I just thought it was some webcomic that was semi-funny and was held with moderate praise
Granted I never paid that close attention to it or the webcomic scene, but can someone explain why it's garnered such scorn and achieved quasi-lolcow status?
I didn't realize crtl+alt+del was so hated until I came to Anon Babble
How did any of you get familiar with these guys?
I was introduced because a girl i had a crush on in high school showed me the strips. She thought it was funny, it's ok not really that funny. We had sex one weird night, haven't seen her since.
One issue is his laziness. He streamed how he makes the strips and they were made entirely by glueing premade assets together, like he just has a box of mouth shapes and just puts them on blank heads.
It’s probably not really hated in the hearts and minds of most readers but over here you’d think Tim shot a kid or something
So the South Park route?
Didn't he literally send nudes to an underage girl
Yeah. Look the guy was a real dweeb but he was basically a run of the mill tryhard gamer from his era. Not saying sending nudes like that is great but he was also severely picked on because it was fun for people. Easy to laugh at though
Oh yeah, I have a Tim B^Uckly.swf somewhere.
Can somebody post a gif version?
How did any of you get familiar with these guys?
I was around for the rise of most early webcomics so I just sort of stumbled on it naturally while reading PA, 8bit theater etc
Weird. I wonder what made them so popular at the time.
Because they were easy to load, it’s just a jpeg and everyone had shit internet back then
Is that it?
I wouldn't say hated. Just ridiculed and forgotten outside of Loss. The hate is really towards the artist because of the shit he's done.
The time is what made them popular. If that makes sense. You really had to be around for when the net started to really become.. not mainstream but more accessible to people outside of college labs. This was when the internet really was kind of the new thing. People were getting out there sharing their voices sharing their "creativity." This was the newspaper funnies of the generation. It was the new habbit. Stuff like this, flash cartoons like Homestar Runner and Legendary Frog even "Video reviewers" were actually pretty novel rather thant he normalized career paths they were now. There was a point, before all the cons and fames, that Penny Arcade really was just two dudes excited about games. Nerds where finally sharing their voices with the world.
We had sex one weird night,
Fake, and gay.
what did he actually do though?
Well, if you didn't pay attention to it, you wouldn't see why Buckley's shitcomic was bad. There is a reason we shat on it for 20 years.
You don't decide one fucking day to swerve and make a comic that's normally about gamer guyz into a fucking hilarious miscarriage story. I mean "sad" miscarriage...
Early 00 or 01 comics taped to my friends door. Classic geek shit in that era.
Excuse me, will my PS2 play Xbox games?
I forgot what it was for but he apparently took charity funding to buy a cintiq he uses to drag assets to create cobbled together comics. And there were various other times he just acted like a douche that I can't accurately remember.
Didn't he actually get involved with a minor?
My wife cucks me with my best friend/roommate
CAD was derided for being lazy slop and Buckley's apparent lack of interest in improving (he did start trying harder after ending this comic). The "CAD Rule" of deleting the 2nd and 3rd panels and removing dialouge from the 4th so often resulted in a reasonably funny two-panel comic that it's clear he often had a seed of a decent comic but drowned it in excessive dialouge and unthinking comittment to a 4-panel format.
A couple CAD edits. It's hard to imagine they original had several times the amount of words.
This one cheats slightly by using new dialouge for the last panel.
There were plenty of shitty webcomics back in those days, but Ctrl+Alt+Del was just that empty of laughter that it became basically the perfect vessel to endlessly mock and parody, at least up until Buckley "ended" it the first time