Lil Bush

Oh yeah, that happened

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Didn’t the creator rejected the show because it accidentally made Bush likable?

Bush was always likable just not competent in any shape or form. Paints a decent dog though.

You are thinking of “That’s My Bush”, which was done by the South Park guys

Oh yeah, I also got recommended that RebelTaxi video.

Just because you saw an eceleb talk about it doesn't mean you need to create a thread.

I’ve been a Lil Busher long before Pan Pizza was. Drumpf wishes he was this cute

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It actually wasn't that bad, the problem was that it came out like right at the end of Bush's presidency so it almost felt outdated at its premier.

Pitch the Lil' Trump cartoon.

Jeb was my favorite character

Has Ben ever seen a crossbow before?

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Trump can't be depicted as a child the same way Bush could. These no innocence to him. He's got talking cat vibes.

I actually watched this as a kid because political satire made me feel adult, but even then lil bush was off. First things first, its barely about dubya and honestly is more like a bizarro dennis the menace parody. Theres also a lot very strange writing going on with dubya's dad being H bush but then like lil cheney's dad is dick cheney? Lil condie's mom is her adult self? Very strange.

Sure, its a satirical take on diary of a wimpy kid about don jr. He resents his older brother rod-Eric trump and his baby brother gets all the attention. Easy slam dunk tbqh.

This, the vibe of Bush was that he was dumb, but can be likeable, like how a child can be dumb. Of course he deserved better political commentary, but the politics of smug libs looking to cash in on protesting him aren't the best. Libs and leftists see Trump as more existential and malicious, representing not a normal Reagan rightwing vs Reagan centrist (the term Clinton democrats was coined to describe these centrists) conflict that was degrees more peaceful.

But yeah, it's callous to try to justify this as a sort of "cute little guy lead an attack on civilians as a resort if his ignorance and child-like wonder.

Lil' Donnie has to keep his big troll friend Pearlie from making a mess.

I remember Lil Cheney drinking chicken blood and Jeb! being a crayon-eating retard in this.
What a weird time to have been watching TV, this was contemporary with TV Funhouse iirc.

There we were talking about dark horse terminator comics

The highway patrol man...

Mr Robotnik, turns out he could make the exoesqueleton the ai is the problem

Not skynet enough

It's based off of the full auto crossbow from Van Helsing

Bush was never really an asshole, just out of touch with the reality of what he was doing.

This was before politics became a tailgating event.

Trump may have won, but Garrison is still a shit cartoonist.

When a republican is dumb it's endearing, when a democrat is dumb us infuriating that's just the rule

The school principal wants to kick little trump out of the school so he forms a secret coalition with the teachers and staff and the kids nobody likes, even the school newspaper is in on it but they can't get rid of him because something always spoils their plans

Why was Cheney made into a mutter psycho? I thought the rumor everyone had was that all of Bush's policies came from his VP?

Lil' Trump

Best friend is little Elon Musk who's a rich whizzkid who has a big computer

Entire theme is Trump doing stuff to better the school

but they are all horrible ideas

big friends with Lil' Putin and Lil' Kim who are bullies from another school

constantly talking about how his idea is the best idea and how he has the greatest thoughts and plans

Dating lil' Melania

but secretly in love with Lil' Ivanka who's in a lower grade

Trump's dad is called big daddy Drumpf and he mumbles in german but doesnt have a big part like all parents

clubhouse is Trump Tower, which are two stacked wooden sheds

This is going to be really embarrassing when the 14th amendment kicks in...

here's how bernie can still win

Haha, yeah, real funny. Someone in Congress already said they would, though.

oh yeah, that happened and it was great

Looks nothing like it other than the bolt cylinder

Brn Garrison's cartoon are so embarassingly bad, you need a sub 80 IQ to not cringe at them.

Rule of Cool, retard.

Kamala concedes with a smile

The narrative is that Biden was too happy and coherent, meaning the real psyop was always to let Trump and the finance industry protect oil, bank, Israeli, and private equity firm interests from an American public that was getting more pro-regulation especially after Boeing and the East Palestine derailment.

Kamala concedes with a smile

That took several glasses of wine to make her phsyically able to do so.

same nigga in congress said he was gonna get student loan forgiveness, federally protect abortion rights, make housing affordable, and give everyone health care, right?

Not sure about any of that, but Raskin did publicly say that he, and possibly others, would invoke the 14th amendment to block certifying the results.

Drawn Together died for this piece of shit.

What do you mean? Alcohol is a depressant and she wasn't visibly drunk.

If he wants to die so badly, there's less painful ways to do it.

admitting that you're going to attempt another insurrection and mask-off your entire God-Emperor cult


RebelTaxi is a huge dork but he's the only cartoon youtuber that I tolerate. he does more than just a quick brief over a Wikipedia article and half a dozen episodes.
Just compare his video of the very same cartoon this thread is about, Lil Bush in contrast to LSMark's review, it's night and day.

Where's the cool?

No, that what you're admitting.

blocking an insurrectionist from re-entering office is the same thing as an insurrection

Is this one of those "novel legal theories" again?