Do you agree, Anon Babble?
Do you agree, Anon Babble?
An AI could've generated these picks.
Tony completing the suit and escaping in IM1.
Steve in the alley with the bully from cap 1
And “we are groot” are inarguably the best scenes in all of the MCU.
the portals sequence is literally the climax of the whole saga to this day so of course it has to be in the top 3
rest is debatable
Do you agree OP? What are your thoughts??? Why make this dumb thread that isn't about comics or cartoons?
Thor in wakanda
Dr strange bargaining
Elevator scene
Should be
1. Bonesaw diss
2. Wowie Zowie, right in the infinity stones
3. Cumberpatch car accident (because it looked really and I don't like the acotr)
Feel like Nick Fury's 'I'm putting together a team' should have some significance, but it's a man's personal preference, and not 'best scenes'
the portals sequence is literally the climax of the whole saga to this day so of course it has to be in the top 3
And they completely botched the Avengers Assemble. That needed to be a triumphant shout and battle cry. Not some muted close up whisper to sound badass for a movie audience.
That's a cute outfit. Did your fucking AIDS-ridden cum-chugging diseased faggot husband give it to you?
...That wasn't the line, Tobey.
Token first movie moment
Token black guy moment
Token final movie moment
1. Cap bring the boys home
2. Stormbreaker's forging
3. Zola in WS
...What The Fuck You Said About Black Panther?
Yondu's funeral in Guardians 2
Thor arriving in Wakanda
Cap lifting Mjolnir to whoop Thanos
Runner up would be the WS elevator fight and Strange fucking with Dormammu
I liked when Star Lord told black guy his name and black guy said Who?
The only capeshit movies worth watching are the pre-Dark Knight trilogy ones.
I like the Raimi Spiderman movies
Also they were the last cape movies I've seen, I'm completely out of the loop when it comes to the MCU
This should've been in the top 3.
Those predate the Dark Knight trilogy, which started in 2005. Dark Knight started the whole 'cinematic universe' thing and the way modern superhero films are presented as standard Hollywood movies that happen to have capes, rather than superhero movies.
Dark Knight started the whole 'cinematic universe' thing
This is wrong on two counts. Dark Knight was always a self contained universe. If you're counting that weird anime thing they did, Matrix did that too. Also, Toho and Universal had cinematic universes decades before the MCU was even a thought.
Dark Knight started the whole 'cinematic universe'
...How the hell do you firgure that?
What I meant is that their 'serious mature gritty realistic' presentation set the tone for the DCEU and MCU. Stuff like Iron Man were directly inspired by it.
serious mature gritty realistic
Compared to the camp action of stuff like X2 and Burton's Batman? Yes.
Watch some movies made before 2008
Burton's Batman
Batman movies didn't become camp until Schumacher got a hold of them.
Go actually watch the movies. Batman Returns has an army of robotic penguins with rockets on their backs. It's just this side of Adam West Batman. The Schumacher ones are campier yes, but don't try and pretend like Burton didn't build his career on suburban gothic.
Thor, Rocket and Groot entering the Wakanda battle in Infinity War
Thor talking to deceased Odin as he fights Hela
Hela destroying Mjölnir
I just like Thor. I also like the sequence in Civil War where everyone fights Bucky as he tries to escape the whatever building. Funny Feige wouldn't mention the shot of the main heroes in the first Avengers movie, that's a classic
For me it’s Steve jumping on the grenade in basic.
No, it's:
Tony saying: "I'm Iron-Man" in IM1
Tony saying: "And I'm... Iron Man" in AEG
Spider-Man reveal in the trailer for CA:WS
Honorable mention to: "There's only one God, Ma'am, and he don't look like that."
I liked the portals scene at first, but now I feel it's pure cringe.
Patrician taste
Hulk vs Abomination fights. Both of them.
Car door decapitation from Daredevil
Iron Man's prototype armor fight scene
Side character pretends he's the main character and doesn't even contribute meaningfully to the plot he's at the center of
Meaningless CGI noise in the form of "LOOK AT ALL THE THINGS YOU RECOGNIZE!!!"
These are legitimately good choices.
Tony killing those terrorists in the first movie
The one where Black Widow from Iron Man 2 rides me silly.
starlord flips the bird
”I can do this all day.” Yeah. I know. I know.
I doubt the white ass Feige put Black Panther in there for reasons other than the mandatory DEI thing