Does this upset you?
Does this upset you?
No but threads obviously baiting anons that do get mad at it are pretty annoying.
It didn't used to, but it kind of does now, because I've come to get the sense that these "obviously bad guys" are being used as a stand-in for me and people like me by the writer.
I'm not a racist but...
don't you think it's time for some self reflecting then
Why are Jimmy and Lois children
If you think the KKK represent you in any way then you have worse problems than Superman picking on people wearing ghost costumes when it's not Halloween.
Why do you see yourself in the Klan? Seems like a u issue
I'm kinda with on this one - mostly in the "used as a stand-in" thing. It's less that they're being "the KKK" and more "they're portraying people they don't like AS the KKK", y'know?
It upsets me that they did an adaptation of a radio/golden age story and didn’t hire Steve Rude to draw it
There's not enough porn of the loli so yes
yes. the ugly traced 3d models, cut and paste background, supermans tiny head, and shitty political message at expense of the characters upsets me. the kkk is often led by jews. never mentioned they are dragons. there are approximately 3000 kkk members active in a country of a third of a BILLION and most are in jail or known to authorities.
in comparison, the black supremacist gangs known as the crips and bloods have about 35,000 for crips and 30,000 for the bloods. the latin supremacist group, the latin kings, have 35,000 KMC members and 7,500 bloodline members. both linked to international crime groups and cartels. all these groups are active crime organizations that own no-go zones in american cities and run drugs, guns and are responsiblef or racist attacks on various groups or each other. latin supremacists hate blacks and often find bodies cut up and in dumpsters for instance.
yet superman is fighting a defunct democrat jewish run organization (antisemitic by dc and superman) that does nothing. its perpetuates stereotypes and hatred against jews that ran these organizations. it doesnt make sense as two jewish canadians created superman, so having him attacking other jews is also hateful when there are modern long running organizations, such as listed above, that are more prominent and realistic threats for superman to take down.
I wonder how many children are dying in Gaza while he takes the time to lecture people about this.
It's really fucking stupid to pretend this is what Superman needs to be addressing.
It's not that he sees himself as the klansman but rather internet retards will strawman him as them in typical brainlet fashion.
Just don't reply
Did you read the story? Hell even the old radio play was actually pretty nuanced in how it handled things.
That’s not Lois.
It’s based on a radio story and Jimmy was an actual kid on the radio. He was created so the head writer could reuse his scripts from Dick Tracy and Terry and the Pirates which had kid sidekick characters.
Lois a cute.
Holy crap you actually fell for all that race stuff? Dude we were just screwing with people to make money.
Does this upset you?
Yeah shit art upsets me
black supremacist gangs
This isn't the board for this but those are CRIMINALS. The Latin American gangs that exist or even just operate in the USA as you, yourself are pointing out, are linked to drug and crime cartels.
KKK members then and today are now going around robbing stores, selling drugs, pushing prostitution, etc. Their 'crimes' are things like lynching/killing or destruction of property (throwing rocks, setting on fire, burning crosses, etc.). Yes, 'crimes' but not on the same scale as selling drugs to thousands - especially since any of these gangs you are talking about will sell drugs or force into prostitution their own people.
Whereas the KKK, whether it's all Jewish as it is in your fantasia or white, are not lynching their own population, or burning crosses on their front lawns, etc.
Somebody post the edits. I never saved them.
Not really. Secretive groups whose members wear fancifully spooky costumes while under the command of ominously titled leaders make for great villains.
I know you're baiting, but I'll bite
Superman absolutely would oppose the Klan, Duh. But I also know that the author would assume that I'm just as bad as a Klansman or a Nazi because I don't think that open borders is a good idea.
No, I'm not projecting, comic book writers and editors have made this comparison on social media so often it's become a meme.
They got in the way of him impregnating the tiny Asian
Kind of a poor use of Superman's time.
No I hate leftist democrats they founded the kkk after all
because I don't think that open borders is a good idea.
How dumb are they? They wanna let in the cartels and MS-13 to terrorize the populace? What'd they think as to why the illegals left for the States anyway?
why would it? I'm an incel. Not a klansmen.
nah, I read this story because of a storytime here and liked it, actually
Anons, that's the point. It's like they're asking you "have you stopped beating your wife."
This is adapted from a story that was explicitly about the KKK. If you think they're a "stand-in" you're deluding yourself.
Superman's gonna get in trouble for fighting the government like that.
So when was this story set? The KKK hasn't been relevant in nearly 50 years.
more "they're portraying people they don't like AS the KKK", y'know?
No, I don't know. Can you elaborate? Can ANYONE with this opinion elaborate?
Like yeah I get that saying "Punch all Nazis" lets you label any rando a Nazi thereby justifying political violence against them, but why do you feel like the Klan is being used like that to justify violence against YOU?
Good thread
Thank you for admitting you never read the story. Now shut the fuck up since you don't know what you're talking about.
No most people see the Ku Klux Klan as an acceptable Target because they were basically a terrorists organization and a organized hate group.
but why do you feel like the Klan is being used like that to justify violence against YOU?
Dude, quit being disingenuous. We've been dealing with this shit for like a decade. It ain't cute no more. You know what exactly what these people are trying to do.
But why now? Why do it now?
I mean think about how gay Superman Vs. The Proud Boys would be
No, those are just feds, but it upsets me.
I expected liberal garbage but after actually reading the comic I thought it was a good period piece about Superman’s early career with a cute loli. White people weren’t demonized and even the KKK wasn’t shown as wholly evil people doing evil things for no reason.
It’d be pretty based of someone to write a story about Superman taking on the intelligence agencies starting with a bitch made compromised organization
I hate to tell you anon but the KKK still exist, as do Nazis.
That still doesn't make the KKK any more relevant to today's audience.
as do Nazis
Nah, dude. Losers on the internet don't count.
As someone who lives near Charlottesville I'd have to disagree.
Superman apprehends a pair of domestic terrorists
Defending the American way.
Yes. The art is shit and the fact they're still using the KKK as a superman villain speaks to incredible creative bankruptcy on the part of the writer. The klan? Seriously? Thats the best you could come up with? And not only Klansmen, but ones in full dress? How about cartel members, or fifth columnists, or gangbangers? Actual modern day threats? Or is superman collaring a couple MS-13 members too problematic?
If the context for the op pic was so important what didn't op just post the entire comic?
