Upcoming Udon cover.
This is so fucked up. We as Americans were suposed to be above this sort of misogyny
Upcoming Udon cover
Nature is healing
Cute bunnies
Thicc like Udon noodles
They need this, because without it nobody would buy these licensed shit commercial fanfic comics.
I wish these comics were worth reading
Also how much do they pay? I'd love for my boy Cirenk to show up but it might be at the point where he makes more money doing his own thing than working for an actual company.
They can afford a cover. No way in hell they're paying for interiors tho.
If only she was real.
So i looked up the company owners and ceo, etc. Looks to be like a liberal owns it. So in this case it's empowering, chud.
Hmm, I wonder what that Team Darkstalkers comic was like…
ai slop
We as Americans were suposed
Welcome to the Trump hellscape.
the Trump Hellscape has hot women with big tits
I knew I voted for the right guy.
I thought I was on Anon Babble for a second
Wrong board. The place for retarded bait is that way
Udon makes comics. They're....uh...at least the art is nice?
So, do you guys think shit's gonna get better in regards to censorshit or will the usual suspects just double down on every female having a crimson chin made from the flesh of what used to be her T&A?
Are you retarded?
Udon is a Canadian publisher of art books featuring work from a mix of western and eastern artists. It's Anon Babble material, sorry if you think it's getting in the way of Obscure Waifu General #559.
Why false flag like this? No one on Anon Babble actually thinks or would make a post like this. Why pretend? Why do you covet victimhood, even in victory?
As long as the people who want things to be censored have a job, things will remain censored. The battle against these psychopaths is being won, but Rom wasn't built in a day. Gonna take time.
no this is
have 1 more
I gave up on Udon doing a worthwhile Darkstalkers story, it all feels like just chugging the license along.
Not even the Swimsuit issues are that great...
I give them credit for at least continuing the story after Vampire Savior. I guess. Primus knows Capcom won't.
Can we admit coomer shit is nice but it's not the thing that will save comic books?
why do women hate diverse body types like this?
Udon is a minor league publisher, it's the sort of imprint where you cut your teeth as a newbie on interiors, or you get steady work as a dogshit interior artist who can't get gigs elsewhere, or lack transferrable skills. Nobody with talent slums it at Udon on interiors. They primarily function best as a localization house, that will unfortunately vandalize Japanese art books by inserting some OEL Manga grade Capcom fan art as part of a publishing agreement.
Makes we wonder what they have planned for Mega Man.
Udon is made up almost entirely of non-whites, you dumbfuck.
IIRC, they did stuff for Marvel with Deadpool and Taskmaster years before he blew up in the mainstream.
I’m talking about the OP post you stupid fuck.
.............how is it misogynistic?
Trump’s the one that wants to cover up women and get rid of the sexy stuff, dumb dumb.
based and truthpilled.
Chun-Li will never crack your skull between her thighs.
You are such a lying piece of shit.
Surely no one is still dumb enough to believe this, the guy's married to a fucking softcore model.
he remains unaware
he believes that he’s even going to see SF in America for another four years
For me? It's R. Mika.
What is “rules for thee but not for me”
Come on now.
For me its Ibuki.
I want to dominate Makoto with hugs and kisses (and headpats)
Pregnant with my child.
Udon has always had sex appeal. Even if it's mostly safe horny characters like Chun-Li.
Who the fuck pays to get this shit drawn? It's absolutely absurd. Lmao.
Me, unironically. I love pregnancy and big stomachs in general.
Porn isn't going anywhere.
All they are going to do is stop degenerate shit being pushed onto children.
Things like steven universe are whats going to be killed not sf or anything else that promotes healthy views of sexually
Have you sired any kids anon?
How much did you pay?
Anything over $25 was a ripoff.
love pregnancy
Gross. Wtf.
This is the most white Anon Babble post I've ever seen, holy shit.
Not yet.
Don’t remember since it was a while back. I usually spend like 15-40 for preg/big belly stuff, which I don’t mind.
inb4 AI
Zero soul.
