Bill Motz posted one of Bob's ideas if the show ever got a revival
Todd fucking dies
Ollie gets put on a bus
Chat is this real?
if the show ever got a revival
Two more weeks, Mollyxers
depressed Molly
the Chens are gone
Sounds based and way better than their original plan for S3
Andrea STILL doesnt matter in the show even in this hypothetical
You had one job
You made a mother fucking detailed PITCH BIBLE for her fucking character and then you thru it away
Molly becomes depressed because her vote for Kamala didn't matter and they're now living in year 5 of Drumpf's hicktatorship
Todd died in a tragic hangglider incident of COVID because they realize the whole wraith thing was retarded
Ollie turned out to be an illegal and got sent back to China to die in day 615 of the 3 day SMO to take Taiwan
But kek in all seriousness, some of this really feels like an admission of failure.... Ollie gets the Sparky/Chloe from FOP treatment and is erased after one season, they walk back the Todd thing because the shock value of it made no impact whatsoever.... I do whoever like somewhat the idea of Scratch and Molly switching roles, with Molly being the depressed one and Scratch being the joyful one, but then the show really would just be Brown Girl Beetlejuice
Someone still has the script of that one dude who came to Brighton and literally became a full on mask off Anti Semite right? The one where it ends with the people from the Ghost World grabbing him like Dr Faciler at the ending of Princess and the Frog and then dragging him back to the Ghost Dimension
This almost happened. This somehow got thru the initial elevator pitch.
this. Ollie becoming the Chairman is retarded, and the role reversal shit sounds like it could work if executed correctly.
>Ollie turned out to be an illegal and got sent back to China to die in day 615 of the 3 day SMO to take Taiwan
There were scripts to this as well. Anon Babble had whole discussions about how these scripts 1:1 felt like the plot to Hazbin since Charlie wants to bring demons to heaven to rehabilitate them but Olly wants to take the spirits of the Ghost Dimension and send them to Non-Existence because that is apparently the only way they can truly move on from this world
They didnt have a visual plan in mind for what a concept of "heaven" was like in this universe so youre led to believe that the Ghost Dimension simply wills itself out of existence since Scratch, like everyone including the Chairman is a wandering spirit and there were so many wandering spirits they formed a whole society believing this where they go after they leave their human forms.
Sounds like an interesting concept as well but the "haha role reversal" idea seems more like the safer route to take for them, I feel like they'd somehow muck it up for the Chairman Ollie arc in some way.
Chairman is a wandering spirit
I wonder who the Chairman was in life before becoming what it became.
She served her role as a minor antagonist. She was never going to be anything more important than that.
So Andrea originally had a reskin of Mollys outfit as her clothing? What was Mollys original outfit then and what was Libbys original outfit/ look?
Oh it gets weirder. You remember that "animation error" in the baseball Ep where if you get just the right frame you'll notice how Tammy's skin color turns white. Originally it was theorized that was suppose to be Andrea since that entire Ep and as a whole the whole pacing of the show was changed from its original storyboards
When the original pitch for that Ep leaked they showed in an early board what Andrea looked and sound like so while she doesnt look like how she does in the pitch page or like a complete palette swap of Tammy a piece of that board or at least a frame of it still somehow ended up in the Ep.
they walk back the Todd thing because the shock value of it made no impact whatsoever
Mostly because everybody had already stopped watching by that point
If I recall, I think Libby loooked practically the same around this time, but her sweater was a different shade of green though.
Not sure about Molly.
But she wouldn't be quite the same hopeful, optimistic character she had been. She'd been disappointed and frustrated that some of her ideas to make Brighton a better place didn't go as hoped, or had been rejected. The work of making a difference was much harder than she imagined.
Emo Molly?
Andrea's dad went from the mayor of all of Brighton to some CEO of "not walmart"
They kept the original storyline of the Davenports being responsible for why Brighton is a massive shithole filled with economic depression and recession but made it less obvious with Maxwell being a deliberately antagonistic political figure who makes the town worse on purpose for financial gain
Instead the story is changed to how Brighton was just a boring town that turned to consumerism to feed into their empty lives but it ruined the culture of the town as seen in "Davenports on Demand" where Andrea is ignorant of the complete desiccation of small businesses until Molly has to visually show her the extent of what her fathers company does to the town
This in turn does not get explored or elaborated further for the remainder of the series
I have a theory that a lot of rich people who worked for Disney looked at "both versions" of the Davenport plotlines, hated both because it was "aggressively unsubtle" with how it mirrors the real world and still needed to find a way to acknowledge its existence but they basically go "well that happened" and then moved on to not talk about it ever again which is what this show does a lot.
Shut the fuck up
Ollie was going to be louder, angrier, and have access to a time machine
instead he died on the way back to his home planet
can't make this shit up
They really had no idea what kind of character they wanted Andrea to be? it's like once they were talked out of making her the typical run-of-the-mill bully type character early in development, they had no ideas as to who and what she was going to be so they just kept throwing things at the wall to see what would stick.
