Tfw all those fun SpongeBob facts about the crew and history are just gone

tfw all those fun SpongeBob facts about the crew and history are just gone


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Here that?
That's the sound of 7 billion people not giving a shit

Trump is conceding the election because of this brave and powerful statement

heir to massive bagel fortune that hasn't made in a cartoon in over 20 years crying about drumft

he should end his miserable life

This is the dipshit fellow dipshits online wanted to dictate how everyone can draw cartooning because he drew up one crummy SpongeBob page. Pathetic despot

Why don't they just move to Canada?


Because they can't handle people different from them being happy, or at this point even alive. It's toddler brain/control freak kind of stuff. Common among children: Kid wants his brother's toy even if he already has exact same toy.

Canada's economy has been stuck in a rut for a decade now and its living standards are genuinely starting to slip below America's. It's a different world now, more Canadians are moving to America than vice versa.

wow, it's like socialism doesn't work

Tariffs don't work either, have fun winning our country further into the toilet.

implying canada is socialist

Any spicy official stuff about Sandy?

I remember there was some dude who would do deep dives on drafts of Simpsons scripts, comparing them to the final version of the episode. Showing deleted and alternate scenes, and sharing rare voice takes and video clips from production. (I forget if he would post storyboards too)
He deleted them all after Elon bought Twitter and jumped ship to fucking Instagram of all places, don’t think he even continued or reposted the deep dives there too. So fuck you, it’s all gone now, just as a gotcha to some fuck who doesn’t even know you exist.
He didn’t delete his account either, he occasionally just posts the same image of Bart writing “Having Elon on was a mistake” on the chalkboard, which is true, but that was nothing compared to the absolute embarrassment of those Trump shorts, or the soullessness of those Disney+ ads

As a Canadian and specifically one from Quebec yeah we're pretty socialist
Imagine half your paycheque going to taxes before you even get it

Tariffs don't work either

And NAFTA did? Americans charged us duties on our lumber anyway despite the agreement and the price of construction materials didn't skyrocket until the last 5 years, more than a decade after the Yankees dishonored our trade agreement and coincidentally when the mysterious Wu Ping Cough the Americans also didn't totally fund and create appeared.

Tariffs do work though.

Lol, western autism is so funny to observe.
Every creative in the west is mindbroken by politics, it's really funny to watch.

Tariffs are to influence companies to produce domestically. Better than jacking corpo taxes to 90 percent again that would just drive more out.

Why not just ban corporations from leaving the country?

Hey just pouring on fire on the burning of Hollywood

Because that's impossible to enforce.

Because that's approaching Facism. Trump isn't doing that.

big think

Canada is basically just a buck broken US, only exceptions being Alberta and Quebec.

Canada sucks.

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B- but muh celebrities told me...

I wouldn't blame him.

Would you want to spend four year next to Elon?

That is a fate I wouldn't wish on my worse enemy.

Fuck fascists? But the 4b women are saying not to fuck fascists. Why should I care about this nigga anyway.

Genuinely how do people like this actually think Drumpf is a fascist, he has a jewish son in law and won a “friend of zion” award from israel kek

Not too suprising considering how these types of people feel about Isreal nowadays. The average Twitter leftist is one step away from reaching Anon Babble levels of jew hating.

You're exactly correct, why can't legal immigrants stay in the US without the threat of a new expedited Denaturalization process?

Cause they're lazy, simple as.

It literally wouldn't though, especially at the rate they are being applied. Smaller and more precise tariffs can encourage the development of in house production, but 4x Cost broad tarriffs just encourage all the excess costs to be passed off to the customer. That's especially true because it is so extremely broad and it would affect materials, parts, and fuel costs. Fuel is a big one because that will directly impact consumers and costs of actually moving materials through the country.

As much as leftists like to pretend leafland is some paradise of liberalism and free healthcare, even they recognize it's not a good enough place to uproot their entire lives to. However bad the housing is in their overpriced coastal hives, it's EVEN WORSE in Canuckistan.

comparing outdated unofficial to official vote totals

CHADriffs out of nowhere

so kamala won, or are you still a homosexual?

oh no spongebros, not my cartoonerino facterinos!!!!!

The average Twitter leftist is one step away from reaching Anon Babble levels of jew hating.

It's funny that a couple years ago saying anything bad against Israel will make you a "Nazi", but fast forward to today that being related to anything Jewish makes you a Zionist in Twitter's eyes.

I'm saying the yellow line is horseshit.

How do these journos feel about the mass hysteria they started pushing some people over the line? Like wtf.

fuck that it's 2A time.

that room is assmongol tier depressing

This is out of date, anon. Votes have continued to be tallied since then, Republican turnout is effectively the same as 2020 and Democratic is down by 10 Million. That just means about a 4% reduction in over all voter turnout (going from 62% in 2020 to 58% in 2024).

How fucking stupid are you?
Do you think companies like Nike and H&M are going to move production to America?

socialism is when you are taxed

you shitpost about it, but it is retarded seeing some creatives flat out leave that site or even deleting it out of spite for a man who won’t ever acknowledge their existence
Like I already hate that I need an account on that shit site just to see posts from artists I like, I don’t want to make another one for some site that’ll probably get deleted in a few months or so

Except its not all voters, it's a 25% drop in trannycrat votes

had a friend who basically implied that some ai voice app was shitty because it was made by someone from Israel kek

They can either do that, or pay lots of money in tariffs.

Then what about this, is this also out of date?

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Literally who is this, and why should I or anyone else literally care?

