
His next video is confirmed to be SU. Rejoice!

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Nobody cares.

Proof? he alluded to more horse videos recently.

Rumor goes that was the last episode for Season 1 of his MLP stuff.

He also said to look foward to the next episodes when someone told him to bring back the OC pony

i hate this sellout like you wouldn't believe.

gets a modicum of attention beyond his loyal, devoted fanbase

immediately abandons the loyal fanbase for the paypiggies

tamers is just like everyone else turns out

Horsechads win forever. Cope and seethe.

What is it with bitches spreading all this misinformation in Tamers threads as of late? He's said multiple times that he's working on new material for Sonic Underground. If you think he'd ever abandon his favourite show like that, I wonder why you'd even consider yourself a Tamers fan to begin with.

xhe doesn't know Tamers has literally stated he's currently working on new SU stuff

Go back

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You believe his lies, huh? How long have you been a battered wife? Face the facts, amigo, he's betrayed you, he's glad to be rid of you, and he's going to ride the horse wave before disappearing with a whole bunch of stupid people's money.

The fucking work ethic of this guy to pump out 20+ minutes episodes every two weeks is insane tho.

Old Tamers > New Tamers

i think he was pumping out SU videos constantly (maybe more'n he wanted) because he felt obligated to all his followers/patreons and now that he's got the pony videos he can dial it back and only release the primo 11/10 SU videos, I imagine at the very least he's going to be working on them for longer; and the last few SU vids since the ponypocalypse began have been of higher than usual quality

he had been making these for about a decade before he saw a dime from it why in the fudge would he 'run off with stupid people's money'
disappearing into the sunset with a lotta cash is clearly not his motivation here, the man is an artist and you're just salty because you are no more than a consumer

Tamers haters were shitting up the Anon Babble threads

Tamers got doxxed by the Sharty

Tamers old fanbase now hates him

Wouldn't surprised me if Tamers retireds this year

he betrayed us
everytime i think i found someone whose real it turns out there just another faker and im sick of it
i hope he retires to his stupid trailer in kansas because now hes just like everyone else

Please please oh god be true.
If it is I have a surprise for him...

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Gatch Bell is probably next. All for the best really, I’m kind of tired of how seriously he treated the gay stallion love triangle. His best stuff is unironically fart joke centered.

Why the hell do we have to fight?
I don't speak for all the SU fans, but I'm not asking tamers to get rid of the pony episodes. I like both, I was hoping they would be airing side by side or something, not one being cast out by the other.
fuck you fags, I didn't want any division between the SU fans and Pony Fans, but your niggatry is going too far.

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I think most people are just shitposting for fun. No one actually believes he will ditch SU.

The gay stallions unironically made me mishomosexual or whatever the term is for "I hate gays" since it can't be "homophobic" since I'm not scared of gays I just hate them now thanks to his videos.

honestly the love triangle was the worst part of the horse episodes. I realize the ones I like the most have zero mention of them at all.
I've hated gays since before he even touched the pony show, but I hate that love triangle specifically because it's just so fucking boring. It's not funny and it's not particularly interesting either. It's just god damn boring. I'm hoping this is the end cuz that was the last loose end I'm pretty sure the last movie tied up.

There's still the issue of Swibs and Chicken swapping eye balls that needs to be solved, and the introduction of Shimsham the Kid to challenge the GREAT and POWERFUL Scythe Meister, but the gay stallions are resolved until the supergay bottom acts the bitchy looking for attention again.

I have no problems with gays just hated how up his ass he got with the stallions. Bartleby never has to be lectured on why hitting Sonic is bad. Sleet never has to be lectured on being more considerate of Dingo’s sexual needs.

You went your entire adult life loving gays until you were witness to Basedburn?

the introduction of Shimsham the Kid to challenge the GREAT and POWERFUL Scythe Meister

This is probably going to be saved for the second season of the horse show.

I did the same thing with black people until I was introduced to black people in a documentary. Turns out black people in real life don't act like they do in movies where they're wise, hip, strong, smart, and sexy. Same thing with gays. Turns out they also aren't wise, hip, strong, smart, and sexy either. Both groups are just really fucking loud, annoying, and asking for violence to be rained upon them.

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So you think documentaries and YouTube cartoons are an accurate metric to judge blacks and gays. Maybe save your judgment for if/when you actually meet blacks and gays irl instead?

why would you wish such a horrible experience on a person
why are you so spiteful

Bartleby never has to be lectured on why hitting Sonic is bad

of course he doesn't Bartleby is the richest and sexiest man alive. He can do whatever he wants and everyone will like it. Everyone wants to be hit by bartleby.

Shimsham the Kid to challenge the GREAT and POWERFUL Scythe Meister

When did that happen again? I don't exactly remember

There's still the issue of Swibs and Chicken swapping eye balls that needs to be solved

I thought that was sorta resolved very haphazardly maybe? I dunno it doesn't seem quite like the thing to dedicate a whole episode or movie to. Maybe like a sideplot in season 2?

I hope, at your next job, all of your coworkers are blacks and gays. In fact, I hope your boss is a black gay man that you have to take orders from.

Everytime I've gotten into an car accident, the offender was always black. make of that what you will.

I've lived in a 60% black town my entire life and the one time I was in a wreck, it was a white hick in his pickup truck. Anecdotal evidence only goes so far.

trips of truth
free the slaves NOW

well shit. cant argue with that.
my shit was anecdotal after all, 2 of the 3 times they were even cooperative.

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the pony stuff is funnier, looks better and nets him more views. you should be happy he’s doing well

the pony videos are the best Anon Babble content i've seen all year.
let tamers12345 do whatever he wants, it's going to be golden if it has his passion behind it.

I was honestly liking the horse stuff a bit more for a while since it felt like a nice change of pace for him, but that recent movie might genuinely be the one of the worst things he put out in a good while. Really made me wish he would return to SU already.

General consensus is that the movie was actual ass. It's a shame he ended with this instead of DoTS, but it's too late to change things now. If we're lucky, YT will strike it on principal so we don't ever see it again

We better be getting another SU Christmas this year.

He can't break tradition, he just can't!
SU Christmas episodes are usually his top 5 videos of the year.

If you like it, maybe you should try checking out the source material too frens :)

it better happen. There should be no reason the pony episodes continue (maybe a season 2 later down the line but pls let us have sonuic)

I already did use to be a brony back around 2013-ish or so before I fell off from it. Been meaning to come back to it because of Tamers, but it's just kinda feel really weird after being so used to his versions of the characters.

Also, I hear it falls off quite a bit after Season 2 before eventually devoting to total shit and I'm not sure if I wanna dedicate a lot of time towards that, lol.