Alright Cassandra bros thought? When is the next issue releasing? I'm optimistic

Alright Cassandra bros thought? When is the next issue releasing? I'm optimistic.

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we are so back

Shit. Retconning Shiva out of her origin was the best part of the Nu52.
Cancel this. Do a Soul of the Dragon series with Shiva, Tiger, and Dragon.
Ignore Cass.

Pretty good so far.
Rebirth kept shiva as her mom anon.

The first issue was good so I'm hopeful.

This shit was awful, why do you faggot ass shills come here and samefag into oblivion.

To piss you off.

Not as bad as you will be for the next 4 years

Good start. I’m glad someone finally got Cass’s dialogue right. They always make her too chatty or too mute.

Anyone know which comic this panel comes from?

I cheered when Trump won, you brainrotted faggot.

Yet you shill shitty comics written by a literal faggot kys

Go bitch about these comics to someone who gives a fuck you little queer. This isn't your soapbox.

Make me faggot

I'm sure you always have to be made to do things, since you're such an infantile little child.


What was so bad about it?
I didn't think it was super amazing, it was mainly just setup, but I definitely wouldn't call it awful.

I picked the first issue up on a whim while grabbing ultimates #6. Didn't know they made Shiva her mom, that's pretty cool. I always liked her animated adaptations. M

infantile little child.

Holy wholly-redundant redundancy, Batman!

You're a pathetic attention-starved faggot who keeps coming back for more pointless, time-wasting arguments because your life is meaningless.

Wrong anon I think you meant to reply to: You’ll learn how to use the site after a few days, I’m sure.

Nice cope faggot, but my words really do apply to you. I define what you are.

I define what you are

Oh boy, this doesn’t sound autistic at all

Batman Vs Robin #5


A while ago.

They did that forever ago.

I always liked her animated adaptations.

What? She only had like ONE good one.

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I wish I could say the same about your little faggot posts.

Was that really worth a second draft?

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Mistakes happen. Ask your parents. Why are you still here anyway? Do you have nothing better to do?

every comic book thread on Anon Babble is legally mandated to have someone take a shit on a book that everyone else likes within the first 5-10 replies

literally deletes and reposts an elongated “no u”

Also isn’t me, retard.

everyone likes

No one likes this book.

Did you miss me, bitch boy? Go hang yourself.

Take some initiative and come hang me.

I just got Batgirl #1 for $5. What am I in for?

A 2 minute read with 20% of an actual issue's content. The rest is action scenes by an artist who can't draw action choreopraphy

Does her ass at least look good?

Solid setup.


Dude it's supposed to be 3.99 you got scammed.

WIP of a future cass and kon piece

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Ok, I read the first issue. Uhhh yeah it was really disorienting with the constant back and forth and time skipping. Poorly executed but decent art, almost non existent script. Should have added a few more pages.

it was really disorienting with the constant back and forth and time skipping

Are you 12?

Bro, read it again, the layouts are just not well made, and feels rushed. Really could a used like 4 more pages just to let the first issue breathe a little.

Anon can not, in fact, read body language to tell someone is lying to him.
But you'll get there one day.