbol that joined Zaun as a whole. You don't even have to wait to Saturday, they literally say it in the trailers.

no argument

Yes and all of Zaun knows she's Silco's daughter
There's a mythos being built up among the people about Jinx and her motives, the only people who know Jinx the person are Sevika and Isha

They got free healthcare, something Piltover can not accept.

I'd cream myself if it's Caitlyn strapping Vi and calling her a bad girl

Riot and Fortiche sure love their 2D smokes

What development? Where did that economy went to? Drug production? Because the so called economical development is nowhere to be seen. People are literally living in the streets. Illegal deals are all over the place. Violence is the norm. There was absolutely no development outside of their drug industry.

Also, for all the money he put into smuggling shimmer, no one in Piltover gave a shit about him until Jinx started doing terrorist attacks. His firepower was so underdeveloped that he desperately needed the gem to have a bargain chip. Jaycee himself said it. Piltover would annihilate Zaun in a war if they didn't have hextech weapons.

Silco had no response against hextech. Jinx's strategy is viable only because she used a hextech weapon to kill half of the council and even then it's very risky and she doesn't really care about how many lives will be lost. Silco didn't think like Vander that nobody should die at all but he didn't want to take the risk of Zaun getting stomped either.

Vi did nothing right

It felt a bit jarring. All this well crafted 2d/3d visuals and this classic cartoonesque 2D smoke. I don't mind it, but it clashes so much with the "texturing" the rest of the show has.

Silco wanted an independent Zaun. He was willing to fight for it, but he was smart enough to realize an all out war would be devastating and make the victory far too costly for Zaun's people to bear.

And the city was already a hell hole before Silco. It was still filled with poison, still controlled by gangsters and filled with vicious thugs. Silco simply forced them into a kind of unified front against Piltover.

Before Silco the under city had absolutely no bargaining power with Piltover. They were divided and numerically inferior, Piltover's superior strength would crush them in a direct conflict, as he had personally seen in his youth. So he needed to transform Zaun into something that at least looked strong enough that Piltover would hesitate to bring down the hammer as they had in the past, and would instead opt to negotiate.

A war that destroys both cities wouldn't benefit anyone. Silco was the only adult in the room who wanted to talk things out.

Nice whole, considering amyone decent is to hide in Ekko's clubhouse, and if it wasn't for the Pilice Squad (in color) that took out half the known gangster spots we would likely seen more than just ratman ready and willing to turn Jinx in.

Jinx is just Juaquin Pheonix Joker, a bunch of randoms turned fanboys for a villain they know nothing about but still find a way to identify with thanks to their own headcanon.

Nah, it's cool

"Why can't Zaunites look past the pain of their dead loved ones and break the cycle of revenge?"

*Loses one(1) family member*.

"We must initiate a final solution to the Zaunite question."

Silco would be so proud

the shittiest part of Silco's ruling is that his entire power relied on Marcus covering him up. when Marcus died Silco was exposed in literally one single day.

What "united Zaun" are you talking about? Did you miss the gang war and the fact that Sevika and Jinx are pretty much crawling through the sewers to get anything done. There's no Zaun army/forces at all, that fight during the memorial was just one of the chembarons doing a desperate attack to avenge her son's death. THE WHOLE REASON why the yordle mech chembaron was after Jinx was because he doesn't want to fight Piltover at all. The whole plan of mom Medarda relies on this "war" just being an excuse to see hextect applied as a war weapons for her to take away, relying on the Zaunites to just die.

How safe could a hextech strapon be?


No safety words.

I agree

Good way to electrocute yourself and your partner when the next wild rune malfunction happens.

Anyone decent's plan*

I'm the supreme boss

I control everything

but kill that one man and my empire collapse in literally one day

but threaten my daughter and I go from pitbull to chihuahua and start planning to flee the city like a coward cuck

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It's more complicated than that and you know it.

Silco's power was controlling others through fear. He was able to achieve so much just by successfully threatening a single man, the sheriff of Piltover, into collaborating with him. That kept the Pilties off his back and gave him leverage over the rest of the Chem Barons that made him too valuable to move against, even if they could overcome their distrust and dislike of one another long enough to do so. None of them knew how exactly he managed to keep Piltover uninvolved in his affairs, which meant none of them could do what he did in terms of smuggling.

