Underrated female super hero thread
Do you think she ended up doing Only Fans or whatever DC metahuman equivalent?
Doesn't her whole origin story involve finding out her husband was fapping to Superhero themed chat girls, then like did the thing to her and himself because he wanted to fuck a hero
Yeah. Ironic, innit?
Wouldn't you pay to see bullets bouncing off her chest in hi def slow mo, live with chat?
Would metallic boobies still bounce?
I believe so. Everything else is implied to work the same, barring super-strength and toughness.
can't believe grant morrison wrote that
'what if a mad scientist's literal trophy wife'
The only thing I know about her is that she got powers after his Gooner husband tried to give himself powers for sexual reasons.
Ok, this has my curiosity whats the name of the comic where she appears?
It was her own 4 issue miniseries, The Bulleteer, part of the Seven Soldiers story and reprinted there.
Also the woman her husband was having an affair with has the body of a teenager because she stopped physically aging
Up there as one of my favorite C-D grade heroes, and easily my favorite of the 7 Soldiers Run. Shame DC just forgot about her after Black Adams WW3.
'Sexy' Sally Sonic is one of the most subtly twisted antagonists.
If I recall, he initially only did it to himself, cause he also wanted internal youth, like his meta human mistress. However, when it started going wrong, he called his wife in panic, and the metal skin spread through physical content. Bulleteer survived because the doctors were able to use the still vulnerable skin under her wedding ring to administer medicine, while her husband, the cheating fuck, wasn't wearing his, and thus had no soft patch.
I like how she was a teacher of autistic children. Literal tard wrangler metal mommy.
Hope she gets at least an appearance in Waid's Justice League run.
I came here to post this.
Nightshade is really cool. Atleast I think she's really underrated and underutilized. For one of the original members of the Suicide Squad she never really gets that much attention. Does anyone remember Shadowpact?
Fucking kek
How old of a teenager
She was 16 when she got her powers. Some time before WW2.
Unironically one of the best superhero origins, mixing golden age absurd science with postmodern commentary that is actually as conservative as apple pie.
She's not an original member, as she didn't join until Amanda Waller discovered and reactivated the Squad.
Also, she was the only member of Shadowpact to receive no character arc.
Don't just read her mini though, you should read the entire series. It's one of the best comics of this century. 00s Anon Babble used to talk it up all the time.
Yeah, her story also covered what exactly happens to all those bottom tier heroes who never make the cut. It was an interesting read.
Most people don't even know the Suicide Squad existed before the Ostrander team.
Most people are useless eaters. You're point?
List one thing about her you like besides her breasts
She's shiny.
the doctors were able to use the still vulnerable skin under her wedding ring to administer medicine, while her husband, the cheating fuck, wasn't wearing his, and thus had no soft patch.
fuck that's good
What are her powers?
Uh... she's pretty strong, pretty invulnerable, bullet?
She also learned to fly, somehow.
I hate that her ancestor Aurakles and 'the spear that never was thrown' haven't been seen or brought up since.
It's funny how overlooked the series is by readers when basically every major storyline Morrison has written since contains major thematic rehashing of this work.
It's my fave story in 7SoV but I think the parts are greater than the whole.
My best guess is its due to most of the leads in the book being lesser known characters, or legacy characters that couldn't surpass the originals popularity. Only Zatanna still gets used fairly frequently, with occasional appearances of Klarion and Frankenstein's monster.
And I agree, I far, far prefer the individual narratives of the characters as opposed to overarching story.
I meant the Bulleteer story specifically.