It's NEVER been about the KKklan or nazis, it has always been about people leftists don't like
Domestic terrorism
Careful anon, we can't call it that in public. They're just having violence picnics, that's all. :)
When your side openly brags about the shit they were complaining about, it makes it hard to believe your thoughts on them being some “ultimate evil”, it frames them more as just a group of idiots that don’t understand how compromised the media is in misrepresenting the message for profit
Is the KKK even still a thing now?
Why would Superman beating up a bunch of feds offend me?
At the very end of the story it's revealed that the loli's initials are L.L.
What did they mean by this?
Lois was Lex Luthor all along!
That's heavy.
Yes, Superman fighting the FBI is unAmerican
No because those are literal klan members in the 50s
How many groups had their illegal actions, including murder, praised by the government?
The FBI is regularly praised by partisan media for overstepping bounds in its pursuit of "domestic terrorists".
The january 6th rioters, for one. "Just patriotic americans" murdering cops.
as a stand-in for me and people like me by the writer.
Nigga how the hell are you feeling like the fucking KKK is meant to represent you?
I'm just gonna come out and say it. I think politics are totally lame
Nobody has pointed out being in the klan isn't illegal. You can have cookouts and protest and stuff while wearing the outfit. The thing that the klan did that was actually reprehensible was intimidate through burning things on peoples' lawns and, obviously, the lynchings.
So without context the OP pic is Superman just assaulting two men (Superman in his entirety is a weapon as well) because they're in the klan. Or maybe some insane person was going to hit those two ghosts with their car, so Superman pulled them out of harm's way.
The only person murdered on Jan 6th was an American woman shot by a cop with a history of violence. But I understand you simply celebrate that
Superman is just helping some trick-or-treaters, why would I be mad?
No. Why would it.
Are you seriously asking that after a whole decade of this shit?
A distinct lack of pregnant Roberta Lee deeply upsets me yes
Any drawfags here?
I want a Klansman shooting Superman with an M16 loaded with kryptonite ammunition like that one Latuff cartoon
Let's check the early life section of the writers behind this pulp.
Come into thread expecting for asian loli Art/Edits
Just Anon Babble shitting themselves again
Your orange man won already why can’t you fags just be happy and not be a bunch of whiny bitches for once?
Anon Babble
Not being fags
Chose one
You just never read the book or listened to the original radioshow and are now assuming the worst.
You're like those moms who assumed Pokemon and Harry Potter are anti-christian for no reason.
Yes, Superman is discriminating against Catholics
Why do you let nazis and black people live rent free in your head?
What do either of those have to do with OP or this thread?
the KKK
You don't know much, do ya?
superman is a weapon
Get out of here J. Michael Straczynski
Reminder that the majority of "racists" in this country only hate blacks
No MAGApede has ever whined about Eskimos or koreans
Woah buddy where you going with those goal posts?
We're still wantin to know what that has to do with OP and this thread about a comicbook based on a radioshow made in the late 40s talking about white guys being butthurt one chinese boy being better at baseball gives the klan an excuse to molotov their house and maybe tar and feather any newspaper that hates on them while they get scammed by higherups in their racism pyramid scheme?
No cause it has Roberta lee in it A.K.A the only reason people still care about this specific comic
An actual Superman/Clark story involving believable investigative journalism? Nobody in comics has the writing talent and if they did, your average capeshit editor would ruin the story before it ever got to print.
Could you have written that any clunkier
I'm 90% sure you're trolling. But on the off chance you're not, this is an adaptation of a radio show from 1946, and set in that era. And the villains are the KKK, doing KKK things, with nary a all white people think this" in sight. Closest you get to things spreading beyond "fuck the Klan" is a kid that has to go through the uncomfortable realization that his beloved Uncle is a racist piece of shit, and that was in the original radio show.
If you're looking at the Klan and go "they just like me, fr fr" then that's on you buddy.
I'm 90% sure you're trolling.
How? He as a legitimate opinion that a lot of us on the 4chins feel.
They exist in the same way Emmanuel Goldstein exists in 1984. They’re not a threat to anyone, they only exist so that the establishment can find a boogeyman for all of societies woes and to honeypot anyone stupid enough join up with them only to van them later.
everyone who disagrees with me is Anon Babble
I always get a chuckle out of the fact the KKK and Catholics made the same uniform for what I gather to be entirely different reasons.
Not really but I do think it's stupid how comic writers think the Klan operates in 2024 like it did in 1924. It's beyond parody. There's plenty of modern parallels to pick from that would fit better in a futuristic city like Metropolis but no, let's brush off the same old hat goon squad from the 1940's.
I'm a racist, so yes, I am offended. But not as offended as I was at that one JLU episode where those fake heroes fought that cool General.
So, you sexually identify as a klan member?
And who is "they"?
The comic takes place in the 1940's.
The KKK is 95% Feds by volume. Superman shouldn't be interfering with their sting operation to groom a single mentally ill teenager into committing a hatecrime.
They do but you really have to look for them now. The real ones are all off grid or in the prisons. They have next to no power left apart from extremely small pockets in shitty small towns in Appalachia or the deserts out west. This idea from modern writers that there's one lurking behind every corner waiting to lynch some poor black or trans person is comically stupid. As it's been said ITT already the problem isn't using them it's the rainbow hair brigade using them as a means of projecting their fever dream delusions onto those they personally disagree with.
oops, then carry on white man, claim your birthright before the Japs and the Krauts destroy it lel
Current DC saying that their opponents are all KKK members
While using tranime arts
Sorry Sweetheart, but you lost.
No, should it?
Hey guys how many klansmen are drill rappers
Do Nazis play the knockout game?
This is what latinx actually believe
Values are for faggots like you. If I wasn't lazy, I'd legit kill my family and rob a bank just for the hell of it.
I didn't read it
The comic is set in 1946.
Always fun to see someone going off on how stupid other people are, while getting basic facts wrong.
the problem isn't using them it's the rainbow hair brigade using them as a means of projecting their fever dream delusions onto those they personally disagree with.
This is the problem in a nutshell. It's not so much that anyone is angry about the KKK getting fictionally beat up. No one even cares about the KKK because their actual membership and power is minuscule, at best. Invoking the KKK at all only brings to mind the sort of things people hear so often where any dissenting opinion to the mainstream narrative and crudely formed ideological agenda, including the kind of faggotry coming out of hollywood and comic books, makes someone a KKK Nazi Racist Bigot.