I found don't want to watch the leaks, watch the trailers, or the act 2 preview even

Anon Babble

Silco haters confirmed for vore brony inflation BBC furries

yes, but it was also extremely risky. it's a basic principle of corruption, it can be very rewarded but it's also very risky. and Silco had to double it with direct threats. even before the crisis he felt that Marcus was on the verge of quitting.

Every time

Anyone got fanart of Jinx doing the Joker stairs dance?

image is literally used in a Jilco fantasy

"you're the same person and also a Silco hater!"

most sensible Jilcoschizo


Jinx didn’t achieve anything. She put Zaun under active occupation from Noxus of all entities. The only reason she’s seen so favorably is because Sevika has been preaching her as the lord and savior of Zaun. In any case I dont like how the writers brute forced Jinx into an icon because the idea of a Jinxer makes no sense. There’s no reason for them to not just be regular Zaunites. Nobody has any reason to like Jinx at the moment.


Jayce X Vi

Most of Jinx's murders are against the enforcers (pun not intended) and architects of a corrupt system or people picking a fight with her. Cait meanwhile tries to shoot a disabled child.


Just check xitter or your local discord. Everything that anon wrote is being spread as "theories"

The Yamcha of Arcane

Why does Jayce have to suffer to satiate their lust

Jayce is literally built for suffering and nothing but

oh the misery!

no argument

cue the samefagging

every time

inb4 archive screencap


based and approved

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They also have cute interactions this season

looks like a disgusting zoner
ADCs should be forbidden from that game

Every single person is my enemy
Oh, the treachery

ADCs should be forbidden


In the Vi clip where she's punching the lights out of that guy on the dance floor it's actually Caitlyn she's imagining . Can't wait to see Vi beating the shit out of Caitlyn

Makes you wonder how they're handling Vi's decline

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the authentic lesbian expirience strikes again

Dosen't feel like that so far

oh it strikes alright

unironically yes, he's one of the strongest characters in the lore. what's weird though is that his cinematic made him look unbelievably weak in that travelling montage, like him getting stabbed by some no name soldier.


They're in-fighting, trying to understand why Cait decided to treat Vi like a punching bag

scar was worried about security and leaks due to the large influx of people storming the base

Oh no

My first interpretation was that she hates Caitlyn but I think she just hates men who come onto her. Also she’s depressed so I think she hates everyone and herself right now. The reunion with ww will change all that.

He's strong, but I'm not even sure he tops the mage list. Almost every mage character is either already super OP, or has extra special super secret potential that means they could be super OP.

This. Technically nothing jinx has ever done can be considered a war crime

his arch nemesis is Brand who's completely powered by the World Runes and would definitely solo Piltover & Zaun alone. Ryze is respectfully extremely strong, he;s for sure one of the strongest mages.

I think she's angry at caitlyn. After she starts hallucinating her her anger increases more and more and she starts punching the mirror the bed and the guy

if we are using the logic all niggas are bi in league becuase urm homophobia doesn't exist and stuff that means everyone is bi and gender discrimination doesn't exist
so no cait and vi are not gay they are light skin bisexual niggas from atlanta

1- The pacing. I get that they needed to make act 1 more of an act 4 for S1 and they needed to close some subplots and introduce others, but it is rushed.

This, by the time they introduced the magic assasins after Ambessa and Mel I thought it was too much. Maybe they make sense with the context of the game but I've neve played it so I don't know.

Yeah but didn't Brand overpower him to begin with? Like I thought the point was specifically Brand is now a lot stronger. I don't doubt he could solo P&Z, but it's a (relative to the rest of the setting) very low powered region.

Why do riotsisters hate her? Just give her a show.

Could be her being frustrated and upset is being amplified from the toxins and hextech shit around them from the fight.
Like a "batman acting extra nuts cause he's still a little Scarecrow Toxined" situation.

But I guess if they introduce that their weapons are actually making them crazy it would cause trouble for the story cause how much we're depending on everyone powerscaling.

Maybe they make sense with the context of the game

The magical assassins are a major faction in the game's lore, but what that has to do with Ambessa and why they're fucking around here is still a mystery even with the game's context. I agree, definitely too much. I really like Ambessa as a character, but I don't think she needed her own separate plot.

Beautiful illustration of how compassion often comes from privilege.

yeah. it's regular crimes and terrorism and she will get a bullet or the chair for it

I don't remember Ryze getting overpowered idk. I can tell you for sure that Ryze & Brand fight was definitely not the first and both sides have been looking unscathed to this day. I view them both as equals in strength, but since Ryze has a cage + teleport, he has no reason to prolong a fight once he has the rune so its like a repeated cat and mouse thing.

