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Is he showing them his bird cloaca or something?

Mordecuck is just jealous he's not as likable as Rizzby.

This was only in response to Mordecai admitting he has a superiority complex and only keeps Rigby around to shit on him, really graduation nuked his character yet no one talks about it

he's showing them what's inside

It's what's on the inside that counts.
Now let's go exploring.

unzips dick

Rigby was doing everything he could to ruin Mordecai's chances and made him humiliate himself
I'd have shoved that tape up his ass with my foot.

Rigby and his delusional retarded fanboys never take responsibility for their shitty actions and keep blaming it on other people

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People who genuinely take this shit seriously need to shut up. Regular Show came from an era where characters doing “hecking problematic” things to each for comedy’s sake was norm and nobody thought anything of it. Holy shit grow up

to ruin Mordecai's chances

With whom? Muh-gret? She only ever viewed him as a fleeting fascination whereas Mordecuck thought that her having a casual conversation with him is akin to going out on a date.

Yeah man, growing up is when you shit on the floor.

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Be Mordecai

Allowed to live rent free in a room he gets to share with Rigby

Despite it being a shared accomodation, he is perfectly fine with his roommate piling up trash across the floor because hey! even more reasons to gloat about being the better person

But to a park manager, this is irrelevant as the end product is a wrecked room within the house and Mordecai is little more than a self-absorbed part of the problem

Remember Duckman? In one instance he acknowledges that he is a shit-tier investigator outclassed by his partner Cornfed in every way - but also that the latter just allows him to continue being a shit-tier investigator for the sake of maintaining superiority at the expense of everything else.

It should probably speak in volumes that Rigby fans only bring up the same two exact moments against Mordecai being worse (MM’s wedding and “ILL KILL YOU”) when Rigby’s done a plethora of shitty things just by Season 1 alone.

They also ignore that rigby pushed mordecai first and would've killed him if he were a bit stronger

Rigby also tried to kill Mordecai and even shouted I'LL KILL YOU at him in season 1 too, over being player 1.

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Just cause a guy almost killed you without knowing doesn't make you innocent when you do unknowingly kill them.

I don’t know why but I always thought mordecai was jacking off in this scene

Mordecai pushed him not cause of the push but because Rigby brought up Mordecai's failures. If Rigby just shoved him a little and didn't say anything, Mordecai wouldn't have done anything back.


Yeah Mordecai treating Rigby like a chump at every turn forced him to try to beat him at something. Even if that something was getting Mordecai to say "ow". Rigby was in the right.
I'm gonna add Ybgir to this. That shit was ridiculous even if Mordecai was gonna break the jinx.

No need to be rude. Talking about cartoons is fun.

take rigby's cock off of your mouth

Kek every time

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Not part of this conversation but stop making me horny.

make me bitchass

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If my supposed best friend took every chance he could to ruin my chances with a crush and them force to humiliate myself, it's on sight.
Rigby was supposed to be his wingman. I would just hang out with his cool younger brother from now on if I were Mordecai. Might even be able to move his life in the right direction.


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Idk about you guys but I think it was an inspired choice to make Regular Show's movie center on Rigby

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brags about being a faggot

Impressive. Very nice...

Early Rigby was an asshole but so was Mordecai. At least Rigby got better

He only did that after telling mordecai to grow a spine and just ask her out and when the response was "uh but i just can't" rigby started to fuck with him and ask Margaret out to show him how easy it was.


Mordecai definitely took his anger out on Rigby's boypussy after that


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I hate this one, Rigby literally guilt trip Mordecai into cleaning his shit, also the episode wants you to believe Rigby is right

wouldn't it be really funny if he did it on Rigby guys like if he was peeing and then Rigby accidentally walked in front of the path and some got on him and then Rigby was like "dude what the hell" but while he was talking a little got in his mouth haha why didn't they put that in the episode haha it would've been really funny

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stop dude i actually masturbated to that scene once and had immediate post nut clarity and i was genuinely disturbed iwth mysslf

do you miss em?

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Yes, I miss Candice's sexy ass too...