This is the first comic andrew dobson ever posted to the internet

Say something nice about it

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Harmless and relatable. He really could have been at least Whomp tier if he weren't such an asshole, and if he had better opsec for his fetish stuff. Though today nobody would care about inflation popping that's like grandpa's creepy fixation.

Something like that. I also think his DiC style of drawing and writing really did him in. It’s not just dated, it’s that he really does have a care bear mentality, doesn’t really think about trying to make something look cool, and wasted most of his storytelling efforts trying to do some form of Ranma but as a short bald man

Honestly it's less about being a asshole. His actual problem was he would never settle for less than "Disney Animator". Until Disney canned traditional animation for flash and cgi.

And he’s honestly an uncritical person who was too easily captured by the childish unimpressive art and writing of DiC. Like a kid who never looked back and realized a lot of the shows he watched were pretty bad

It's a decent send-up of an advertising slogan by putting it at the end of a weird, somewhat pathetic chain of events presented in a deadpan style.

this guy got killed by his own ego and autism

if he had just stayed a weird fetish artist, he'd be beloved by that niche community

Isn't "i can't believe its not butter" a spread? Why the fuck does he have a spray can?

Not to hand it to Dobson, but it does come in a spray too.

butter spray.jpg - 1500x1500, 88.46K

Early Dobson was okay, both in content and style. He only became bad when he started being overly opinionated, resentful, and had bad taste in stuff he liked. And he picked up some really bad habits as an artist while shitting on everyone else for a variety of reasons. He was a bitter hypocrite. He'd fit in here if not for the polar opposite political views.

ok but does it come in a can like that or is he just spraying vegetable oil on his potato

guy made Azumanga Daioh inflation snuff. He never would have been accepted on Anon Babble.

If that was the only thing he did we wouldn't have cared about him in the least. It's only as big of a meme as it is because he buried it trying to be a male feminist.

He should have been doing 4k hd smurf hyper preg inconvenient sexuality ryona anal vore (no male on male)

Only angry teenagers took fetish policing and shit like furfag wars seriously. And they all went to KiwiFarms.

But this comic sucks. Even though it’s gentle it’s still saying something like ‘I’m crushing on you so bad I would like if you stepped on my face’, it’s in the same realm as his inflation work. The whole Alex Ze Pirate is, pardon my language, sissy femdom shit. Whether it’s the ‘lesbian kick’ against a ‘ditz’ (why write a pirate story when you can just belittle straight women for the attention of lesbians?) or it’s girls just curb stomping the guy and laughing, Dobson’s a fuckin freak with it. He can’t turn it off
He doesn’t have to be a Chad or a chud or anything, but Dobson ruined himself on fake allyship. He, like some people, identified with the nerds who think being a man is being a bully, hopped over to the female nerd/drawing groups thinking he could prove himself a better man, and then he spent the rest of his life poorly trying to signal virtue to them, wrongly believing any girl wants a sensitive voyeur sub around.

Wrong. Anon Babble loves artists like mossa.

Oh I posted that to show how his process degraded because of his bad habits. I don't have his early comics like the one where he worked at a tape store.

He never would have been accepted on Anon Babble.

Anon Babble would

hola redditor

At least it isn't McDonald's

That means nothing really. Fact is, dude wanted to be a Disney Alumni, and whether he would have succeeded or not, his downward turn happened just about the moment Disney took that dream and shit it in front of him and everyone else.

Cuz after that, what else was there for him to work for?

old Anon Babble had fetish artists hanging out here constantly. it's how i got free drawings of fat girls

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This is actually useful for learning how 2 comics

But he also wanted to be a respected critic and personality in the industry or at least outside of it like an internet celebrity. He was snarky, critical, and proud of what he sees as edgy opinions, but he's incapable of hearing criticism of himself or letting people around him not agree with him.

Do some people really eat like this? This is super depressing.

More people actually should. Shit got more expensive, raised way above inflation, and wages have stagnated. Exec payouts went up though. Private equity firms did good. The stock market loves your decreasing benefits, wealth, and general quality of life.

Everyone wanted to be The Nostalgia Critic, but Doug was the only one with enough humility.

