Imp wife

Made for males who are tougher than Moxxie

And her wife who is also your wife through ownership by proxy.

I want to fuck both

Cream up those red imp holes. Paint their bodies white. Breed them silly. Make them compete for your cock. Make them share your love butter. Grab their petite little bodies and throw them on their bed. Do the horizontal mambo until they pass out.

Bee wife

That is a canine, sir

She looks like she has loving sex with husband. With the occasional MMF threesome

Fox wife, then.

I love my wifes wife.

wife.png - 806x794, 550.85K

MMF threesome

Milly Moxxie and F... who?

Moxxie's tough enough to be pegged by Millie. You would faint at the sight of the strapon.

hellhound wife

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second best couple next to blitzo and loona

That's not Sallie May

And that's a good thing

that's a man, baby


Imp lying.

Chimp wife

Munki Miss.jpg - 544x1274, 89.02K

Hound husband

When he smells that peanut butter mixed with your scent, he turns into full breedable bitch mode with his drooling tongue hanging out like some sort of pavlovian response.

spend a hot and heavy night with him

he cuddles into your chest afterward

"I love you."

he grins, "bet you do, faggot."

his ass is filled with your creamy spunk

still calls you a faggot

Based and in character. And totally makes it hotter.

Sassy. In slight denial. But he just can't stop himself.

giving him a handy at work

phone rings, and he looks at you

"Go ahead. Answer it."

he picks up the phone, red in the face, "HellOOoo, I.M.P-P..."

you keep stroking him over the course of the call to mess with his concentration

He's going to so get you back for that. But he'll up the ante by giving you a blowie under the desk while you try to talk to someone who comes in to your office unannounced.

Moxxie asks you to make some copies

"I-in a sec."

"No, now."

"I'm busy...."

"Doing what-- Never mind, where's Loono?"

"AaaAAlso busy..."

FINALLY convince Loono to go steady and to go public with your relationship

he flaunts you in front of M&M

"S-STOP BEING SO SUPPORTIVE! This is supposed to piss you off!"

giving moxxie and stolas testosterone pills so they finally fuck their wives properly

Moxxie starts sounding like Billy's dad

Look at this tag team

i need this so bad i could almost commit sudoku

Roles of the male apes should be swapped ngl.

He's trying to be stone faced about it and acting like he's tolerating the affection. But he is girlishly squee'ing on the inside knowing that he is liked that much by someone.

This. Dr. Zaius should be one to look mortified and Cornelius be one who likes what he's seeing.

God I love how uncomplicated bisexuality is.

Wonder if anyone edited the Congrats gay thing into congrats fag yet.

Probably supposed to be in the actual episode as well as the Mammon episode, but YT TOS is beyond crazy so they either had to edit or bleep it out every corner. Hell I expected that whole Crimson/Moxxie exchange would've gone as followed

Crimson: What? I thought this what faggots like?!

Moxxie: Actually dad, I'm a bisexual

Crimson: Yeah. Fag.

Moxxie: Oh for fuck sake, dad!

Why is Loono so cute and hot, bros?

Who would voice him? Does Lindbeck have a male equivalent? I see it being a little high pitched but not too high.