So they've circled back to the original idea for Toy Story 2

So they've circled back to the original idea for Toy Story 2.

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I have not seen a toy story beyond 2 a have no intention of doing so

This is also just retreading Toy Story 3 with factory reset Buzz
...and just Toy Story 2 itself with out-of-the-box Buzz

Not creating an entire new cast for Toy Story 4 and letting Woody & co. end their story in 3 was a massive mistake

Buzz gets factory reset/stuck in a meme mode/is the only brand of toy not to be self-aware out of the box

Yawn. Find NEW material or let the IP to rest already.

Buzz once again thinks he's a space ranger

30 years and they still can't think of a better plot than that.

Also 100% chance they bring Andy back.

That sounds like anti-money talk. Fired for wrongthink.

3 was good

Maaan it's so sad and funny that we've actually reached this point. Imagine unsarcastically making a movie that's just "Toy Story 1, but more", and that's the best you can think of in 30 years. Toy Story really should've just stayed as 1 film. The first film is the perfect comedy and adventure film. It's also the perfect first 3D film. Making a bunch of worse sequels is really embarrassing and has no benefit.

every good toystory movie has a buzz thinking he is a real space ranger, thats why toy story 4 failed no other reason nope

3 was made retroactively shit with 4


not digital technology.

wasted potential

woody and buzz are too iconic

we cannot create something better than what was designed for THE FIRST CGI FILM

holy moly. there's no hope.

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Toy Story 2 is better than the (still very good) first, don't overcorrect there just because worse sequels later got made.

you make this good by having the only characters in the movie the buzzes, all trapped on a deserted island and going insane in amusing fashions

Yeah but you can just not watch 4

Why are they still making these. Can't they just leave it alone. Fuck you Disney.

Toy Story 2 is a pretty decent film, but it cannot touch the first film by a longshot. The reason why 1 is so great (besides the accomplishment of being the first 3D movie) is because it's such a great comedy. Woody being an asshole and Buzz being clueless fool leads to so many great scenes, interactions, and character developments. In 2, Woody and Buzz just act "normal" for the entire movie, which is boring. Toy Story 2 isn't bad, but it's redundant and vanilla. The best thing you can say about Toy Story 2 is that it's probably as entertaining as they possibly could've made another film after the original was resolved. But personally, it's still far below for me.

I thought the defective Buzz plot was Toy Story 3 before they remembered "Oh wait, Andy's growing up" made more sense.

I think TS3 wasn't too bad either. Yea, it had some bits that could have been done without (like reprogramming Buzz, they could have just had Lotso reveal someone bought a new Buzz for the preschool and he's totally loyal to Lotso, and infiltrates Woody's gang). It definitely shouldn't have continued past that thought. The little shorts were amusing, but they were basically just harmless one-shots. TS4 screwed the pooch massively with the whole "Woody leaves to become Toy Jesus" or whatever the fuck. And honestly wouldn't surprise me if he and Bo-Peep come back and go "oh yea, we saved some toys and they'll handle the rest, so we're back" and making it feel like a huge waste of a plot point.

Well to be fair, the one time they ditched that idea, they ended up turning Buzz into a blithering retard who didn't know what a conscience was.

Wow they're just throwing shit at the wall now.

the most hilarious thing here is that for this shit to work, they'll have to backpedal on the stupid shit they did on Toy Story 4.

look guys, Woody might have betrayed everything he believed in during the original trilogy to escape into the wild but turns out he was always nearby and would return to help the toys he left behind because... HE JUST WILL

I mean, it was super obvious that Woody wasn't permanently leaving the franchise, though you would think they'd at least try to let a film fly with Woody and the others in the spotlight. Bringing back Woody in the immediate sequel just makes it a pointless act

wasn't this part of the circle 7 TS3?

This is why despite me unironically and sincerely prefering most of Pixar's films over Ghibli's I still prefer the latter studio overall.
I could only imagine if Pixar never made a sequel, they would still be considered the greatest animation studio of all time... but noooo instead we got a million shitty sequels later and one destroyed legacy to the point that Dreamworks is considered on par or if not better by most normies. Ghibli had the actual artistic integrity necessary to protect their legacy. Despite Hayao being mocked for being an egotesical cunt, he is (or at least was before becoming senial) very recepttive of valid criticism. Everytime he mentioned wanting to make a sequel he was talked out of it by his colleagues because they understood the longterm damage a bad sequel would do to the studio and its legacy. Pixar did have Briantrust which early on did the same thing and prevented a lot of sequels from being made but unfortunately that just become another focus testing group to run products through the ringer.
Studio Ghibli and Pixar are both companies who care about profit but I think Ghibli found a much better balence between making money and selling shit while still making art.