Bringing up the old Superman vs the KKK radioplay is less about the historical context and more about forming what is attempting to be an extreme gotcha. As if to say
see? the biggest and best and most popular and most important superhero beats up chuds like you!
and it's just fucking tiresome.
i'm not a projector
I believe Superman would side with the Klan and burn all the niggers in the neighborhood.
Isn't it weird how a hundred years later, Clark would vote for the same political party as the KKK because they would defend his homosexual son.
DC adapts probably the most famous of their old radio shows
It's pretty accurate to the original, updating a few things to get more in the character's heads as opposed to just stating things happening like the show, but most of the beats are similar
Surely a feel-good story for everyone, where the villains are the KKK and Nazis, groups we should all be able to agree we hate
Pic unrelated but more fun to read than your whining.
OP's goal was definitely to wait a few posts then go "well the villains are YOU GUYS!"
Anon, some posters just want to see the board burn.
You belong in gulag.
Yes, extremist, do you like those people?
If I wasn't lazy, I'd legit kill my family and rob a bank just for the hell of it.
You sound like you're in middle school, holy shit what a larping faggot. You're not a sociopath, you're just an asshole.
And you're a gutless bitch too weak to act on your fantasies.
Yes because I'm sick of the myth that Superman played some big role in the Klan's downfall when the Klan was basically a shadow of itself by the 1940s and would see a resurgence in the Civil Rights Era for obvious reasons. I get that nerds want to hold it up as some example of the power of their medium or something but it has no basis in reality beyond the fact the radio show did an anti-Klan story.
...I'm white, so i must be
My slutty wife
Also I don't mean that as some kind of pro-Klan thing, just simple reality. Superman had nothing at all to do with the Klan's downfall. The radio program happened at a time where it was already at a low point due to the Depression and the most popular leader raping and killing a woman.
Yes, when the hell could Superman touch ghosts? DC keeps giving him new powers!
ITT "you didnt read it"
NIGGAS, people are answer the thread question in relation to the image. Nobody mentioned any comic. Those who didn't read it could assume the image is from a comic or at the very least related to Superman.
When OP says "Does this upset you," the "this" is interpreted as "this image", not "the comic this image is from". Doesnt matter if they read it or not, they are talking about the image; not the image's sourcematerial.
No. I'm not upset when Democrats lose.
"b-but you did it too!"
How to lose an argument and save face at the same time.
That particular club? No. But the Golden Circle covers the entire globe.
The radio show didn't do it (but everyone all around liked the idea that it helped, and so PR was born!), but it HAD gone through a miniature boom in some areas.
Why would anyone have a problem with Superman beating up members of the KKK if we're treating this as a standalone image completely in a vacuum with literally no additional context in any capacity
because giving antique farm equipment human rights has proven to be the worst disaster in American history since we allowed jews to import them over in the first place
I mean at least you admit that you're a racist, I'll give you that. Better than tapdancing around the issue like a coward. I disagree with you in a fundamental way but hey, I respect someone not being a little bitch about it like most people ITT are. Good on you.
Well other anons have said it but I’ll reiterate them and say my piece.
People don't have an issue with fighting against groups like the KKK. You might find some people on this site, but most people (even on Anon Babble) don't give a shit about the KKK. Many play games or watch media where there are Nazis or Nazi-like people as the antagonist and are happy and content.
The anon's issues is that for the last decade, people have used terms like "nazi" to strawman people with different opinions. Looking at the OP without knowing anything about it or what it's based on, anons say that it reminds them of comics that strawman people into being "literally the KKK". The post is saying that the image reminds him of this type of comic, but isn't saying this specific comic is.
Instances of people calling others "bigots" for a different opinion are numerous so people assume the worse.
When I saw OP, I wasn't upset, but wary because I was guessing the OP is baiting or knows people will be drawn to the image. Especially people who haven't any knowledge on the image's source.
The comic is set in 1946.
You see, this is an essential piece of information needed to discuss the comic. The Klan in 1946 was a lot different than the hooded bozos that make it up today. For one thing, back then there were a lot more people willing to turn a blind eye to their antics, which made them a lot bolder.
Punching down has always been a bad look.
I'm 90% sure you're trolling
Why? This is a sentiment that most Americans feel. So much so they came together across demographics to stand together against what they thought was the antithesis to this. This belief is more common than it is not uncommon. If anything you're the odd one out for finding it weird.
It's literally the KKK
Yeah but that's additional context, this post is suggesting that we treat this image only as it is presented and without ANY additional context. Solely as an image of Superman beating up the KKK and that's it.
This is basically true and how more and more people are seeing it. There is no level of pro-white sentiment that is tolerable to Western states, no matter how nonviolent or tepid it is. If a white person formulates any kind of affirming position about their ethnic identity, they are immediately lumped in as fellow travelers with the Klan/Nazis/British Empire/whatever
What's wrong with knowing the context of an image? And would that not affect how it's treated?
for no reason.
It was stupid reasons, not no reason. For Pokemon it was
parents already didn't like videogames
parents hear the word "monster" and some religious parents equate it to "demon"
it captured children's attention and all these weird pokemon names confused parents more
for Harry Potter it was witchcraft and magic
some people don't like that
Also anon is not the same as a soccermom yelling at pokemon. There have been plenty of hack writers who make people with opposite politics as "le evil" so of course assumed the worst. But anon didnt even blow a fuse, he just calmly said that he recognized a pattern.
I was kind of hoping the cop would have been Martian Manhunter or something.
I mean I think it's retarded too but that's the argument the post was making. If we're working within the parameters of that post then we can't add any extra context. So it's just an image of Superman beating up the KKK and nothing more.
They came together
Implying most Americans vote
Given that most Americans sat out, and turnout was worse than last time, it's pretty fair to assume that the prevailing belief in America is "I don't think my vote matters."
Yeah but that's additional context, this post (You) # is suggesting that we treat this image only as it is presented and without ANY additional context. Solely as an image of Superman beating up the KKK and
without ANY additional context.
That's not what I said. I said people don't need to know the source material. OP is literally
Does this upset you?
And people draw their conclusions with the image. They extrapolate on who couldve made the image and the purpose behind it. If OP gave info that it was an adaptation, it would help limit people from thinking it was made to be a strawman.