Whether that be a cruel girl hellbent on ruining and mindbreaking Molly in the first episode, more similar to what her character was initially supposed to be, to her being an unoblivious rich kid snob with good intentions and just deprived of actual love and attention from her parents, to her being apart of a somewhat friendship with Molly and Libby, to just becoming irrelevant to them by the end of the show.
It's really unfortunate, she could've really been somebody.
what the fuck
Should've done a true role reversal and have Molly wraith out and follow Scratch on his adventures
I still think its funny how Tammy is heavily featured in the S1 trailer of the show and when the fanbase asked if Tammy was gonna be a reoccurring character they said "No. We made her for the sole purpose of phasing Andrea out as the Antagonist of that Ep"
Then it gets even stranger because they create another character who is literally just Tammy for the purpose of never bring Tammy up as a character ever again and then THAT character also disappears as well
So Libby abandoned her too?
Sounds like it has potential. Dropping Ollie is the right call and the role reversal has tons of potential. It just feels really weird with the finality of Molly finally helping Scratch just for Todd to die.
This would've been waaaay better even though it's too much of a extreme change for them to comitt. You can still have Molly be in highschool. Make it so Todd got a Degree in Education during that time and finds satisfaction in helping kids. Atr first he doesn't recognize Molly but then finds a Wraith haunting the school, he gets his memories back but Ghost Molly has forgotten who she was and boom. You got potential for a fantastic season 3.
Libby literally loses her one purpose in the show of being "Molly's +1" since Olly becomes not only her new best friend but her BF stand in as well and Libby then turns into the "3rd wheel" sometimes "4th wheel" depending upon how attached to Scratch Molly is that Ep.
This is a good idea. What happens if Molly reamins a wraith too long? how does her character change with/if her remaining out of body for too long? if she changes at all, also how would Todd react to this supposed ghost of his past he has no memory of following him around the world?
Then it gets even stranger because they create another character who is literally just Tammy for the purpose of never bring Tammy up as a character ever again and then THAT character also disappears as well
Bald and Bankrupt are the masters of foreplanning, foresight and developing their characters to the upmost potential. Hence why we got a overtly buff muscular scene of Pete to showcase the writer's fetish, and an episode where a Jewish girl from the "undisclosed state of the Midwest" has her first period for undisclosed reasons.
My man you can unironically create a list of characters who show up and then dont show up ever again after their initial appearance. Its like they had one Ep planned to show what Pete's side of the family is like and then they have like 2/3 of a season where they need to give Molly's Grandma something to do
Also, Andrea's Mom has an expensive VA and she speaks 1 sentence worth of dialogue for the whole show. It reminded me how in Steven Universe, Sugar paid literally god knows how much budget for broadway actors to speak for 10 whole seconds, refused to recast them, refused to even consider the idea of maybe bringing in someone cheaper to voice these characters and by the time that thought crossed her mind the budget was already gone.
It's just poor showrunning. Any time an interesting character or plot line is introduced just to never follow up on it, that's inexcusable. It's especially weird because Tammy was sort of wronged in this episode, swore revenge, and its never ever followed up on.
In this regard its mostly due to the fuckery of them not making a definitive decision on whether or not Andrea was an antagonist. If they had kept Andrea as a bully here, I don't think it would have effected her character long term.
Andrea's original motivation of wanting to be the perfect daughter of a perfect family where overtime she begins to see the flaws of her families lineage completely gets shitcanned in favor of her just being a lesbian for someone who is fat
The fat bitch that Andrea is attracted to isnt even an interesting character. In the scripts she gets, and I am not even kidding, one Ep and she is never seen or mentioned again.
Tammy never swore revenge, she just told Molly that she's still pathetic even though she won.
We never even get to see what Perfectborg is like as a city since the only 2 locations we ever jump back and forth to are the Ghost Dimension and Brighton
Despite this, even the Ghost Dimension seems to just be the Nightclub district where all the ghosts hang out and the Chairman room where "business" is done
Its learned later this part of the dimension is unnecessary since the original chairman was just using it as a front to siphon fear and misery from humans and other ghosts without the ghosts knowing this is why they were making their scare quotas
When Scratch becomes Chairman its brought up how a lot of the ghosts just seem aimless and the Chairman enforced the Scare Quotas solely for the reason of giving them something to do because without them the whole dimension falls into Chaos
My man you can unironically create a list of characters who show up and then dont show up ever again after their initial appearance.
I just realized, we don't even know much about the other students at Molly's school, we really only know about those girls from that camping episode, and then maybe somewhat about the kids on the sports team, and really the only time I remember a random character from the school being mentioned off the cuff was in that prom episode and Scratch mentions some character with swoopy bangs that Molly could've gone out with instead of Ollie, and for the life of me I can't remember the dude's name or if he even has a design we can match the name to, like if we've even seen him directly in the show before.