Is she the lamest Bilgewater champion

Graves and TF have their dynamic, and TF has his cool card gimmick

Gangplank is a metal as fuck ruthless pirate

Illaoi has a cool design and the lore of an ancient sea god

Pyke is an undead assassin

MF in comparison is just a pirate with huge honkers.

"I'll set this building on fire and rig a bomb with a recorded message that sounds like a little girl in trouble. Only corrupt badcops go to rescue people from fires"

"Welp I killed my latest dad, might as well bomb the government without giving a thought to any casualty amount"

"hey kid it was pretty cool of me to murder those people in front of you, huh"

Riot realized they technically made Ryze the true main character of Runeterra after his last rework and decided to completely avoid him and his lore after his cinematic so people don't find out.

Isha will obviously not die

>"hey kid it was pretty cool of me to murder those people in front of you, huh"

those were chasing that girl not for to offer her a cup of tea i'd wager

my new mom is so fucking cool

Isha is so lucky

>"hey kid it was pretty cool of me to murder those people in front of you, huh"

They were about to cave that child's head in, and I doubt seeing gangsters gunned down is a strange sight for anyone in Zaun, even the children. I agree with the rest though.

I think it was taken out of context or paraphrased

He is on drammatic arc of loosing his tranquility

The gave her a whole game

None of these are war crimes. You tried. You don't have to think any of it is good, though.

Pantheon ruined (literally and figuratively)

no. fucking. Yorick Mori.

Man, fuck that game. I'll pretend it doesn't exist.

Same thing little Powder did, cast her lot with the deranged psycho or go at it alone.

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That was the Senna/Lucian VN. Anon means the Ruined King RPG.

So Jinx was suicidal, but this lil girl gave her a new reason to live huh?
I am glad nothing bad at all is going to happen to either of them by the end of the show :)

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>"Welp I killed my latest dad, might as well bomb the government without giving a thought to any casualty amount"

It wasn't her government.

can this creature speak?

Wrong. Ekko last season confirmed most of those who died and are painted in the wall were killed by Silco's enterprise, which means either Jinx or Sevika. And Jinx is way more likely to be the killer of all of them because she was unhinged while Sevika knows killing your own people is bad business because the real enemy is above.

And no, the firelights weren't "picking a fight" with her. They were trying to destroy only the shimmer to save the people of Zaun. And they did it by restraining the guards with their special rocks, which means they always did the best to avoid any kind of confrontation during their missions. Who has the moral high ground here?

technically speaking it was

No it's retarded
(writers are lazy in this first act)

technically speaking it was

This assembly didn't had Zaun's representative, ergo, not her

Why are you guys talking about “war crimes” when this is world that isn’t 1:1 to our real world

Sevika knows killing your own people is bad business

i think she'd have zero issues with killing people from what's essencially rival gang.
she didn't want to give up jinx to piltover because it's piltover, not because she values all of zaunites so much.
She had no qualms about murdering a bunch a children that didn't even do anything against the cause in s1e3

let's go Scooby Gang, time to stop those hecking drug dealers and save the community center


Naw man they fucking killed Viego and Yorick didn't even get to show up.
The Pantheon stuff may have been somewhere else, but how do you not include Yorick. It's his whole thing.

For the empress!

tranny just care about seeing a tranny in the show and nothing else

That's why you don't pander to them, you get lazy

Did you miss when turn into Jinx at the end of S1? We won't see this powder model anymore

I thought I was the only one who noticed this. Her face became somehow fat or something, and something happened with her chin. It reminds me horizon zero

Any leaks for episode 6? agh

They didn't

Let's be honest for a second here, if Ekko had any brains he'd have joined Silco's operation and worked up the ladder to eventually be his heir and change shit from the inside.

He just refused to do so because Silco "stole" Powder away from him.

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realistic depiction of shimmer abuse.

having a representative in government is not what determines whether it is a tuling govt or not

It's such a big fuckup even riot admitted they were retarded, and they don't like admitting things.

They had two Jinx models in S1. There was the powder model with more round/cute features and the Jinx one with sharper edges. In S1 they switched between both models depending on her emotions. In S2 since she accepted herself as Jinx they only use the sharp one.

having a representative in government is not what determines whether it is a tuling govt or not

It does
No taxation without representation

Guys, which act do you think will generate more Caitler hate, act 1 or 2?