They assume the worst for the writer, but not assume the worst for the KKK?
This seems like a really stupid hill to die on. They could be on some youtube short defending some recorded cop video or someshit, why go for defending the policies of the KKK?
Nah, it's great to see Superman beat up Democrats
But that's additional context. The post in question is framing this as something that should only be judged as the image is presented and nothing more. Extrapolating any further than "It's an image of Superman beating up the KKK" is already going too far.
No, fuck the Klan
The CSA was Jewish as fuck and those retards don't even know that Lincoln wanted to kick all coons out of the nation and was actually based. If Southerners sided with Lincoln against radical abolitionists and deported slaves instead of keeping them leading to equal rights as well as kicking out all the Jews down south while they were at it, this country would be so much better off it is inconceivable.
I know some faggot will come along and say "but nonwhite culture helped build the US and it's culture"
Nah, any retard can do labor. They weren't the ones this nation was built for or who fundamentally shaped all the institutions and culture that was supposed to be for the people and everyone knows it
I think the white man could have come up with rock and roll on his own given enough time
It's okay because those crimes were not racially motivated, so it's fine even if there are easily a thousandfold more victims, because they do it (mostly) to their own race, anon.
Wow. The leftard political brainrot that only sees race is crazy.
I'd worry more about the guys doing more crimes than about those doing less crimes, but ah, I'm just me.
Goddamn that's a lot of words to justify and defend a butthurt belief that a picture of Superman tossing around Klansmen is somehow anti-(YOU).
I think the white man could have come up with rock and roll on his own given enough time
But he didn't, did he...
I like how a quarter of the posts ITT blatantly haven't read the comic, a quarter are trying to act as though it was the author's intent to draw parallels between this and today despite it being an adaptation of a 70 year old radio play drawn by Japanese people, a quarter are trying to bait people out for being racist, and the last quarter are just straight up racist. Fucking remarkable.
I'm just here hoping someone will post some cute art of Roberta.
So your defense is that OP didn't spoonfeed you enough before you jumped to conclusions like "obviously the guys in the hood represent ME and I don't like being manhandled by Superman"?
If you did want info why didn't you ask for sauce or even context?
How dumb are they?
Oof. Anon do you have the entire week free? Because this is going to take a while to explain.
The KKK are a freemason anti-Christian cult, so the principal itself is something I even support. But this was obviously created by some faggot limp wristed liberal that hates white people and I can see the intended insult.
It’s all so tiresome.
Btw why isn’t Superman beating some black people instead? Considering they over 60% despite 13%.
But he didn't, did he...
Until we get a device that lets us see into alternate realities we will never know
Don't see why not, not like niggers invented string instruments or drums and no one else ever thought to come up with them
Now explain why this random radio show just *had* to get adapted in the era when online discourse has devolved into EVERYONE WHO DISAGREES WITH TRANNIES IS A RACIST PEDO. It's not the story, it's the timing and you're a fool not to see yourself as the KKK in the story because that's exactly what the people who adapted this meant for you to interpret it as.
Are you also Hitler?
If you already know the context, then the parameter of op has not been 'violated'. And that parameter isn't sacred or set in stone, either. And op doesn't contain an exclusion parameter, so context is fine to add.
um also the jews um also black people
Rent free whataboutism as fuck
shitty political message at expense of the characters
Yeah nothing like how they were used as WW2 propaganda or anything oh right you don't care about actual history you just want to downplay what a bunch of pieces of shit your favorite bedsheet baddies were
Not what the post is saying though, I'm only working in response to that post. The post says that we should only treat the image as it is, and OP is a faggot anyway so there's no point in paying heed to whatever his intent was.
There’s a difference between someone beating up the KKK in a comic, and a person making a comic where the KKK is beat up but also a stand-in for the author's personal disagreements.
If the KKK was right next to me, I wouldn't want to be near that guy. But in the comic world, writers make things as stand-ins. Sometimes the KKK are just the KKK in comics, sometimes the KKK is the author venting about something he saw on twitter .
I think the problem is assuming everyone should already know the context of the comic already.
The eternal cope of the Superman hater and something that was addressed in that story where he and Batman swap powers. Superman simply can't be everywhere at once and to make himself responsible for everything in the world is not only cowardly on humanity's part, it would simply run a guy ragged since at the end of the day he's just a man named Clark who happened to be given powers.
Does this upset you?
What does you being right wing have to do with it?
Anon Babble is one person
We've actually reached a point where people are trying to come up with reasons that it's acceptable for them to feel upset at the notion of Superman manhandling KKK members in 1940s America
God this site is shite
op is a fag as usual
no it is anon that is wrong for answering his troll question without context
I hope you get carjacked while buckled in and become a bloody smear on the pavement, you're a fucking idiot
"why did the do a retelling of a very famous radiostory"
"doesn't this physical magazine media care about THE INTERNET?"
"the timing for this comic that I don't know when it came out COULDN'T HAVE COME OUT AT A WORSE TIME"
The level of repeated nonsense has me wondering if some racist trained chatgpt is just being used to shitpost cause it will get confused or repeat unrelated talking points way too much
You worded this poorly but I know what you mean. "Nazi" and "klansman" are just labels for anyone who isn't with the leftists now. Thankfully this election proves their bully tactics have no effect when people are actually in the privacy of a poll.
It is endlessly hilarious seeing clark justify whatever he wants at any given time considering there is a similar thread up
And the ones who came together to vote agree with that sentiment op is so triggered about. That's why Trump won overwhelmingly. This is the real American culture and libs can not hide it anymore.
We've been dealing with this shit for like a decade.
What shit? Screaming the n word and le jooz at everything until you got kicked out of every social circle that requires a username?
Which sort of different opinions?
a very famous radiostory
Not famous enough judging by all the people who didn't know about it in this thread and the storytimes back when it came out.
The op doesn't say 'only' at any point, anon. Are you illiterate, or delusional?
They do but you really have to look for them now.
Look for them? When they willingly reply to shit like OP and say "why yes I feel called out, how could you tell?"
treat the image as it is
No. I said you do not need to know the source. You can extrapolate if this is made to insult righties or if it was made in earnest to fight against the Klan. I only said it doesnt matter if you know the source.
Stop putting words where they aren’t you gaslighting fuck.
And this time the KKK isn't just the KKK in comics because of a page from the comic?
A line a KKK character was made to say that clearly was made with modern parrallels?