Fascism (which is a type of socialism) worked pretty damn well.

Crickets as always. Fucking faggots like are clearly shills and go silent when they have to answer a hard question

Is he directing this at the children?

No that's just a plague and 20% unemployment probably.

You will pay the tariff, dipshit. They will pass the cost down to you
There is no company on earth that will pay Americans fair wages when they can just pay kids less than a dollar a day overseas.

Germany was ruled by 2 other countries for decades after a few years of fascism.

I wouldn't say that. For one, it actually looks clean! No blood on the wall!

Vincent Waller also left Twitter too, but to be fair he was only really there to repost the same few grotesque Trump drawings he did.

They will pass the cost down to you

Then nobody will buy their shoes.

Wake me when Drumph stops giving tax gibs to corporations and starts hurting them.

gibs are when you get to keep your own money

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If "All art is political", why the piss babying literally destroying art?

mainstream journos simply don't have a soul
they happily lie to people all day to keep them afraid and in line with the narrative

Ngl, putting the Jew echo on your own name is extremely based. That’s reclamation right there.

How do you figure that? If we assume that the only voters in existence for Democrats are the 81M from 2020, then 71M would be a 12.5% decrease.

Implying he won't just go to Bluesky for a few months then come back when he is unable to get enough interactions there.

I swear it's 2016 all over again. Lmao. I remember a friend showed me this and we laughed at how mid it was.

Which does mean the death of fast fashion, which is one positive aspect.

dudes name is Lender lmao

This chart might help with regards to showing how the increase in 2020 (not labeled, but the last dot on the right side is for 2020) compares to previous elections as a matter of the voters to population.

Based Trump doing more to fight Western neo-imperialism than any leftist has done in 100 years (leftists are busy demanding that capital always gets what it wants because it means more brown people or something)

Not that niggy, but Donald Drumpf was the first Unitedstatian president to visit Best Korea.
You'd think leftists of various strains would appreciate that fact more.

People will just pay the tariff since they have no other choice.
This isn't just shoes and clothes. Every business that has overseas factories will keep using them instead and pass the increased cost of business on to you.
The US doesn't make much outside of weapons and bombs.

Do you think businesses started discounting their goods when they move their manufacturing overseas?
Because that is what your arguing.

I don't really follow US politics or the history thereof, so what is the deal with the random differently coloured brown vertical lines? 1824, 1876, 1888, 2000, 2016.

Also, do you happen to have a graph where instead of share of population, it's as a share of those actually eligible to vote. I'd be interested to see what it was like before the enfranchisement of women, blacks, non-property-owning men.

Well market influences caused prices to fall as competition increased in order to claim larger marketshares. Now they can set the prices however they desire to meet profitibility margins (which keep getting elevated as a matter of investor requirements).

It's crazy how much the media flipped on musk
I've disliked since he was getting dicksucked everywhere on the internet for years in like 2013 or so, and then it just flipped

Companies always sell at whatever price maximizes profit, and you are dumb.

I've become used to it
They do this shit cause the weather was overcast or their fortune cookie said something upsetting or they had a nightmare.
Creatives are some of the most foot shootingest people in the world.
And yes there is nothing more annoying than good artists that make their art impossible to properly find.

literally went from "wow this guy is a genius he launches rockets in space and is super rich!" to "uuuuh actually he's fucking retarded he doesn't know shit he just got money from daddy"
it's hilarious how the media can flip around narratives and the npcs simply follow, literally 1984 shit

I was considering that, they at least value artists and animation over there.

Admittedly I don't know why those lines are like that. The original website the graph came from (that wikipedia went on to use) got some revamps and switched to a new site as well.

They do track factors like demographic spread though.

As long as farts are involved they do

Forgot about that. Following Waller for his work on SpongeBob and Stimpy, and the information he'd share about both, only to get hit with the same disgusting art of Trump shitting himself on stage multiple times

if they increase their prices, companies with in-house production will have the better prices and take over the market easily because they don't have to pay tarifs
you know, capitalism

Do you think businesses started discounting their goods when they move their manufacturing overseas?

Because that is what your arguing.

I never said anything like that, you dipshit. Those companies will keep manufacturing everything for cheap in other countries and pass the new cost of business on to the consumer. That is how capitalism works.

I googled it, it's years in which the winning presidential candidate did not win the popular vote.

I think tariffs are stupid but at the same time nearly ever one of our trading partners employ them to an absurd degree and it's long overdue for the ledger to be balanced.

we don't make stuff here. Imagine thinking Nike is about to switch from paying a kid 12 cents a day to sow shoes to paying an American $17/hr. No fucking way
The cost of labor and making all new factories would be more than they want to pay when they can just make you pay the tariff.

Well no, most companies attempt to do what it takes to derive the most profitiability. That doesn't usually mean a raw highest price on every product or service. A lot of nascent brands will adopt loss leader strategies to claim a bigger stake in the market before adapting prices and services to meet profitibility goals.

or even deleting it out of spite for a man who won’t ever acknowledge their existence

So why is it ok for the right to worship him? It's the same exact autist reaction.

You do realize more people came to America after 2012, yes? This pro republican movement is recent. I expect that blue bar will be what the red bar will look like for 2028

then they'll lose the market
simply as

lol, lmao
They will still be the number one fashion brand in the US because nobody makes clothes here. They will pass the tariff down to you because they can get away with it.

Yes, which means the price will not change. They're are still going to sell their products for whatever generates the most profit, just like they're doing right now, dumb dumb.