People are already hating on Caitlyn after the DV and the whole fascist thing, how will people take it when they see the cucking and Caitler doing even more dictator stuff?

Unless episode 6 is all about redeeming her (doubt it), act 2 is the "it gets worse before it gets better" stage.

So will Ekko build his own Z-drive in the AU universe or will he get it from AU Ekko?

Silco probably wouldn't trust him and just stabbed the guy

has all her fingers

Jinx dies, all the Jinxes we see post-arcane are copycats

"Zaun" is Piltover clay.
"Zaun" never was and never will be an independent country, city or entity of its own.
"Zaun" is nothing but an uppity mining colony of ne'er-do-wells upset that mining is no longer necessary to sustain Piltover's wealth.
Piltover's government is and always will be the government of "Zaun," no matter how much they want to pretend to be hard done by because they're incapable of pulling themselves up by their bootstraps and succeeding in Piltover as inventors and investors.


For all his "smarts" he's ultimately a little kid throwing a tantrum and his "solutions" are short-sighted and do nothing in the end.

For me, it's Nautilus. As in he's the coolest, not the lamest.

Guys, which act do you think will generate more Caitler hate, act 1 or 2?

2 BUT It really depends on what happens in ep6

Could this be teasing blitzcrank? Sevika fires a hook from her arm. Maybe Isha dies and jayce/viktor turn her into a robot?

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Act 2 episode 4 she we'll be hard to defend even for leddit trannies. Because Ambessa let her choose wether to launch the "arrest zaunites" operation and she does exactly this.

youre kidding right

no :c

I guarantee you dykes and trannies will throw stuff at their tvs and gamer monitors with the opening scene of episode 4

I'll buy lots of popcorn and will be watching explosions on plebbit and x. Very funny days are coming. There wont even need to throw wood to fire

Place your bets!
Who dies?

1. Little girl

2. Jinx

3. Both

4. Neither

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they're incapable of pulling themselves up by their bootstraps and succeeding in Piltover as inventors and investors.

well he's black

Although then again, Jinx is supposed to be irredeemable by now and they're still

Eh. She's killed people, but the show seems to treat murder, especially of enforcers and zaunite gang members as a norm in the setting, and her big thing at the end was targeted purely at the top council of piltover.

Kait burning the tree and culling the firelights would be "worse" in the sense that the firelights has been treated as the one abjectly "good" faction in the show.


I think ep 6 will show Caitlyn snapping out of it, especially if the theories about her being there when WW hurts Vi are true.

I've seen people mentioning the opening basically spoils a bunch of stuff. The sequence with Vi and Caitlyn butting heads is followed by a frame showing their conflict (in ep 1 is the badge, in 3 is Caitler) and then it cuts to Caitlyn with the 'crown' and what it looks like her snapping out of it.

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Vi cant die, as this would prevent further suffering

It'll be even worse, because a lot of people know about the promised sex scene and lots were manifesting lesbian sex in S2. And in a way, they get it but not like they wanted (Caitvi).

Because that's technically implied sex, if the episode has a sex warning they might think this is it, the rumored sex scene.

It's the same toxic gas that cait's been using to flush out the undercity in her crusade, she just rigged it to flow upwards and added some flair to it with the paint.


Little Girls entire purpose is obviously to die in a way that isn't necessarily the enforcers fault, but can be blamed on them.
This will make Jinx more deranged and will add more personal stakes for her to lash out against Piltover.

The girl is dead as fuck for sure
Dont know about Jinx yet, but the girl is her current reason to live, so I'd assume she'd do something that gets her killed heroically so she remains a symbol

sad but true

Nah, Cait and the redhead are still together in act3.
If Cait "snaps out of it" it'll happen in act3 when Noxus turn on her, IF that even happens.

isn't cheating, akin to rape, a step too far for a character?
how is she supposed to be "reddeemed" after that?

The 2 time champion

Yes, I agree. A good part of the opening is dedicated to her, she'll be redeemed... it just remains to be seen whether it will be well or poor written.
Her relationship with Maddie has no effect on me, at least. But her redemption from the authoritarianism in Zaun has to be well-corrected, I think it will be almost impossible. But we will see.

With the Madardas having protection like this, no wonder Jayce never pulls out!

leak-anon's, is jayce, ekko, and heimer going to be MIA for most of act 2 then?