A recorded review of the story breaking down how the KKK is the author venting about something?
Anything that isn't you sucking down enough copium to kill an elephant?
I said OP is a faggot and I'm only working in the context of this post , learn to read.
Doesn't matter, don't care about anything but . You are addressing things that are outside of the scope of anything I or the post I'm working off of have said. Try again, you're coming off as a colossal retard right now.
Yes, it in fact does, wanna know why?
Because I'm tired of these same boring fucking villains that writers have. Are you really so lazy you need to rely on existing groups so you can go "Ooh they're bad, no explanation needed here, let's get to beating them up"? I'm fucking tired of seeing nazi villains and similar ones, they're so fucking overdone. Please make something original
inb4 it's an adaptation!!!!
It was boring then and it's boring now.
Well clearly anon the author meant to represent this as Global Warming and some other thing that makes me VERY UPSET cause I am definitely being targetted for my beliefs that I don't have I just don't like being told I am bad by the people in my head.
"doesn't this physical magazine media care about THE INTERNET?"
One second, I'm purging my memory of every single big 2 comics creator spending almost every waking second on social media virtue signaling and getting into heated political arguments and putting in references to internet happenings in their comics that have a steadily declining readership. And...done. Wow I can't believe how h*ckin dumb y'all folx be that you'd've looked at klan members and think "he's literally me!" without any provocation THOUGH
Multiple anons have demonstrated you are fucking retarded. Please leave the thread with some dignity.
Fact is, more Americans support and are in favor the KKK than not. Just because you're a degenerate troon from a city doesn't change this fact. America supports the klan. The overwhelming support for Trump shows the Day of the Rope draws near.
It's interesting. When it's a real group they make them always evil no matter what, no gray area. But when it's a fake group they'll have a gray area about them becuase fake people can be afforded their sympathy but not actual people apparently.
Nobody has demonstrated anything working solely within the confines of . They've added a lot of shit to it outside of that scope but have failed to address it. Treating the image as a STANDALONE with NO OUTSIDE CONTEXT WHATSOEVER in ANY CAPACITY, how does this image make you feel?
Most of today's american nazis are hillbillies who think using the internet gives you the 5G strain of covid.
domestic terrorists
What are the charges? Not buying the latest AAAslop vidya?
without any provocation
The provocation was Op's quest though, learn to read nigga
They weren't relevant when it was set either. The Klan's peak was during the 1920s because there was a lot of unease over the influx of Catholic immigrants and blacks moving north. The 1920s Klan was, as much as the black hating, about basically being WASP Sharia Police protecting WASP culture against filthy papists and negroes. It collapsed because the Great Depression changed priorities and the guy who was essentially the national leader got convicted for raping and murdering a girl.
By the time of this story (the 1940s) the Klan was basically already a decimated shell of what it had been in the 1920s or even the Reconstruction era South where it killed not only blacks but assassinated Republican politicians on the regular and were basically an armed gang of the southern Democrats. When the Civil Rights era started up, Klan activity in the south exploded again until it again collapsed in the 1970s when it had been thoroughly infiltrated by the FBI.
Something like border control, health control, environmental issues, abortion, gun rights, immigration, etc.
Basic middle of the road left and right leaning policies. Hell, even some people are labeled bigots for not going all in on transgender shit.
Also quit trying to tip toe and call me a racist or whatever buzzword you want to call me.
huh? why doesn't everyone do my own research so I don't come off as a clueless idiot every time I open my mouth about pop politics?
Come on, man. Will you shut up? Be better.
Yes, as a Grand Dragon I'm furious at my ilk being treated like that.
They hated him because he told the truth. They feign ignorance. "What do you mean? Do you think you're the KKK??" Meanwhile every schizo on Twitter compares voting for Team Red to mean you're a nazi.
NGL I think it's kind of funny that even though I think you're some kind of massive autist that nobody's been able to just answer you. As an extreme misanthrope that despises everyone regardless of race, sex, religion, or creed, I've gotta hand it to you anon. You definitely know how to make these worms squirm. Of course I hate you for being an autist too but at least you're doing something funny right now. God I hate humans.
working solely within
You, are projecting. You are not working within the confines of that post. YOU are actually the one adding outside context.
Reading comprehension, you retarded baboon
Irrelevant as that's not within the scope of the post.
No the post is pretty clear, I think you're just retarded.
literally screeching
What an undignified retard.
can't deny it
Yeah, they made Superman look like a total fruit
That doesn't answer the question as posed in the post which I'm working within the confines of. Ergo, you are a retard.
why would it?
Apparently women and Hispanics are dumb hillbilly racists now if they voted Orange. Well, as Joe Biden once said
If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain't black
And you assume there isn't explaination?
Does pic related also set you off on rants about anti-darwinism or someshit?
So does anyone here actually believe the shit they're saying or are we all just bored on a Sunday night
It's a bait thread, anon. We're all being retarded on purpose.
Good question, why DID so many people itt take offense and feel called out? I guess we'll never know.
I'm just bored to be completely honest
And this will all get brought up while Jimmy Olsen watches Superman juggle the KKK?
maybe allowing millions of illegal immigrants into our country is doing more harm than good by increasing crime
maybe it's unfair to allow a man to lie about his sex and win a professional fight against women
perhaps allowing children to mutilate their bodies over a fad is evil
maybe women have had equal rights for 110 years or even 40 if you count the credit card/home owner thing and even men aren't allowed to kill their children so women shouldn't either
perhaps fetishes like homosexuality or beastiality shouldn't be normalized, paraded, and flaunted in the street
perhaps people who migrate to a country should assimilated into the native for 300 years group rather than transplanting the culture they fled from that was so much worse
perhaps the states should hold more power in law that the federal government since the people in one region have different needs and wants than other regions
Okay, but does this upset you?
prove to me this non-provable thing
Ok you pedophile. You cant deny that.
You are a hypocrite and for your sake I hope you are a two-faced faggot rather than an idiot.
Shit man I've got nothing better to do, at least this is funny. I'm assuming everyone else here is in the same boat. I don't take Anon Babble seriously worth a quarter of a damn.
eveyone i respond to is the same person
Ok schizo take your meds
28 images
This thread sucks ass. It’s just retards talking back and forh about pedantics
parents hear the word "monster" and some religious parents equate it to "demon"
Not just that, but in the nineties yes the fucking NINETIES a big sticking point was because those parents still thought evolution was DEI shit. Fucking lmao at the average IQ of mutts, stay retarded. I know you will.
