Niche American comic is surprisingly popular in Japan

niche American comic is surprisingly popular in Japan

anymore examples of this?

america.png - 828x1616, 1.72M

Is it popular in Japan, or is it being PUSHED in Japan? You all said Pastel Horses was big in Japan just cause it was getting a dub and it got fucking cancelled.

I wonder how long he can push his macadamia knockoff now that it's over

Nobody in Japan knows what the fuck this is

Paying for Japanese artists to make “fan art” and professional cosplayers to dress up as your characters is super organic fanbase building.

Shuma-Gorath is way more popular, through MvC, in Japan than in America.

Not American, but they fucking love Cheburashka over there.

Comissioning japanese artists means Japan cares about it.

Anon, they are professionals and they are being paid by people from all over the world.

There are probably more passionate, organic Japanese fans of Steven Universe, Hazbin Hotel and Teen Titans Go, than this shit.

Carol Danvers so popular even a parody takes off around the world!

at a booth

at Tokyo comic con

I'd hazard a guess that Nips make up most of the visitors to Tokyo comic con.

Not necessarily, no. Japan is always filled with tourists, foreign streamers, foreign vtubers, etc and Comic con is a western event that is usually filled with all of those people I mentioned. Now, if it was Comiket, sure.

Does My Life as a Teenage Robot count? Apparently the show is well liked in Japan. Yoh Yoshinari made a lot of fanart for it.

First of all it's not "Tokyo Comic Con". It's ComiKet. Any weeb worth their salt would know this.
Second, you pay for a booth. It's not like it's awarded to you out of popularity. Any retard can get a booth at comiket if they shell out the dough.

He did that originally, but not long ago it legitimately got traction on JP twitter

Tokyo Comic Con is a separate event, you mongoloid fuck. And it's not about him buying a booth, it's about the people who turn up to commission shit, they'll be Japaniggers.

Oh fuck you're serious

Is Tim Lim Japanese? I know he's Asian but I don't know what kind.

Why would a yankee go on holiday to Tokyo just to go to a comic-con that they could go to in their homeland? We'll never know unless this random artist decides to track and release data on where his commissions come from, but on balance of probabilities, it's more likely they are from Japs.

So is it actually popular or just shilled

search the tag

No one cares about Kamen America


9 volumes funded on Kickstarter


relying on kickstarter for funding after 9 volumes means there aren't enough sales to cover the costs


It's not popular at all lmao

I remember the last time we had a thread like this, an actual 2ch poster posted links and pictures of Comiket and whatnot showing it's very niche and they just do the typical "WOAH IT'S SUPER POPULAR IN AMERICA" marketing to get people to care

Post it. I know OP is just a shill because he makes this exact same thread every time but I wanna see.


They don’t have to be people on vacation, they could just be expats who are actually living in Japan full time.

Look up a video of someone going to the con, lots and lots of slant-eyed faces.

Its basically just My Hero Academia but from the west.

Same reason why anyone would travel to literally any other comic-con. It's a big event that can act as an anchor for whatever other things you want to do or see in the area.

pics or it didn't happen

He pays for art/engagement and then posts on here about how super popular it is in Japan. He makes these threads like once a month, it's sad.

It feels very odd but the language barrier makes it harder to confirm or deny which is exactly what the publisher is counting on. The tweet says "pre-commissions" so it wouldn't be surprising if someone sent multiple requests online beforehand rather than a bunch of people randomly going up to this artist's booth in person and making the paid request for a commission.

People also brought up before that the crowdfunding has some strangeness going on that marks it more as a marketing gimmick to appear like it's some organic thing done by two guys. All their crowdfunding projects have extremely low goals for what they're promising which can be hit with a handful of backers. This lets them make claims like "we blew through our goal in less than a day!" and "we made 4000% more than our goal!"

So basically this Johnny Huang guy is an even bigger grifter than Rippaverse guy?

Or not enough trust to distribute it like a normal print medium.

This is getting into schizo territory.
Why is so hard to accept Kamen America is getting legit engagement in Japan? Especially after Boku no Hero?

because your shilling is painfully transparent

Go away Johnny.

It doesn't seem popular but there's a handful of actual fans I think

Probably for merch exclusive to that comic-con. It's not really so outlandish for some weeaboo to plan a holiday to Tokyo to coincide with the comic-con so they can both see Japan and snag exclusive merch they probably can't source stateside and if they did would be paying super high premiums on from resellers.

But not a majority of the attendees.

Lim is clearly a Chinese name

True, sorry, I lost the thread of conversation and forgot the main point.

This. You will notice that the likes/rts are very conveniently cropped out.
This is not popular in Japan at all lol
It's barely even talked about outside of this board, you are insane if you think this shit is randomly blowing up in Japan with no proof at all. I mostly hang out in JP/CN/KR fandom a lot of which draw western fanart and I've never seen a peep about this.

Why is so hard to accept Kamen America is getting legit engagement in Japan?

Because it isn't.

Rear Nihonjin Kamen America fan here. Kamen America big in Nihon, MY waifu number #1. Before Kamen America rife hurt rike pee-pee cage. Making pee-pee smarr butt I see Kamen America! PEE-PEE BIGU! Kamen America erotic so sexo!~ MONDO SEXOOOO!

Not really? I'm pretty sure the creators just commission a fuck ton of japanese artists to promote it

I wouldn't know.