Earth's mightiest heroes

I think the show did an excellent job with the rogues gallery even for a few minutes of screentime for some of them and also building plot lines early then following on them quite well but also being sure stuff still happened of value before the payoff. Also all the woman were mad sexy I think we can all agree. Also a fun time capsule of marvel before the worst characters entered the wood works and franchise overall.

My favorite part is how the theme song is done by a rapist.

My favorite was baron zemo

they did a great job making him seem on top of things and suavely competent despite being at most a semi enhanced human with how he outplays Amora or keeps these other supervillains in line. Admittedly I like way to many villains to pick favorites but want to highlight that this is one of the last times The Wrecking Crew were treated with dignity and that The Leader was just an excellent bad guy to in how competent, egotistical but also pompous he was. Whirlwind is also a lot of fun as the repeat mook but also clearly still treated as a strong threat, though him not simping for the by far sexiest Wasp is still sorta funny to me.

The fact they killed Whirlwind and Blizzard in the negative zone ep bummed me out.
I got attached to them from showing up so much. At least when they killed Living Laser, Chemistro and Gray Gargoyle they never gave me the chance to give a shit

Funnily enough Living Laser is technically not dead but yeah was a shame they never followed the episode up since Annihlus is peak cosmic marvel villain. Blizzard was just naturally really likable since I just felt bad for him when they send him to the prison and he did correctly point out he woulda done better if he didn't get outnumbered. Also just his design in the show is really charming and the way he dies just pretty grim poor guy, in the comics he's very much Iron Man's equivalent of Shocker in being a fairly nice career criminal who's better then he or others think of him.

Why was Captain America investigating Spider-Man beforehand?

This speech is like a hundred and one times better than the comic it was based on.

He was impressed when by Spider-Man being a solo hero with no government backing that's not exactly uncommon in Marvel even though it's 616 Spider-Man was one of the earliest to do it.

This series is simply the best representation of Marvel outside of comics. Season 3 would have been insanely awesome

I wonder if it would have been like had the show come out just one or two years earlier

Some of the arcs certainly would've been adapting different things, it would've maybe lasted longer and perhaps not had interference in the later half but ultimately can't predict these things.

I love that it's the mvc3 vas
which came first, that casting or this show being decided?

I think might've been shown casted first then the game but either way it really shows why they are by far some of the definitive voices. Shame Zemo, Ant-Man or the Wasp didn't get into mvc3.

Red Skull is better than Zemo

Rank wise sure. And bucky too i guess.

You know not to dismiss the whole disservice done to Keaton by the recast but Bell was actually pretty solid in the EMH episodes. Would still rob a bank to find the Keaton episode.

I liked the effort put into it. Did you know it had a soundtrack, and not just some soundboard playing a couple tracks every now and then?
In the I think it was Ultron episode, when Thor arrives and the soundtrack plays some angelic chorus, oof goosebumps, very well done.

Probably because he gets a lot of public attention and almost all of it is negative

For me, it's Gamma World

Capture.png - 1045x585, 931.72K

Now I'm all sad again, thanks OP

I'n curious. What issues and arcs do each of the episodes adapt?

I was just happy to see the Leader treated as a very top tier villain and also just getting to see the U-Foes is always a lot of fun. Though I always imagine Vector and Vapour having a spat over her kissing Captain America.

Hulk has a really underrated rogues gallery in general, I'm glad this show gave them some love

Is this from an actual writer from the show? I remember they were building up for CIvil war but its absent from this episode list.

Off the top of my head and looking at the episode titles


Loosely based off the first arc of Bendis's New Avengers (#1 - #4). Loki being behind it all is a reference to the first issue of the Avengers

Living Legend

Loosely based off of Avengers Vol 1 #5

Everything is Wonderful

Avengers Vol 1 #9

Panther's Quest

Unless I'm misremembering I'm pretty sure this is based off of his first appearance in Fantastic Four Vol 1 #52

Masters of Evil

Mixes a couple of Masters of Evil stories from what I remember. Namely Avengers Vol #7 and #274 - #277

Casket of Ancient Winters

Thor #346 - #349

To Steal an Ant-Man

Marvel Premier #47

Michael Korvac

Avengers #167 - #177

Who Do You Trust - Secret Invasion

Just a long adaptation of the Secret Invasion event from the 2000s

Behold the Vision

Avengers #57


Avengers #59

Operation Galactic Storm + Live Kree or Die

Mix of the two stories of the same name, both took place over several comics

Avengers Assemble

Avengers-centric rendition of Fantastic Four #48 - #50

Abomination being a Masters of Evil member really works perfectly that i'm surprised the comics never dabbled in it, also shame the show never had episodes for the fighting Bi-Beast or Madman who do exist in the shows continuity, especially since Madman is Samuel Sterns brother. Xemnu would've been great to appear to but admittedly I think Al Ewing is the main reason I really like him as a villain and this show was way before that take on him appeared. This show also did super well with the Asgard mythos and especially making Beta Ray Bill the badass he is, Kang is also done so damn good in this show and his attacks so fucking dope that the MCU shoulda just ripped it off honestly.

Looks like it was only the episodes he was supposed to work on

Xemnu would've been great to appear to but admittedly I think Al Ewing is the main reason I really like him as a villain and this show was way before that take on him appeared.

A lot of the cool stuff Ewing did with Xemnu was based on stuff that had already been established before his run. Mass hypnotism has been Xemnu's MO since his very first appearance, and the subliminal messaging angle was added in his first marvel age appearance along with along with his goal of assimilating others into more Xemnus. Even the reference to him being the original hulk came up in Jeff Parker's Hulk in 2011.

If you could give me a Xemnu reading list i'd be good with checking them out, was vaguely aware of him trying to bring his species back with human children or him fancying She-Hulk once but only vaguely knew of his mo from again my introduction to him in Immortal Hulk.

we thee!

Man of Action actually explained that the reason that happened, is that Avengers Assemble was going to be a continuation of EMH and be canon to USM. That's why the flashback episode was done in EMH style. Way late into development The Avengers came out, and Ike Perlmutter demanded it be a continuation of the film.

This is why this show absolutely failed for me. They should not have been adapting things so closely because it draws comparison and the second you try to compare it to the source material it fails on every single level. It was excruciating to watch this show as it bastardized and misunderstood every story. The animation style is also garbage.

for me

no, you're wrong it did work for you


Your taste is incorrect

Hawk Pym was kino in this. I like how they gave him a personality traits other than "Science hero" or "Wife beater"