Not bored per se but I love oldschool troll threads like this, they're fun.
My guy you the one who saw an image of american way Superman, white american boy Jimmy Olsen, and two faceless KKK goons, and said "how dare they demonize those last two guys. I bet they want ME to be those guys since there is no other possible representation of me in this image".
I'm just here to shitpost :^)
Killing time before monday, actually going to bed right now so thanks for the entertainment thread-goers <3
I've never been much a Dan Jergens fan (I like Booster tho'), but the context makes a big difference. Booster was the young rookie that'd just been interested in making a name for himself suddenly going "let's overthrow a world ruler" and Supes went "uh, let's not try to decide the future of this entire world we know nothing about."
Because that guy that Booster wants to put on the throne is a piece of shit that lied to Booster and Superman about having a good and moral cause. "I should be on the throne, but my evil brother stole it, then murdered my wife and kids!" Bitch you never even made it to first base, nevermind having a kid.
This is real American culture
As stated, real American culture is staying at home. Probably drinking, thinking "social welfare is good (in the right circumstances)," and hating Mitch McConnell, Donald Trump, and Joe Biden, with maybe a bit of difference in how much but not enough to overcome the "my vote doesn't matter" belief.
I believe in us, we can get to 401 posts by the end of the morning
CHADpto not even listening
clark justify whatever he wants at any given time
Do, like any person who is in the middle of an argument that challenges their beliefs?
>maybe allowing millions of illegal immigrants into our country is doing more harm than good by increasing crime
Source on it increasing crime?
>maybe it's unfair to allow a man to lie about his sex and win a professional fight against women
What are you referring to here?
perhaps allowing children to mutilate their bodies over a fad is evil
What sort of mutilation are we talking about? How common is this?
>maybe women have had equal rights for 110 years or even 40 if you count the credit card/home owner thing and even men aren't allowed to kill their children so women shouldn't either
At what point should a fertilized egg be considered too human to abort? How should laws handle emergency situations? Like this:
Or like when this girl died after going to 3 different emergency rooms:
>perhaps fetishes like homosexuality or beastiality shouldn't be normalized, paraded, and flaunted in the street
Calling homosexuality a fetish would make most normal people consider you bigoted
SInce when has bestiality been normalized in the usa?
>perhaps people who migrate to a country should assimilated into the native for 300 years group rather than transplanting the culture they fled from that was so much worse
What are you referring to by this?
>perhaps the states should hold more power in law that the federal government since the people in one region have different needs and wants than other regions
What specific issues do you have in mind?
How dare you insult the Jewish community like this
Reminder this dog can perfectly understand human speech and chooses to ignore Superman.
Why should i be upset over superman fighting two democrats?
Yes the party switch happened after the period this comic was set in.
My guy
You are straight from Twitter. You know you're feigning ignorance. There's no point in your playing this game. It's an anonymous image board.
194...7? 8? somewhere around there, just after world war 2
At what point should a fertilized egg be considered too human to abort? How should laws handle emergency situations?
Not that anon but:
until the invent an artificial womb and use it to gestate the permed egg then it's not alive since the egg needs a womb to survive
medical malpractice case where she would have still died becasue even in blue state doctors are fucking lazy
Cry me a river
Because they're transwomen and Superman is a transphobic bigot
this looks like a kino story wtf
Skellington season is over!
How is it medical malpractice?
Which Blue states have comparable requirements to confirm fetal demise for emergency abortions?
it was all going well until he read Moby Dick and suddenly hit the bathhouse of San Fransico and died from AiDs
It just makes me want a Nazi Superman comic, Starchild.
Superman lands in Germany on the night of the 12th of September, 1919, near the barrack of the Berlin Freikorps, where Hitler is having the review of the Nazi Party's literature for the first time, feeding mice and reviewing their text, as he says in Mein Kampf. Hitler goes to investigate and finds a baby from the stars. Through a blunder in the wreckage, they discover the boy's invulnerability and laser eyes. Since the chain of command in Weimar is strapped with fighting the bavarian jewish communists, so the chain doesn't get the memo about superbaby from space. So Hitler is left to raise the child who grows fast and reveals super strength. Here is the proof of Neitzche, thinks Hitler, this boy is visible evidence that there is a more advanced state of man to be achieved, he is the Ubermensch manifest. Hitler doesn't worship him though, he wishes to simply raise the boy as he feels is to the ideals of his esoterics, and Alaric Hitler learns of the Aryan mysticism. He learns of the legends the Nazis indulged in and is intrigued, wondering if something for himself awaits in the north. But he is still a child of five, even if grown to a boy of nine, by 1924 as the Putsch begins. When the police move in, Alaric mows them down in a rage, but is shocked at the dead bodies in his wake. Regardless, the putsch fails, and Hitler is jailed not only for rebellion but for treason in hiding the Starchild from Germany's forces. Weimar captured the boy, hoping to use him as a legal pawn for a release on war debts, but he escaped and broke his father out of jail as well. Secluding him in the mountains of Bavaria, Alaric eventually enters the Weimar parliament at a hail of gun and tankfire he blows off, surrendering in exchange for a total pardon of the Nazi Party and his father, Adolf.
evolution was DEI shit
It's more apt to call it progressive. Also I think that was mostly in highly religious circles. Even I knew Christians that integrated evolution into God's plan.
The first 2 emergency room visits were medical malpractice and the 3rd was the icing on the cake, all three should be sued and even if abortion as birth control was still legal all those fuckwits would have still let that woman die, terminating pregnancy to save mothers is still very legal in red states.
I'm sorry Becky has to actually birth her kid instead of killing it because she didnt want to close her whore legs, but you’re anecdotes in the news only.make it to the news because it's medical malpractice
tldr but there already is a nazi alt earth
But what?
She crossed the threshold to the hallway leading to congress and was part of an angry violent mob. They were all also warned to stop. Should have just complied with law enforcement instead if fucking around and finding out.
Anon Babble doesn't read comics.
Source on it increasing crime?
Racial diversity in general causes more crime and dysfunction, If you haven't seen similar studies to pic related then you are just likely either dumb or irrationally hate your own ethnic group when having in group preference is natural for every group besides the white liberal.
