Rwby watch thread

God she's beautiful

Also, someone in the last thread suggested the idea of a watch party.

You guys down? What's a good time for yall?

I LOVED this episode. looks like things finally popped off. Although it does have it's problems. I wish they showed team Rwby + Neptune and Sun taking more effort to protect civilians and guide the robot away from people. Then again, the robot was extremely fast and agile. I wasn't expecting it to just jump on the highway like that. Part of me wants to say it's unrealistic for a robot that big to move that fast. But given how advanced atlas is, as well as the fact it's sci-fi, I'll suspend my disbelief. Also, I really hope their are consequences for all of the destruction (and death) that was caused. But that's for next episode to worry about.


On the action: it's great, as always. But I have 4 specific things I want to say:

1.) This fight scene really shows how versatile monty was with his fight choreography. He can do person v Person, people v monsters, and now people v mech, and they all look good.

2.) I like team RWBY's teamwork. The combos are fun and creative, and It's believable how effect they are. I especially like bmblbee (hate the ship, love the attack). I know alot of people don't like that they use the fandoms ship names for attacks, but I'm fine with it. Mostly because it's believable for Ruby (and to a lesser extent, Yang) to come up with these names. Plus if you don't know the ship names like I didn't my first go round, it's not at all distracting.
3.) Although I do like their teamwork, I also wish the show put in more work to make their teamwork more satisfying. The show kind of does the work. In the entrance exams arc we see Ruby get in the way of Weiss's attack l and we have that 2 episode arc of Ruby and Weiss bonding. But that's it. Team RWBY worked well together from day 1. I wish their was more of an arc of them not working well together, then training, then work better together. Then this could have been the culmination of that arc. Thus making this fight so much more satisfying.

But all and all, I liked the action overall.

4.) Also, again, the outfit look GREAT. I know we talked about it last thread, but I can't get over how great they look.

Last thing I liked about this episode was how sincere it was. By that I mean:

I like the music. I know alot of people say it's "cringe", but I actually like how "cringe" it is. It's sincere. The problem with media now a days is that it lacks sincerity. People are so afraid of looking "cringe", that they make everything ironic or sterile. After all, if you don't care (or pretend not to care), then it's harder for people to call you cringe. So I really appreciate that old school style, were you do cool shit unironically. No irony, no "self-awareness". Just a group of guys making shit they Unironically and sincerely think is cool and badass. And that's exactly what I felt when watching this. My blood started pumping when 'die' started playing. I miss this kind of media, so much...

Let's go back. Let's go back, PLEASE.

I like the partner attacks, but it feels like a showcase of efforts that were never alluded to on screen, so it lacks some buildup.
Is it really RWBY music if the lyrics don't mention blood or some shit like that at least once? I do find most of the lyrics to use some really clunky word choices, especially when it happens to heavily character themed, but the music is one of the more consistently likable parts of RWBY.
I haven't really taken too much notice of later volumes, any musical stand outs? I just listened to Checkmate, which I like. I also listened to The Truth, which is hilariously bad.

Watching the mech fight again, they animated Blake and Sun hopping across rooftops just fine. So why is the Cinder rooftop hopping scene during the dance so poorly animated?

Hero is a great song. Perfectly sums up Ironwood's character... until they fucked him up.

Reminder that RWBY will never get a cooler mech than the Paladin.
Cordovin's mech looks like a Teen Titans Go! character.

Just listened to it.
Good singer, I think I recognize him from some RWBY covers, so cool that he's in official material.
However, the lyrics are pretty rough, which makes the intro in particular painful to listen to.
Shame what they did with Ironwood. Mettle my ass, that shit was just poorly written.

"Most girls are born, but I was made."

I really wonder if the writers intended a trans allegory with Penny or if it was just a total accident.

This has been the strongest episode of volume 2 so far, and one of the best episodes of the show altogether. The writing done with Roman here is probably the strongest the show has been. So far, the show has really lacked a proper antagonist. Roman showed up at the end of volume 1, but we still didn't much about him or his motivations. It's still unclear exactly what he's up to in this episode, but having him tell the White Fang what to do is clever. A human addressing a Faunus extremist group as their ally is an obvious contradiction, but one that speaks more deeply to how those movements work. All Roman really has to do is pay lip service to the angry mob, and they'll accept him on their side. Particularly watching this right after a certain heated election cycle where ideological consistency seems to be the last thing on anyone's mind, this holds up extremely well.

