Why did this strip cause controversy? Was it the "Dickwolves" of Garfield?

Because we can't have the goyim thinking that sacrificing themselves for Israel is stupid.

No, that's not it

There is nothing more based than shitting on people who think throwing themselves in a meatgrinder to serve the state is a good or honorable thing

Wasn't as bad as the cup of cum.

Based Jim Davis

Imagine thinking everyone you walk by owes you respect because you defended some oil fields

You are a cup of cum

There's no way this wasn't on purpose
I refuse to believe otherwise

Imagine losing your leg because you thought you were defending your country only to come home and see someone call you stupid because you were lied to.

If a veteran who's apparently supposed to be tough gets upset by a Garfield comic of all things I think there's bigger issues

I'm not even talking about the comic at this point.
Look in a mirror.

Sometimes I wonder if Davis is just a massive troll. So many Garfield strips feel like shitposts

I had a coworker a few years ago who stepped on an IED and thought I should worship the ground he walks on
I ignored him most of the time I knew him, but after a while I just started calling him fat and stupid to his face

You sound jewish.

thought I should worship the ground he walks on

Translation: you refused to offer him the smallest smidge of empathy whenever his mind would inevitably wander back to the event that gave him PTSD.

He probably had severe emotional damage and didn't know how to handle it.

He always wanted to start shit with me because I was the only person on the site who never enlisted. After a while, I just figured fuck it and met him on the low road.
Not my fault. I don't owe him, or anyone, anything for their mistakes.

I was the only person on the site who never enlisted

So you genuinely have no idea what your coworkers had been through. Got it.

Good job instantly turning the thread against you, all you had to do was sit back and chuckle and say that neocon wars are retarded like all the MAGA and Democrat types think.

This would've been sad right after 9/11 or whatever but if you've been paying attention at all the last two decades and STILL think the military exists to "defend your country" you actually are just stupid.

Why do you think enlistments are way down, dingus? I'm talking about the troops who already came back home.

That doesn't give you any right to pretend you're better than me or anyone. They "fought" to defend oil companies.
Veterans who think civilians owe them the world are retarded. Everyone thinks you're a joke for going to the Middle East.

Dickwolves was actually funny tho.

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They "fought" to defend oil companies

Were they told that when they signed up? Was the government and media knowledgeable, or even honest, about the situation going on over there? Was there any way for them to know---within the sphere of normie America that 99% of civilians were in, back when the internet was mostly chatrooms and travel blogs---that their good will and honest determination was being taken advantage of by a military industrial complex that doesn't give a shit about them?

Fuck them for dying for Israel.

It's an open secret that most servicemen only enlist for the money, benefits and free education. Muh sacrifice fer country and freedums my fucking ass.

They should've realized what was up a month into their assignment. No excuse either way, tough shit.

That's the trick, enlist people who are too stupid.

It takes 2 seconds of research to find out what was really going on over there. Plus, I don't know why you think the only people who went over there enlisted before or immediately after 9/11. You could have signed up in 2012 and still ended up in Iraq.
I have no issue with veterans. If you needed money for college, I get that. About half the people I work with are vets. It's the people who think they can openly disrespect civilians and still expect us to hold the door for them that I have an issue with.

They should've realized what was up a month into their assignment


if you trust the people you were told your entire life to trust, you're stupid

It's funny; I was told being autistic made me LESS empathetic...

It takes 2 seconds of research to find out what was really going on over there

Now, yes.

I don't know why you think the only people who went over there enlisted before or immediately after 9/11. You could have signed up in 2012 and still ended up in Iraq

And even in 2012, the full(er) story wasn't exactly common knowledge, Captain Hindsight.

After 10 years of conflict and internet becoming widespread, I really don't know how fucking stupid you have to be to still think Iraq and Afghanistan were about freedom. I'd say by 2005 the illusion had already worn off.

They had booths set up in my high school every other month recruiting kids. Shit should have been illegal. They prey on impressionable kids from shitty backgrounds who don't know where they're going in life with promises of muh tuition. Then they come back with mental illness that will be with them the rest of their lives and that tuition is all they have. This is why veterans day is important, not because I think they're automatically great people or anything just because they served but we can acknowledge the victims of a shitty system and think of how we can change things.

walks on

*hobbles on

Ain't no way my nigga John didn't do this on purpose if you're stupid enough to voluntarily join up with the military and get maimed, mentally traumatized, or even killed that's entirely your fault and I only feel bad for you because I would hate to be in your situation and I have basic empathy


Fucking hell my bad

Its just really bad "someone gonna get fired for this" timing and some person who picks which strip to release when asleep at the wheel.

Imagine never using your training or esprit de corps to course correct the nation and instead rage at clouds.

That almost happened, actually. Look up Smedley Butler.