Cartoon theme song intro

Cartoon theme song intro

it’s a clip show of various episodes instead of an original animation

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Intro runtime got slashed in half and we just let it happen.

cartoon intro changes each season to reflect plot events of the previous season

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Sometimes it's for no reason at all.

theme song intro has a different gag/character depending on the episode.


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garfield and friends opening 2


the intro is only 3 seconds long

Only in the US, the UK got its full intro intact.

Or sometimes do what Jimmy Neutron and Barnyard did by mostly using movie footage

it’s a clip show of various episodes

some of the scenes never actually show up in the show

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>it’s a clip show

guaranteed skip, no questions asked

song lyrics are the name of the show, over and over

Even when I was a child, I felt like I was being belittled and considered to have indiscriminate interest in my TV watching.


Do cartoons still have intros or are they all just the title appearing for five seconds while a generic orchestrated theme plays in the background.

Intros and end credits still exist outside the US.

Why did they make it so short in America?

Short attention spans.

Cartoon theme song intro

it LOOKS like a clip show of various episodes instead of an original animation, but none of those episodes actually exist

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It's better that way. Less theme song means more of the show's designated time slot can be used for actual animation.

Strong Bad said it best
"theme songs are just an excuse for showmakers to make less show"


rick and morty did it

In reality, theme songs just get cut so the networks can air more commercials.

We are retarded also more space for advertisers
It's why they stopped airing closing themes too

God that show was so kino
That's what Panty and Stocking war parodying

What about when it's mostly original animation but short second is just a clip show despite clearly them taking the time to animate the thing by hand?
For example:

Pure copium. They use the extra time for more ads. It's why end credits are now plastered on the actual show now.

animated theme song intro

episode is live action

intro shows the entire cast, spending a few seconds focusing on each person

new cast member joins

they're newly added section is the fastest and cheapest looking compared to the others and is sometimes just clips of their appearances

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meanwhile, the inverse.

main character was removed

still mention the removed character anyway

This was always my favorite part of horse show

I've only seen the opposite ie Bewitched


Cartoon theme song intro

complete 180 in tone from the previous two season's opening
I do like that they used the NANANA melody from the Adam West show, though. Still, this series feels like it lost its identity as it went.


Actually that's the same.

clip show, but instead of reusing existing footage it's all reanimated just because

Those are the weirdest intros

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Any specific examples of this? I'm sure it's happened but I can't think of any specific times it's happened.

Cartoon theme song intro

The lyrics are just the title of the show repeated over and over again.

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title sequence

characters suddenly start reading my address out loud

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Dumbass lol

Give one example
It's kind of bizarre to see a cartoon dump a cast member instead of a live action show

Cartoon theme song intro

The animation sequence is custom made and doesn't appear in the rest of the cartoon

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I don't think it becomes awful, but season 3 and beyond is basically slightly sillier BTAS/DCAU. Ellen Yin literally disappears.

Seasons 3-4 are very watchable, but it definitely feels different.

The best cartoon intros were the ones with dedicated roll-calls of each characters


Fucking goosebumps man.

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Do you guys prefer cartoons where they play the theme song immediately and go straight to the episode afterwards or that thing they do in some cartoons (mostly serious action ones) where the episode plays first for a bit for plot reasons and then the theme song starts?

Ducktales '87 moment.

I'm honestly not sure if Stereo was all that memorable in all honesty.

theme song length is only a problem in Japan where it's at two minutes of intro song, two minutes of "previously on", two minutes of flashbacks in the actual episode, two minutes of "next time, and two minutes of ending song.

There are some cartoons like Kim Possible, American Dragon, Catscratch etc where it’s an odd mix of both OG animation and episode clips.

Fat Dog...
Fat Dog...

It may just be a clip show but atleast Hindi actually gave Regular Show a proper theme song unlike the US.

I don't think I've seen an anime do the "previously on" thing in years.
Nowadays you mainly get the post-show teaser of the next episode or little side piece extra content.
Or if it's a show made by maniacs/invalids, you get both.

Which is better: the regular version or the Jim Cummings-performed version?

I remember when Rocket Power did it

The answer to 99% of any question is money
Why did they make it so short in America?
More ads for more money

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No really, that's the reason, American TV has such a shit ton of ads compared to TV anywhere else that they have no choice to make shit shorter to insert more ads or they miss out on essential ad bux.
It's why older sitcoms now are slightly sped up, cut up, and have awkward cut to commercials that weren't there back in the day.