She's not cheating because she's not together with Vi anymore.

just a pirate with huge honkers

I'm a heterosexual man so I don't have a problem with that.

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Really wish they hadn't made TF and Graves gay. Much preferred them as partners in crime.

I think they'll prioritize her reconciling with Vi over her redemption. Pretty sure her redemption will be helping win the war she kinda started tbf and helping Zaun get their independence.

I can already tell a lot of people will hate on her some more because it will feel like she got away with a lot of shit with no consequences.

fucking someone straight out of relationship still is a whore move.
and if they get back together somehow it might as well count as cheating

You could put tits on something that isn't generic as sin.

Don't care what voice actors say.


opens up with the cuck scene

Jinx gets a ton of screentime and character development

Vi nowhere to be seen


opens up with Vi in the gutter

even more screentime and character development for Jinx, she's now the normal sister

closes up with the reunion with Vander, pushing Vi and Cait further away

It's gonna be a fun weekend

Jinx can't die. It's amazing that at this point and with all the confirmation about the link between the series and the games, people still go on about thinking any champion will die. Only people that can die in this series are




other two councelors


Vi bearded enforcer friend

blue enforcer

bat firelight

Warwick (to accomplish beast) (revives)

Heimer (to remove immortality) (revives)

that's it for fuck sake. Any champion dying will be reversed with the Z Drive or some other asspull

she's not together with Vi anymore.

They've never been 'together' as a couple
They've never had the 'What are we?' conversation
But virgins will be devastated by Cait and Maddie's hookup

I think Vi rejoins the enforcers in act 3 so their little squad can stay intact either way.

Jinx will never be killed off. Riot corpos will never actually allow it for marketing reasons or whatever out of touch excuse they will imagine.

(to remove immortality)

Pretty sure this is inherent to being a yordle.

That's not cheating?
That's being an ass but it's fair game as soon as the relationship has ended before a new one begins.

If only she didn't just finish murdering the future representative they were about to get.

Sevika cant die in this story. It would be fucking stupid with no sense

I agree that her character post 2015 is shit. Muh dead parents is a garbage backstory.

Ekko doesn't have it in him to follow the "end justify the means" mentality possessed by Silco.

I just want sloppy caitvi sex

Caitlyn’s whole perspective is going to change in episode six, as will ours

Ekko is basically an NTR protagonist


ep 8!!!

implying scheming niggers who LARP as warriors and plotting swede were ready to give Zaun representation

Caitlyn is going to look so beautiful I’ll forget all about it

From a business stand point, Riot is more likely to consider Ezreal and Lux as the main characters just for how much money they make in skin sales.

I see a lot of people on Reddit clinging to the hope Arcane is its own thing and not a LOL prequel to justify why Vi won't stay an enforcer. They reaaaaally hate the idea.

episode 7

Little girl is baby Zeri.

>Jinx gets a ton of screentime and character development

This will be the real kick in the vagina/neovagina
Jinx is now a respected member of Zaun society and a good big sister(something Vi never managed to be for all her talk) while Vi is just wasting away in some dingy shithole of a broom closet

Arcane *was* it's own thing, but the way Riot was talking about the whole canon rework thing, it feels like they're gonna start reworking the games to fit the show and cinematics rather than the other way around.

being tied to leage holds this show back
champions should be able to die, and cait deserves a proper villain descent

you know, stuff like this really puts it into perspective how much of a degenerate idea casual relationships were in the first place

He refused because

a) Silco is the motherfucker who killed both Benzo and Vander. Also since Jinx never told him the truth, as far as he knows, he's also the fucker who killed Mylo and Claggor. You simply don't forgive a faggot who has done so much damage to you.

b) Because Silco's operation hinged on having to kill the city first. Ekko isn't a politician and never was. He's a leader of the people who wants to help the real individuals. There's no such thing as statistics for him because he's out there in the fucking street, seeing how people are sleeping on the fucking road, with no clothes, no food, barely any reach to medical attention. He's the one seeing the kids having to survive with no parents while the druglord counts how many casualties in his next operation. Only a psycho like Jinx or a ruthless soldier like Sevika would accept work there.

c) Ekko never gave a shit about sovereignty. What he really wanted was for Zaun to progress on their own. With the capacity of their own people. All he asked of the Pilties was to leave them alone. Whether this could be accomplished with severeignity or with a deal was irrelevant. Therefore, he would never agree with Silco on decisions. He would always clash. Which means he would never achieve a real power position to take decisions.

watch a prequel

"WTF I already know which characters cant die!"