Also, Andrea's Mom has an expensive VA and she speaks 1 sentence worth of dialogue for the whole show.
Couldn't be worse than Leah, right?
I dont understand how a show can still be this bloated with characters but when you think about them for more then 10 seconds you realize that visually you can see them doing stuff in the background or standing around but like if they werent there the pacing of the Ep doesnt even change at all. Craig of the Creek and Hailey's On It are other shows that does this
>We never even get to see what Perfectborg is like as a city since the only 2 locations we ever jump back and forth
I wish they did this. I was really curious about Perfectborg as a town, but I suppose if they did execute it in the show, it just would've been a town of Dinklebergs. It would've been interesting to have Molly step insie such a town, I wonder if she would've considered it a paradise or would've thought it was too perfect to be true and something was wrong about it, or if she would've become resentful of it because of it being too perfect or already enhappified to the point she doesn't really need to do anything, sort of as a flip of the script moment.
In a lot of the old AMA's, the showrunners talk about how Molly going on vacation was considered as a story arc because with how little money both her parents, especially Sharon make they never have enough to splurge to the degree Andrea's family can where they go Vacay like every other week.
Craig of the Creek
I don't know much about Hailey's On It but I did see some of the earlier episodes of CotC, but at least with that some of the more minor or inconsequential characters have some "traits" even if they are one-note, compared to Molly which never acknowledges their background characters and only utilizes them like twice if they're Kenny Star or that magician who looks like Lee Goldson.
I meant that namely how shows like these function better with a much more limited cast.
In a lot of the old AMA's, the showrunners talk about how Molly going on vacation was considered as a story arc because with how little money both her parents, especially Sharon make
So that sort of materialized into that Sunnyland episode
There was also how in the conclusion of Andrea's storyline how her father apparently owns 5 different Davenports in 5 different cities as well as 5 different Mansions each in different locations and how the Davenport in Brighton is the regional one but the Mansion they live in is the smallest one. They even have lake front property.
I don’t care
I genuinely feel like this is the one show in existence where the fanon interpretations are more interesting and in-depth than some of the actual writing in the show. The lack of pre-planning really reveals itself early on in the show, and Billybob should've hired better writers or made the writers they already had focus more on their minor and background characters to make the world of Brighton feel not as shallow. I mean even some of the ghost characters have more character than a majority of the human minor/background characters.
This was actually real? I'm not that experienced with TGAMM stuff after season 1.
You need to remember the earliest pitch material from this show dates all the way back to 2005. This show aired during the pandemic right as Amphibia and Owl House were being phased out.
When S2 ended a bunch of script drafts ended up on Anon Babble and then later on Anon Babble. The showrunners confirmed that all of the scripts were real and they had no idea how they ended up on this site. Funnily enough, Molly, Amphibia, Owl House, and Hailey's On It all had their promotional material leaked right as their shows were ending or were left up in the air for renewal.
I remember that, but then at the same time Andrea was supposed to like move away or something because Brighton just wasn't finanically viable to live in anymore?
I wonder if in Bill Motz's new interpretation of a season 3 Andrea also would've moved away, or we would've finally gotten that 'Molly, Libby n Andrea' trio that the fans shoehorned into the fanon version of the show.
16 years of development
Were these guys expecting this to be the next Phineas and Ferb or something?
The next Phineas and Ferb was Phineas and Ferb
The storyline was clearly changed when S3 got cancelled. Bizmart buying up Davenports is not treated as a big deal at all because Andrea completely disappears from relevancy from the show right after the end of Davenports in Demise
Even Davenports on Demand felt like an unfinshed Ep with unresolved plotlines. You'd think this would foreshadow a ethical concern where everyone in town stops shopping in Davenports because supporting them doesnt support the town so Maxwell starts complaining about the net decrease in quarterly profits. Instead the company gets shit canned after like a few bad twitch sessions where Andrea wanted to be "experimental" with her brand all to impress one girl whom she hadnt met officially yet.
I just bring that up because that show had been pitched for over a decade only for the final result to be somewhat dry with characters who were already developed but at the same time didn't evolve past their initial traits.
Where the fuck did those 16 years go with The Curse of Molly McGee?
The final product vs the pitch material is nowhere close to being the same show. You could have made Scratch an imaginary friend or even Molly's conscience and the show is virtually the same. When the ghosts are basically treated as an after thought in this show they might as well not even factor into the elevator pitch
This show had so many unresolved or underdeveloped plot lines, it's not even funny, it being a comedy and a non-story driven show doesn't absolve it from any of that shit.
I wish they developed Andrea's parents a bit more as well, but they're just cardboard cutouts like the rest of the town, and it feels like the Andrea plotlines especially go absolutely nowhere because of the fact that they don't do anything with her most of the time, and most of the time when we do get some type of interactions with her character she's accompanied only with Molly usually, a girl she formerly despised and bullied relentlessly, and unlike Libby, Andrea never even got to meet Scratch.