Best cartoon in the last five years

Best cartoon in the last five years

Anon Babble hates it


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There isn't a moment in the Shitter House as hype as picrel

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I like it

I like the part when King is on screen and says stuff but the rest is just awkward

Ripped off Little Witch Academia (Akko and Diana), Fullmetal Alchemist (Day of Unity is the Promised Day), Harry Potter (Hexside), Gravity Falls (Hirsch is in it), Tenchi Muyo (Eda), Pokemon (King is Cubone), Avatar the Last Airbender (Hunter is Cubone), Witch Hat Atelier (magic through circular glyphs), Dune (Hunter is a ghola)

I'm a retard, I mean Hunter is Zuko

Because it has the writing quality of a fan fic. It spends time on boring relationship drama and ship teasing that people don't care about (Like Eda/Raine or teasing Hunter/Willow). The dialogue feels like hacky anime exposition where characters just say how they're feeling. The humor is way too soft and reserved for a cartoon whose setting is supposed to be a scary demon world-- nothing is ever truly funny, it's just cute at best. Also, the key dynamic that is supposed to hook you in (Eda mentoring Luz) is barely present.

If I wanted to watch an isekai about kids going to magic school, there's a dozen other options I have with better writing and better characters. Seriously, characters like Gus, Raine, and Willow just eat up screen time.

It is absolutely not the best series of the past five years.
It is still very good, however.

truncated third season with minimal slug content

I'll always be mad.

If Owl House is so good, why does it have 2 seasons? Even Animanaics 2020 had more than that and it was completely shite.

owl house

"""best""" cartoon

Yeah, best at being dogshit and canceled definitely

So Gravity Falls is really bad then?

Owl House had more views and discussion than Amphibia

No really, I mean it, by the time it came out we were deep in the "all brown girl cartoons, no romance allowed, definitely no boy main characters" mines and the degree to which they went OMG LESBIANS just felt obnoxious, plus the fans on other websites who only got into it after they went OMG LESBIANS who only talked about that aspect were annoying.

Extremely boring artstyle. Dana has a really cool artstyle but this show diluted the shit out of it for the most part.

best tomboy teenage since Gwen Tennyson

makes Anon Babble seethe

It's such a odd place, really.

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muh lesbians

I never saw the same level of butthurt over She-Ra, SU and other gay af shows.

has to ripoff popular anime to make hype

Do frogs really?

Anons just hate anything that moves, even themselves

best cartoon in last five years

are you kidding me?

it didn't ''fit the brand''. whatever that means.

Cutest cartoon girl since Ty Lee

makes Anon Babble seethe

Funny how that works.

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That's not Hilda tho

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Shut up fags

Shut up brownfag

owlshit had more vie-ack!

Amphibia mogged owl house in every aspect including viewership and relevancy. Also Amphibia literally had nonstop threads for two years, meanwhile Owl House hasn't had a single thread that reached the bump limit for two years LMAO

Cope owlfag

It lacks the potential of Dana’s artistic roots which I prefer to visualize in my brain. The brain art is better

It couldn't be anymore pathetic and sad than owl shithouse blatantly plagiarizing countless anime including Pokemon. Dana Hackbitch is a talentless fraud. No wonder Owl House got canceled.

Anon Babble hates everything. Don't let their impossible standards get you down.

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Based. Amphibia is literally a better show than the Owl House.

Is the best cartoon standing behind the shit skin?

It's a bunch of boring self-insert fantasy where Luz is always the best and always gets everything she wants (but she's TRAMUATIZED and SAD)

it has a general on Anon Babble so they like it at least


Dude, she-ra doesn't have any fans, she never had them, just the lesbian-obsessed idiots who abandoned them immediately when another couple showed up.

He's replying to himself again

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You're right. I don't see OP (is a fag btw) posting any good shows. But I do see a hideous ratlip baboon called Luz transceda. What's up with that, could someone clarify?

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Owl House has zero fans too btw

I have never seen a show that stopped being mentioned and disappears into irrelevancy once the show ended or in the Owl House case, canceled and flopped.

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Stop liking shit

Well its not Owlhouse bad.

You are a faggot

Nice try faggit but everyone knows, real Anons never move from there computer.

You're only proving my point.

I don't nedd yoour point to know that your show is fagshit

Owl House is just as garbage and shite as Luz transeda's WALLED UP Noelle Stevenson glow down transition into a male.

TOH got mogged by Amphibia

canceled by Disney

forgotten by people

irrelevant to everyone

No season 3

TOH book canceled

Amphibia won btw

writers more interested in winning imaginary battles than entertaining the audience

Not a real strong arguement in favor.

Tribefag having a meltdown again? Many such cases.

But why are you so seethingly obsessed about this show?
And why do you reply to your own posts pretending you're someone else?
And why do you keep posting the same pictures over and over again in every thread like this you see?

You're not gonna get an answer. He's just gonna call you Owlfag and post his usual schtick about the show getting cancelled and Luz being trans. You can get an answer from me, though. It's called mental illness.

everyone who doesn't like the owl house must be the same person

Embarrassing meltdown, owltard. Don't you know I am literally the CEO of Walt Disney who hated and then canceled the Owl ShittedHouse because Bob Iger is literally me. Fuuaaark, I am so rich and successful.

Why do you keep replying to your own post and pretending to be someone else? Why are the owl house fans mentally ill?

Wanting to have raw sex with the protagonist does not make the show good