Game of Thrones and its consequences

He probably would've if Silco didn't run the shimmer operation, or at the very least, strictly limited distribution to rich pilties or something instead of drowning the undercity with addicts.

Silco didn't kill Vander.

One thing is changing the lore behind a character, the LOL lore has always been a mess and it's been reworked multiple times. Another thing is to completely change who the characters are.

Vi was created basically to be Caitlyn's partner. It would feel very weird if out of the blue they retconned Caitlyn being sheriff and/or Vi being an enforcer.

being tied to league is what allowed them to spend 250 fucking million of dollars in the first place

Vi was created to be the cat to Jinx's mouse.

Semantics, he was fully responsible for the circumstances that culminated in Vander's apparent demise, all with the intention of harming Vander. No amount of "um actually" will make him blameless for those sins.

Bruh, Vi was released in 2012 and Jinx in 2013.

hehe right, the fall killed Vander. I guess Ekko's war should be against gravity. Is that why he created his flying board? Because fuck gravity?

There's no way arcane can arrive at the points league is at whithout ruining it's story,
and stakes are an exclusively positive thing.

Arcane initially was not, and should not have been a prequel to LoL

don't engage with the Jilcoschizo, he only posts spam and bait.

none of the characters i played showed up so far, except warwick. i liked vander i guess.
hoping twitch comes up as long as they dont overdo it. like one or two spicy scenes, or as the inconvenience-of-the-episode.
doubt urgot fits into the timeline, was never big into LoL lore and i (luckily) have not played for over 10 years.

If I put poison in someone's food and have someone else serve it to them, I'm still the killer.

Warwick dies

i didn't mean ip, i meant it's current official lore.
i'am usually for faithul adaptations, but whatever the fuck writers had potential to cook up here was infinetly superior to pile of lore for a MOBA game

Silco's goal was obviously to blackmail Vander into rejoining the fight against Piltover using his kids as leverage. Then Jinx shows up and throws a wrench in the plan and everything goes to shit.

do you have any proof that this is from act 3

Are you ready for the incoming cuck rage?

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Came first as the upstanding law-bringer, just a steampunk sniper cop.


Came second as the hotheaded street savvy counterpart to Caitlyn, red oni to Caitlyn's blue oni.


Came third to serve as a crazed villain for Vi and Caitlyn to hunt down and bring to justice.

You can tell by how genuinely sad he sounds when he tells Vi Powder is dead and Jinx belongs to Silco

Will she burn his gay tree?

Someone definitely will, at least

He can rewrite DNA on the fly and he is using it to turn druggies into silver? But with powers like that he could cure cancer


Isha is Janna she’ll resurrect if she dies
Jinx, Vi, Caitlyn, Jayce, Viktor will live

AI has become very accurate!

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I'm sure Silco was still planning on blackmailing Vander when he stabbed him and threw him down into the burning Shimmer below.

Isha is Janna she’ll resurrect if she dies

Impressive levels of copium on display

Anyone noticed there's a graffiti of Teemo near the arcade when the little kid appears?

That’s a great callout and a bit of a parallel. Damn Ekko is the smartest of them all. He calls out people’s bs

It’ll happen!

Man, I thought I'd enjoy the post act 1 meltdown more but I'm just annoyed at the amount of doom & gloom I see online. People claiming they want to quit watching because they ruined Caitvi, because they're losing hope Jinx and Vi will reconcile....

Holy fuck the sheer amount of retardation. Act 1 just dropped, there are 6 episodes to go! And a lot of shit can happen. As a leak watcher, I know Vi and Jinx reconcile, but even if I hadn't it's pretty fucking clear from the pitfighter Vi clip that they'll meet again and that Jinx still cares.

Unless ep 6 turns things around, next week is going to be even worse considering:

- Caitler gets worse
- Vi is at her worst, being emo and hallucinating Cait while Cait cucks her with cinammon roll Maddie (istg people on plebbit love Maddie)
- Vi doesn't show up at all in ep 4
- Caitlyn looks retarded because of how easy to manipulate she is
- Barely any Jayce/Ekko/Viktor screentime

Ekko, Heimer and Jayce are gonna be a strong moral trio.
Jinx, Cait and Vi - not so much, but at least they are hot.

because little kid is teemo, simple

Silco would have found a use for a bunch of kids with flying skateboards in a heartbeat, I mean fuck one of his gangs seems to be entirely composed of BDSM prostitutes.
Ekko was just too proud for that.