Ship of Theseus. Pixar today isn't the same Pixar that made Toy Story.

To think Pixar has the gall to suppress the Buzz Lightyear TV series because it was made without their approval when they've been reduced to abusing the character on their own.

Joe Ranft’s death and the Disney buyout fucked them up to the point of no return

I thought Porco Rosso was the only thing he even considered doing a sequel to, which I can kind of get since the real-life setting did allow for sequels far more so than his other films. Not that I'm saying I wanted him to get crazy with sequels, but that did seem like the only one where it could even work. Everything else, at best, would maybe work with some kind of one-off doujin exploring the lives of characters after their respective movies. Kiki continuing to deliver things for people, Nausicaa bridging the gap between humans and insects, etc. Again, not something I would personally want, but hard to imagine anything else with them.

Gotta sell those toys, what other Disney franchise can move as much goobely trash?

Pitch a better idea

The bad guy is a toy from a discontinued toyline that got rebranded and turned into a cheaper kind of toy in order to sell the remaining stock

He could have been the toy every kid wanted instead he got gifted to a kid who forgot it at a friend's house without even noticing then he has been from kid to kid and nobody ever cared about him

worse sequels

Toy Story 2 is better in almost every way, the fuck you on about?

Would say the second bit sounds a bit like Lotso, being forgotten by their kid, but I can dig the rebranded/remolded idea. Could lend itself to a similar body horror seen in Sid's room, except it's the "dark side" of toy production where discontinuied toys are either scrapped or cobbled with others into new shit.


original idea


If you mean being overly-sentimental and less-interesting, sure.

If there's any Post TS4 story I'd want I've wanted to see a short where Woody meets Stinky Pete again where they're both living the Lost Toy lifestyle after being outgrown by their kids.

SP thanks Woody because he finally got to experience being played with and loved by a kid wile Woody acknowledges that Stinky Pete's view of kids growing up and being left behind were also right. The side content is SP's accompanying grafitti'd Barbie and Bo Peep trying to find the two and make sure they aren't killing each other from what they assume will be a horrible grudge match.

that's little just Small Soldiers.

Something like it gets his arm torn out and some kind of gimmicky weapon like a grappling hook gets melded into the stub and he could use that grappling hook but it sounds way too gruesome for modern kids

That makes me think, I wonder what "life" must be like for toys with swappable parts. Do they just roll with it like Potatohead? Or do they constantly freak out when the kids are yanking off their limbs and rearranging them with their peer figures?

no new villains

save money with just infinite copies of buzz

it's like a metaphor for the current state of entertainment

A toy who saw their child murdered wants to find a way to deliver the murderer's identity to the police but all the other toys won't let them out of fear of breaking their cover.

Toy Story 2 is kino though

That would be way too dark.
If it was the child's parent/s it would probably fly.

The unproduced Toy Story 3 script that Disney was doing without Pixar back in the mid 2000s had an army of malfunctioning Buzz Lightyears as the main antagonists, wait and see how they just reuse that scrip and replace the adult OC with Andy

I thought it was just Buzz glitching out and getting sent back to China or whatever, was the army really in that too?

I always liked the idea of the toys ending up on some teen or adults shelf and having to deal with his anime figures and 40k army

The Buzz Lightyear cartoon was better than all the Toy Story movies after 2, Lightyear obviously included

They should release the R rated cute

Yes, they fight an army of Lightyears in the third act, then reveal that Toys are alive to an adult

On a trip to a museum, an ancient toy that's desperate to be played with again stows away in Bonnie's backpack. Hijynx ensue as the gang try to keep this priceless relic alive and return it unnoticed, while authorities are aggressively investigating Bonnie's classmates, knowing that one of the children had to have taken it. We've had abandoned toys before, but never really one that outlived its kid(s), which could be an emotional approach.

4 is a huge pile of dogshit though are you saying this just because the 3d models are shinier

I appreciate your filename


Toy Story is the one slop I will continue to consume no matter how much it degrades
Sad toys just make me cry every time I don't get it

The Nausicaa manga went on for like ten years after the movie came out and people have gotten pretty insistent lately that a full remake is likely on Hideaki Anno's to-do list.

I'm surprised this never got a cartoon show.

The Cat Returns is kind of a sequel to Whisper of the Heart, kind of.

R rated