Pretty obvious for the other shit and you are being deliberately obtuse.
To add on to what that other guy says, women shouldn't vote at all because they don't fight wars they start or have to face the consequences for shitty decisions since society protects them. Not to mention they barely do any actual hard labor jobs compared to men. Even if they did fight wars or do those real jobs they are shit at it.
The truest thing posted all thread
It really is the most disingenuous bullshit ever. Bordering on gaslighting.
What do you mean this media about punching Nazis is a thinly veiled political message? Why would you have a problem with that? You aren't a NAZI, are you?
All your pic says is that people from different groups don’t trust or help eachother as much. You’re conflating that with crime
women shouldn't vote at all because they don't fight wars
They are in the USA and have been in the infantry for 10 years, but have been part of the military since
1917: Loretta Perfectus Walsh becomes America’s first official enlisted woman when she joins the Navy on March 21st
And wars aren't the only thing voting for the president, governor, city council and the like are voted in for
But even
Sounds like seeing the KKK in comics leaves you triggered, and that you want some kinda safe space from mean bully comic writers.
It seems dated. I've never seen a kkk member, but I have seen a ton of mexican and black gangs. Does Superman go after them?
See the crime rate in Europe from before they took in a bunch of immigrants and after, see also the roaming gang rapes that Wikipedia calls a """conspiracy"""
See how Japan has one of the highest native population and lowest crime combo
>What do you mean this media about punching Nazis is a thinly veiled political message? Why would you have a problem with that? You aren't a NAZI, are you?
lower social cohesion
increased psychotic experiences
reduces friendships and increases social fracturing
reduces happiness, trust, civic participation, and civic health
Where do you think criminals come from?
They are in the USA and have been in the infantry for 10 years, but have been part of the military since
Didn't know they were part of the draft. How many of those bitches are doing desk jobs or slowing the boys down? Or better yet, crashing ships and destroying military equipment.
And wars aren't the only thing voting for the president, governor, city council and the like are voted in for
And? They are not entitled to that and the US founders never intended for them to be entitled to that.
Of course not, Metropolis hasn't taken in a bunch of illegals and they dont have homeless druggies on the streets.
That's Gotham, and all the black and Mexicans get a special skin recolor when entering the city so Batman isn't seen as a racist for beating poor ethnic criminals
How many of those bitches are doing desk jobs
Ha this nigga doesn't know what the infantry is!
No it makes me chuckle because it took the "man of steel" 82 fucking years to be depicted beating the average faglord's boogeyman KEK
Not to mention they barely do any actual hard labor jobs compared to men.
Even speaking as rigidly and traditionally as possible, women are the ones who rear children and shape the youth, both as mothers and schoolteachers. Without women instilling empathy and discipline into boys, men wouldn't have the emotional intelligence to hold hard labor jobs or cooperate as a military unit in the first place.
It's a remake of a comic from 1946, retard.
what do you mean I should read a comicbook! I'm not on Anon Babble for comics!
You’re telling me that if you take in poor (probably uneducated) refugees from another country on or near your continent and move them into your area that crime will happen? There must be something wrong with your data. There’s no way that poor people from anywhere increase the chance of crime. Pshaw I say.
Tell me, why is it that immigrants that come half way across the globe to the US are underrepresented in terms of crime when compared to people born in America..
infantry has zero logistics
Yep they are just a mob that carries weapons into battle with no thought on supply lines and paperwork
That's not even counting the ones that got in when they shouldn't have because the standards got lowered for them or other such things which is common as fuck.
women instilling empathy and discipline
Is that why most criminals come from fatherless homes? Women have their place but they can't do shit on their own. As you say, they are meant to SUPPORT man and that is frankly where they get the most happiness statisically
These next four years are gonna be peak brainrot culture for you, Muricans. I mean, the previous four years were pretty bad, whatnot with the election tourists and people becoming utterly unhinged, but these next four? With another senile old fuck but this one's even more out of touch with reality?
Threads like these will thrive. Conspiracy nuts and resident schizos true. Can't wait to see about a dozen Anons complaing about woke, wojak use spikes and a further lack of basic recommended reading (retarded Moore takes here we goooo).
It's gonna be fun, in a sort of fucked up way. I suggest you Lurkers out there remain lurking as the madness unfolds.
Is that why most criminals come from fatherless homes?
How do you have so little self-awareness? Do you really think that sounds like an own to women? That's an own to MEN, you moron. Fatherless homes are common, but motherless homes are almost nonexistent. That only bolsters the legitimacy of a woman's essential role in society even more, and speaks volumes on the failures of modern men that they can no longer be fathers.
Tell me, why is it that immigrants that come half way across the globe to the US are underrepresented in terms of crime when compared to people born in America
Because you are being dishonest. Stealing from taxpayers and crossing the border illegally are crimes in and of themselves. In addition, they cook the books a lot to make it seem that way. Tons of spics/anchor babies are considered """white""" when they really aren't.
Also "people born in America" means "of any race" and of course blacks are more violent with that standard that almost anyone
That's an own to MEN, you moron.
Women initiate most divorces so wrong again.
peak brainrot culture for you, Muricans
That means you too, retard. You eat our slop as much as us.
They count the Hispanics as white :^)
implying that they're married in the first place
That's an own to MEN, you moron.
Women initiate most divorces so wrong again.
Forgot to add that yes man failed to control women but frankly speaking it's woman's fault for being fucking stupid in the first place
Divorce courts are heavily stacked in the favor of women but tons of judges are jews and lots of law is based on president from these same jews
Now we have this spaghetti clusterfuck which is the collective fault of women, jews, and other non whites. Also faggots too.
Basically any group that is demanding the historical majority of the nation bow and scrape and give everything to the leech minority as if that is a stable system that has ever fucking worked historically
Where do you think criminals come from?
From a variety of things. Like poverty and lack of opportunity would generate all kinds of crime. None of the things you listed would necessarily make someone resort to crime.
Like, for instance, hardly anyone on my street knows one another. I have had new neighbors for months and we haven’t even really looked at eachother. Yet, when I get something delivered and it’s sitting on my porch, nobody around here steals it. There are people of different races in my community. Still the same level of not giving a fuck about them. Still nothings stolen. But then, why would anyone that lives here steal anything? That’s for poor people with no upbringing.