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Be Ekko

Fight against the worst of both Piltover and Zaun without going full KILL THEM ALL like certain characters

Actually help the people who have been harmed by all the conflict in ways beyond gunning down their enemies

Constantly provide reasonable arguments about Piltover's use of oppression

Despite all this everyone either ignores you, forgets about you, or both

Also no screen time

Also you don't get to have your cool time powers even though pretty much everyone else from the game has their abilities or the start of them

This man has been done dirty by both the writers and the characters.

Jayce already killed someone in cold blood…

we can't trust the government

we CAN trust the manic pixie who has tried or succeeded in killing she knows and holds dear

men are reasonable good guys

women are unstable and borderline evil

what did they mean by this?

Did you miss the part where Jinx bombs the warehouse and everything goes to shit?

Jayce is already dirty. He really can't play morality after having built the hextech weapons he swore never would

Everybody gets one for free.

Why is no one talking about this? Kid is hinted to be teemo, and im pretty sure teemo follows jinx around too so it makes sense

Not everything is about shipping faggotry

time powers are just too OP
they would pull a huge focus on themselves or become a plothole, so you gotta bring them in when you're ready

Oh! Your misogyny is outedBecause otherwise that separation is ridiculous! Just a bigot anon!

I think burning the tree will be the unintentional result of one of Caitlyn's decisions which is what wakes her up

Kid is hinted to be teemo,

No she's not, she just has a hat that looks like his.

How moral of you

I can't imagine Vi and Jinx reconciling, it'd be so dumb and invalidate the best scene of S1, the tea party ending.

Yes, Jinx is responsible for fucking up and making the situation worse.
No, that doesn't mean that Silco didn't manufacture the situation in the first place and didn't personally stab Vander.

If it makes you feel any better, you get one too. Better make it count.

There is a graffiti of teemo in the arcade when little kid appears, dont be retarded

Never thought about it that way

That doesn't make her teemo you moron

Nah. There's not a single woman in this series that isn't dirty.

Try again sis

Vi doesnt deserve to be called evil. She is just lil retarded.
She'd fit in with the boys.

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Already happened, bro
Ending of episode5
Quit being on your phone whenever the lesbians aren't on screen

My inner Caitler feels seen

R u retarded , read context clues

dude he's getting the z drive by act 3 and from the looks of it, it will be the most overpowered weapon of them all. Also since he will most likely get it in the alternate dimension, it means its power will be free from the Arcane's manipulation

Also he's definitely getting his girl by the end

new thread already baked

He just refused to do so because Silco "stole" Powder away from him.

And indirectly killed his adoptive father. And directly killed the adoptive father of his closest friends. And filled the streets with evil drugs. And would have made him do morally abhorrent things in order to work up the ladder.

Ekko does not have the stomach to be what Sevika was to Silco. Hell, Sevika isn't even his heir. Ekko would have to be MORE ruthless than Sevika and help perpetuate the worst parts of the system all so he could fix it "eventually". You're not being honest, you're being silly

Nah there isn’t a single guy that’s clean try again bro


some retard created it hours ago but it's still up so we might as well use it.


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Explain how Jinx is still trying to destroy Piltover with an airship in act 3 then

Why is she so cool?

name one morally wrong thing Ekko did.

You can use next thread if you want. I'll wait

If you're lying to me I am going to pull a Jinx on a government building. I take my Ekko respect very seriously.


just an easter egg

i was mostly taking about miss joker and miss hitler
Vi is really has a titanic will to be honest, trying to do right thing when your life was hard since birth and is literally nothing but shit save for like three short moments since teen years is impressive

he used Jinx childhood trauma to hit her

She is about to commit war crimes and you're okay with that?

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he didn't do that

She's just hot enough to get away with it.
His only mistake was not killing Jinx to save everyone from more misery.

alive link(s) (S2 episodes 1-5), if you're insterested


nvm it's dead.

So I guess there will be a timeskip between act 1 and 2?how big? Weeks? Months? A year?

His entire life revolved around


Silco dies and Zaun becomes even worse, Ekko is a fraud

invites girl to play contest

girl accepts overconfident that she will win



>Actually help the people who have been harmed by all the conflict in ways beyond gunning down their enemies

Viktor already did more for the people of Zaun in one scene than that zesty fag has done all these years

Silco didn't intend for Vander to die. Silco did not personally kill Vander, Vander is still alive.