As a video game playing retard, one of his worst things he did was his Danny & Spot comics.
The blatant Nintendo fanboyism and hate boner for the next generation consoles was obnoxious and the shit he spouted was objectively wrong.

The ability to eat everyday is cheap, but if you want to enjoy what you eat and not just garbage you get from charity, that costs money.

It's alright.
Gonna be honest I don't get why across several boards people talk about this guy endlessly. He's was somewhat of a decently big name in terms of webcomics specifically but not really outside of that, his opinions aren't really THAT out there, hypocritical or bad for other woke webcomic'ers and he hasn't done anything in ages. Like I don't get why he's so talked about and not like a million threads about the guy who made Bob's game or stonetoss who are slightly more interest than dob. Just seems weird to me

You don’t have to eat out and order in to do better than a microwave potato. Try the oven maybe. If you’re really trying to be energy and resource efficient get the tofu. Microwave potato seems kind of ignorant

That could be the joke.

He was just a lolcow. I do think he got too hard of a time even if he is who he is

Oh yeah it’s the spritzer bottle, the joke is that it’s actually very believable it’s not butter. Not a very exciting comic

So this was before he starting making eyebrows float a foot above his characters' heads?

Why aren't his story comics uploaded anywhere?

It's ignorant and poor. He's likely both and was raised on that. It's rare to see someone lack the shame to not make an 8 panel comic about enjoying butter substitute on a microwaved potato.

Should have stopped at three.

This is the first comic andrew dobson ever posted to the internet

but what of CattyN?

Reminded me of this

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can someone post that flcl art he made

FLCL.jpg - 1920x1080, 339.88K

Pretty similar to early Whomp.

2010-06-15.jpg - 765x902, 307.49K

companies aren't profit driven

How are companies increasing prices well above inflation related to inflation? The system is filled with middlemen and profit seeking at every level. Just look what happened with Tickermaster. What made you think this wouldn't get worse with time?

Is there a cum edit of this?

Wait, you can just shove a raw potato in a microwave and then eat it?

What's the actual rate of inflation versus the price of fast food?

the heat of the microwave bakes the potato

Home and used car prices going up is good for Americans.
You DID invest in the housing/auto market to resell later didn't you?

He was a pathetic guy people could rip on endlessly until he finally left the internet. That was like ten years ago and people are still posting about him. It's more tasteful than following like, Chris Chan I guess, but still pretty sad

Even just the first panel with the axe gets worse. In the sketch it has an energy to it. In the second one he switches the hands so he is holding the axe backwards, but still has some energy. In the third version the hand position gets even worse, that is the exact opposite of how you hold an axe so it feels fucked up, and the line of action is completely gone. Went from chopping a tree to holding an axe against it and it falls over from embarrassment. The extra panel shoved in just showing the tree falling over is pointless, only a retard would be unable to connect tree chop to carrying tree.

The actual lolcows are the a-logs obsessed with the banal comics of a generic internet neckbeard who hasn't been active on the internet for years and shows no signs of ever coming back.

was wondering when this schizo would find the thread

What the fuck is schizo about telling people they're sad for obsessing over their obese bald waifu who's never coming back and whose stuff was just generically dumb? If you want to obsess over a fat guy who makes bad comics in the most dull manner possible, just go post in a Questionable Content thread. Dobson is gone and he's never coming back.

Microwaves work by causing the water inside the food to boil internally. So aside from reheating precooked meals, cooking vegetables you would normally steam or boiling are one of ideal use cases for one. The downside of a microwave "baked" potato is that the skin won't crisp up like it would in an oven, but the interior turns out fine.
My parents used to always do it to save time or free up the oven for a main entree. Though I now just use an air fryer and/or get the potato started before my other dishes.

You may need to stab it with a fork a few times first to make vent holes in the skin so it doesn't pop.

Bottom middle and bottom right panel remind me that shading always looks like superfluous saturated garbage

Yeah pretty much. I hate when they just make nasty guesses what happened to these people. Like someone leaves the internet like they were pressured to, and five years later we still have threads of haters missing them telling eachother they must have gotten their whole family fired. They write fanfiction when the subject leaves

My man

what was the last?

Honestly, version 2 seems the best, particularly the top row of panels. It's so Dobson that the versions afterwards suck any sort of life out of the comic.

are you being stupid on purpose?