It’s an acquired taste.
nope, with mine.
sorry, but mysterio got to you too
I hear ya.
No no no you don’t understand. They’re definitely going to stop at the stuff that I don’t like and nothing else!
This is why I don’t vote. I couldn’t imagine being retarded enough to actually choose between retard who’s going to ruin my life or retard who’s going to ruin my life. Anyways there’re already anti-porn mechanisms set up in other states that stop more than just kids from seeing explicit content. Hope you’ve got a good VPN ready.
Don't need a VPN. I have the absolute best imagination, I have billions of scenes and women of all colors and shapes. I have no need for jewish tricks.
I also have access to terabytes of porn from over the decades all free.
not yet.
So what's stopping you to fulfill the best sex of your life? Imagine, fucking your pregnant wife. A small thin layer of skin just barely holding it all together. Why are you not getting busy?
1. Socially awkward.
2. Not ready for that level of commitment yet.
As much as I love pregnancy, I’m not foolish enough to knock someone up without being ready for the work and commitment that comes with that action. That and I want at least three kids, which is triple the work.
Why the kink tho?
What kind of question is that?
Yeah, a lot of the larger sites won't let me watch in my red state unless I give them Pii. Which would be a clusterfuck when they inevitably lose that info.
Why bother doing what slop does already? Realism is dead, stick to stylization, it makes uncanny freaks of nature when it tries to do that
P.2025 and his zoomer son will ban all porn
Because I find large stomachs hot and I do want to impregnate a woman. You can have a kink of something you haven’t experienced yet.
The ones who think it will don't really give a fuck about comics.
CHUDs and the religious right want this. Trump is a rapist and will continue to grab 'em by the pussy.
project 2025 schizo
lol, ok.
This. This is why hiving them an inch is as bad as censoring it in the first place. It's a lose lose situation.
See you on Jan 2025 ;)
Fuck you, comics need to both stop looking like hot ass and stop being shit to read.
Is it though? All you're getting is some cheap coomershit, it's not like you lose shit if you give em' an inch. Hell almost all the time they're just off doing their own thing and shilling on youtube. I don't really see how that's worse than censorship.
Making 2d and other representations of women uglier won't make you prettier, and it won't help you pass either.
we all know what you are.
The damnation of human beauty should always be met with fierce and open ridicule.
Small concession for keeping kids safe
If a woman's breasts aren't at LEAST half the size of her head, should they even be called "breasts"?
I'm guessing OP's brain is so fried by social media that the only way he can have a conversation is to say everything under 10 layers of irony and ragebaiting. I'm sure I've seen this exact same posting style before. It's fucked up that someone will see Chunli's giant knockers and thighs and immediately get to thinking "how can I make this about trannies and politics?" as is already happening in this thread.
How to tell someone wasn't old enough to remember 2016
Should you even be on this board without your parents permission?
Soon enough you’re gonna need the government’s permission to post here, buddy.
All breasts are good as long as they are on a woman.
it is the removal of them that must be fought against
What does Mika's milk taste like?
ancient egyptian mead from the upper kingdom
This is just like my handmaid tale's nightmare.
Guess I'll have to partake in mandatory dick draining as well...
Since this is tangentially related I’ll ask here. If I’m looking to grab some comics that have good T&A (cover or otherwise) what should I look for? I’m just a neophyte in all of this and the only series I do know of is Witchblade, and that’s only because I heard of the anime version first
Do you care if its written well? Cuz I'm pretty sure good art is the only thing Zenescope has going for them.
Things like steven universe are whats going to be killed
You know that didn't happen last time, right? They just doubled down.
Kamen America
They don't have the money to double down this time.
The industry is already on its deathbed.
Who are some unsafe horny characters? Besides underaged ones.
Probably Poison or Morrigan?
There are no underage SF fighters.
Are not Sakura and Karin joshikousei aged?
Even if im a lesbian?
Ibuki as well
wonder if ickpot does commissions