Well, w this confirming that the final team s Vi, Ekko and Jinx.

a month if I'm not mistaken


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It’ll be more like a year but it does feel like Act 1 took place through one month

ekko, heimer and jayce disappear

nobody in-universe cares


His mission was getting rid of the shimmer which didn't end with SIlco you stupid, he also would have had to kill the chembarons whcih he couldn't care about because he was trying to deal with the overwhelming entry of refugees, fucking pay attention next time

i hope the tranny dies

This but unironically

Ekko has spent years giving people who would otherwise die on the streets or become gangsters a community, clean air, and food/water

Does items don't look the same.

Bro is spreading void corruption everywhere....

Shes not a bad character and I think he's somewhat interesting. The trans thing was honest, it doesn't matter much, even though the woman's voice was sexy

That scene with his bat boyfriend was unintentionally hilarious

sliko ded, why things bad still :(?

n-n-nobody in-universe cares guys I swear, I-I-I work at Netflix

Are you trying to make any particular point by saying this, or are you just trying to score points by being semantically correct?

have bullshit healing powers


kek and the most hilarious thing is that those aren't even real healing powers, but the Arcane corrupting more people

Ekko is gonna lose his spot as the saviour of zaun to Viktor

A year, it starts on the anniversary of the memorial attack

this man will make sure to prevent that

My point is that Vander's death was never a goal for Silco, and the while situation in the warehouse was the result an unforeseeable series of events that literally no one wanted or benefitted from.

VA’s headcanon until Amanda explicitly says so. This character was originally built as a catcisgirl.

Silco corrupts the dregs of Zaun in order to secure their freedom

Viktor corrupts them even more to undo Silco's work

benefitted from.

Silco found himself a new attack dog that he sometimes used as a daughter.

another show gayified. western media is dog shit

Me during season 1 of arcane vs me during season 2 of arcane (it has actually been 3 years)

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fuck off with Amanda already.

attack dog

That kind of talk got that asian fag with the metal jaw killed

what 3 years without black puss does to a man

it's more

what 3 months without black pussy and twink bussy does to a man

Silco was saddled with a tiny fuckup that he didn't want or ask for, but as a result of his moral integrity and respect for Vander, he had no choice but to love her like a daughter and raise her as best as he could. He was doing as good a job as anyone could have until Vi came and fucked everything up even more (again).

Will we see her by the end of the season?

Ekko 2 outbursts in act 1 makes he look tired of dealing with all this bullshit in the undercity

Enough is enough I have had it with these motherfucking enforcers on this motherfucking plane.

do you think jayce spent his time away in the void furiously masturbating to viktor and mel

Nah man, they used quotation marks and everything.

Seems like she’s about to reveal herself to Mel in episode 6

Only about the Scout’s Code.

Next thread I'm glad these threads are active, full of shit sometimes, but active

EXTREMELY tender and close missionary. She would constantly try to be as close to your body as possible, arms around your neck, chest against chest, leg locked, constant kissing.

Her abandonment issues would push her to try and keep your body close to her. She would probably cry a little from the mounting emotions. You should be ready for a long session of after care and reassurance afterwards.

ya blew it

Do we really need the thread to literally 404 before making a new one?


Silco had no response to Hextech because Hextech was not weaponized until half way through season 1. Even then he already had Jinx working on the Hextech core she stole.

I hope she gets plenty screen time and the show ends with her surviving


no, he complains about hextech in the first scene we see him after the time skip. he knows he's outpowered and never envisioned the possibility of stealing hextech before Jinx does it on her own.

i hope we get to see viktor have holy gay orgies

People forget Piltover completely abandoned then undercity when Hextech kicked off. Without Silco and Shimmer, Zaun would have just collapsed without any sort of resource to monetize. Silco didnt quite make thinks better but he kept Zaun alive and eventually made it strong enough to become a threat.

I have a hard time believing the jinx/vi/ekko team up in act3

I just rewatched the leaks and she had a very feminine soft voice, it made my dick diamond hard.
Why can't we just have nice things?

Why do I love cops abusing minorities/the poor so much?
Gas masks just make it a lot cooler.

Next thread We reached 10 pages, don't screw around

I kinda thought the sex scene might be some Viktor cult thing, but seeing he doesn't seem to have genitals idk what to think.