Does it work?

Does it work?

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i cracked half a smile
but buy an ad

I did this as a kid. It does kind of help.

I dont know Ill go rape someone and then ask them

It makes sense actually, take the power away from them is good therapy. To not see your attacker as a strong dominating force, but instead seeing them as a flawed joke would be a great way to process your trauma and help you get your self-esteem back to get you back to a healthy state of mind.

sounds like a way to get raped again

dont even lay a finger on me you baka

He's right you know.

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They had soijaks in those days?

I though the beer guy's dialouge in the last panel was a little different from that.

everybody else pretends to like the things I dont like

This strip should have been the end of his relevance.

The self-insert is clearly presented as a dick while the other guy is just reacting and being pissed off at him for his OVERT expression of smug superiority. It's a self-aware comic.

No one actually likes alcohol. People like the process of getting drunk.

This. No one cares about alcohol for its taste. They just want to get wasted.

inb4 "Ackuthually, I can tell the subtle differences between a bordeau 1488 and a merlot 1945"

No you can't. You're just a snobby faggot, maybe even a fr*nch.

He still has Harris for President on his homepage.

Yes, I agree. It's important to not let one person ruin your life.

That's why we go to the next step. We kidnap the rapist and have the victim rape them. Now they have the power.

you cannot include the word rapist and therapist in the same comic

you need to be at least 18 to post here

Not if your rapist looks like a wojak IRL.

I don't know what to tell you if you can tell different flavors on drinks, man

When I'm in the mood, a cold Modelo is really good for a dry, crisp, mildly bitter flavor of beer, especially with the right food. It's possible you're either not finding the drink suitable for you or you're just not in the mood for bitter flavors. Good for you both anyways, beer is high in carbs and alcohol is literal poison.

t. povs drinking shitty drinks


People who were 10 in 2015 will be in their early 20s come next January, anons.

The thumbnail makes her look like Homestar in the panels where she holds up the paper in front of herself.
Front-facing Homestar.

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It's true though, you shouldn't like liquids that taste like piss. You can get your warm tingling feeling from beverages that don't suck ass, or rather, from beverages you have to drink a lot less of to get it. I genuinely do not understand how anyone could like beer when removed from its status as the defacto adult beverage

After the fifth can it starts tasting alright

Yeah okay

Here's how we can still win

my The Rapist

you just got played

you should drink european brew, especially Czech
american beer IS piss

Picturing your rapist makes you feel bad

Therapist advises you draw your rapist

involving him in your creative thinking

Do therapists really give shit advice like this and do people really pay them premium prices?

I think it's funny


There's no one-size-fits-all solution to anyone's troubles so therapists are supposed to suggest various diverse exercises to see how you personally respond to them, yes.

Supported Clinton

Hates beer

Is a total faggot

Checks out

drawing your enemy as a crying idiot and yourself as a chad is an ancient tradition

he rapist seems pretty reasonable
makes me think she's conflating denying him sex with rape

This is hilarious actually

School teacher?

sporadic reminder that people that don't enjoy the taste of alcohol are shackled with toxin-detection genes that helped in a bygone era, leaving them forever dulled to the pleasures of the modern era