Every problem that I’ve had in my community with crime it has always been sone poor person that showed up and through some retard logic they believed that it’s ok to steal things and they’re the same race I am.
implying that they're married in the first place
Shit, got me there. That being said if women were smart at all then they shouldn't be fucking random men to begin with considering they have huge bodily consequences for doing it.
Now we have this spaghetti clusterfuck which is the collective fault of women, jews, and other non whites
You act like white men are so helpless when they're the ones who willingly agreed to these terms in the first place. I thought they were supposed to be the responsible accountable ones?
Stealing from taxpayers and crossing the border illegally are crimes in and of themselves.
I’m talking about people that immigrate here legally, you fucking retard. Mexico isn’t halfway across the world. Kkvmt
I’m not talking about Hispanics tho and whether they’re Hispanic or not that shouldn’t affect whether or not they count as immigrants.
From a variety of things. Like poverty and lack of opportunity would generate all kinds of crime. None of the things you listed would necessarily make someone resort to crime.
You mean like how poverty comes from diversity in many cases in that very thing I posted because it keeps wages down and prevents workers from trusting each other? Dishonest as fuck to pretend it wasn't addressed there. Same with social strife and "lack of opportunity".
Like, for instance, hardly anyone on my street knows one another. I have had new neighbors for months and we haven’t even really looked at eachother. Yet, when I get something delivered and it’s sitting on my porch, nobody around here steals it. There are people of different races in my community. Still the same level of not giving a fuck about them. Still nothings stolen. But then, why would anyone that lives here steal anything? That’s for poor people with no upbringing.
Cool anecdotal evidence but that is a fallacy I'm afraid and doesn't match the data.
Every problem that I’ve had in my community with crime it has always been sone poor person that showed up and through some retard logic they believed that it’s ok to steal things and they’re the same race I am.
Again anecdotal and doesn't reflect reality for me or most people.
they're the ones who willingly agreed to these terms in the first place
Pic fucking related and yes, the flaw of the white man is that he is without exaggeration, too kind to faggots who want to take advantage of him in indirect ways.
Read again.
Also "people born in America" means "of any race" and of course blacks are more violent with that standard than almost anyone
Also "people born in America" means "of any race" and of course blacks are more violent with that standard that almost anyone
Ok, I live in maryland. In maryland, there’s a town called Bowie. It has roughly the same population size as Charleston West Virginia. Bowies bkack population is about 50% while Charleston’s is much lower. Which town has more crime and why.
Shit Thread.
Don't know, why don't you ask Hollywood, the news media and every leftist on Shitter.
Unironically what were whites supposed to do about African-Americans? They shipped in 13% of their population from Africa as slaves, and then freed them. It's not like the blacks ASKED to come, they were literally kidnapped. Were they just supposed to exist in slavery or Jim Crow apartheid forever? That resentment is gonna boil over eventually, nothing can stop that. Mass deporting them wasn't an option either, they'd already been inseparably intertwined in the nation after being forced to live in it for 200 years. My point is, the problem currently plaguing white people was entirely created by themselves. You act like they have no accountability for their mistakes.
No but DC would sure like you to think they are.
What does Moby Dick have to do with bathhouses in San Francisco?
Here you go
You mean like how poverty comes from diversity
Diversity doesn’t create poverty.
Cool anecdotal evidence but that is a fallacy I'm afraid and doesn't match the data.
It’s better than the non-evidence you have. You’re conflating sone effects of diversity with crime but you can have homogenous communities with rampant poverty and crime.
Again anecdotal and doesn't reflect reality for me or most people.
Tell me about your reality then. I think your beliefs are fucking stupid and you’re coming to incorrect conclusions about things but go right ahead. Tell me how a homogenous neighborhood with poverty and poor education has less crime than one with diversity yet less poverty and better education.
The original version of Moby Dick was Hella gay, like full dick in asshole gay narrator sleeping with other men gay, the original editor took out the gay stuff but they put it back in modern copies
Which town has more crime
Wouldn't know but statistically speaking the more nonwhite town would have crime. It is possible for a whiter town to have crime but it is less likely, not impossible.
I don't know why you faggots pretend that high crime whites are impossible, all that is being said is that it is much much more likely for nonwhites to commit crime for various reasons.
Deport them.
It's not like the blacks ASKED to come
Sold by other blacks, yeah.
Were they just supposed to exist in slavery
They should have never been imported ideally, but alternatively they should get the fuck out. Stop pretending the US was historically ever supposed to be reasonable to non whites. That was never supposed to be a function of the state. Natives complaining about the white man kicking them off their land is a tale as old as America itself. If anything they should count themselves lucky the chinks didn't get here first since they are way more ruthless when they feel like it.
the problem currently plaguing white people was entirely created by themselves
Yes and no. As I stated the slave trade was heavily Jewish who are not "white Europeans". Yes there were corrupt whites but that is a drop in the bucket compared to what Jews were and still are doing since they run interference for corrupt whites as well which is why historically everyone hates Jews. Could have overcome those corrupt whites without Jews.
Diversity doesn’t create poverty.
It typically does.
It’s better than the non-evidence you have. You’re conflating sone effects of diversity with crime but you can have homogenous communities with rampant poverty and crime.
lol okay
I'm sure negative sense of community has nothing to do with crime, sure bud.
Tell me about your reality then.
I live in a mostly white (barely) shithole in the US filled with crime and most of the criminals are nonwhites. Used to be majority white and crime was less and I hate the faggots here who can barely speak my language and are incompetent in addition to hating all the new crime. All the neighboring towns and cities that have grown to be majority nonwhite are even worse off. And of course Jews are the biggest advocates for importing them historically. 2+2=4. I live in the PNW and I used to like walking around without seeing human shit everywhere and without seeing tweaking nonwhites everywhere as well. Of course there was already a growing amount of nonwhites in nation when I was born since we have been just letting them in since 1965 but I never knew how bad it was at how almost half the nation only came here in 1965 or after now.
Wouldn't know but statistically speaking the more nonwhite town would have crime
Charleston has way more crime than Bowie.
It is possible for a whiter town to have crime but it is less likely
Because of poverty, dumbass. Blacks are massively overrepresented in terms of poverty as well a lack of education and opportunity when compared to whites. That’s the source of the problem. It isn’t the race of the individual because fucking blackass immigrants from Africa are underrepresented in terms of crime when compared to the average American but black Africans that can afford to immigrate to America aren’t really that poor or lacking in opportunity.