Monty of course is at the top of his game, as always. One thing I always loved the most about his fight scenes is they have real "weight" to them. When Ruby fights with her giant scythe for example, you really get the sense that she has to move and hold it in a particular style in order to stay balanced. And the writers naming the fight combos after ship names is a bit cute, but also just speaks more deeply to the way Rooster Teeth operated. It was always a company really engaged with its fans (for better and for worse).

100% agree with all of this. Even when the show is being funny, the humor is character driven rather than the writers pointing out the situation and trying to "ironically" undermine the stakes. RWBY definitely has a lot of sincerity to it. Even for all its problems, you never get the sense that the crew isn't taking it seriously.

"Save the world from what? We're in a time of peace."

A simple wok is the funniest joke in RWBY and they wouldn't have the balls to do it today.

How can anyone watch yangs hips sway and not think she's the hottest RWBY girl.

YES. the sense of weight I one of the things that I like most. And is lost in latter volumes. In volume 5 specifically, she swings it like it's nothing.

In the early volumes, her swings are either slow and heavy, or she's using the power of her bullets to help her redirect.

What exactly is the joke?

1.) It's a reference (to what? Idk)

2.) It's partially a race joke. Taking the word wok, that commonly appears on Chinese restaurants, and turning it into a noun.

Then they call use a very stereotypical depiction of an Asian man and call it: "a simple wok".

Is it a reference? I thought it was a pun of some sort.

haha reference i don't get

haha asian word i don't know the meaning of

...That's not all that funny, really.
Anyways, it's a reference to another show Kerry did, A Simple Walk to Mordor, iirc.

It's a reference (to what? Idk)

You are underage.

How do you not know what a wok is?

One does not simply walk into Mordor

One of the best episodes so far, especially the call back to yellow trailer. Also Torchwick really is a great thief because he steals the show every episode he is in.

Thanks. IDK why they changed the wording though.

another show Kerry did, A Simple Walk to Mordor

Well that seems a joke that was written for the writer and not the audience.

I'd let him fuck me in the ass.

Roman Ref.png - 2127x1728, 1.52M

because it's a pun on a cooking pan.

Fun fact: the Paladin is based on a 3D model that they bought off a third party designer. RT would later design an in-house model, designated as the Mass Production unit, to avoid paying continued licensing. The original still makes an appearance on occasion in some odd places, like pic related.

i always wondered why the paladin was so detailed compared to basically any other model in RWBY

I ain't Chinese

Well neither am I. It's a large, round bottomed pan.
You don't have to be from any particular country to see the utility of cooking in a vessel that allows you to thoroughly mix the ingredients while keeping everything in the center.


I really wonder if the writers intended a trans allegory with Penny or if it was just a total accident.

Accident. It wasn't such a big deal back then and she is pinocchio cute girl edition, I don't think they were trying to be really deep about it.

You have the internet at your fingertips. Takes less than a minute to look up a three letter word on the internet.

I call those something else. Where I come from we call them bowl pans. Excuse me for not knowing the Chinese word.

I Google 2 things. 1.) Things I need. 2.) Things that interest me. This is neither.

So you'd speak on a subject you're ignorant of and sound like a fool rather than:
a) looking it up before you speak on the subject
b) choosing to not speak on the subject you're ignorant of?
Also, nobody calls it a fucking bowl pan.

So you'd speak on a subject you're ignorant of and sound like a fool rather than: [...] b.) choosing to not speak on the subject you're ignorant of?

How the fuck did I "speak on a subject I was ignorant of"? I literally just explained the joke. You're acting like I claimed to be an expert on Chinese culture or something.

a) looking it up before you speak on the subject

See: >Also, nobody calls it a fucking bowl pan.

I worked in a restaurant for a two years were we called it that. Maybe it was just at that restaurant. But either way, I Don't need to know the exact name to know the general purpose of a culinary object. You're acting like I said I don't know what a frying pan is.

No, I'm acting like you knew nothing absolutely about the joke you were trying to explain. Why would you try to explain a joke you don't get?

You don't need to know what a wok is to get the joke. You just need to know it's a Chinese word that commonly appears on restaurants.

How can anyone watch yangs hips sway and not think she's the hottest RWBY girl.

She has some tough competitors like Coco for the title of hottest but she is a bombshell for sure. Too bad they keep nerfing her sexyness.

Brunettes > blondes

I swear they made her tits smaller.

V4_09_00017.png - 1920x1080, 2.32M

I think it's just that the clothes are less flattering, with a higher neckline.
I don't know if it's just me, but I hated the switch to the new engine. Sucked all of the soul out of the visuals with the weirdly sterile look.