How many words should a comic strip have per bubble until it becomes unreadable?
How many words should a comic strip have per bubble until it becomes unreadable?
If it has any woke politics it automatically becomes unreadable
If it’s too much for the expression of the character to look good it becomes bad too
since becoming the nominee
Ohhhh, that erases everything she said before that then.
"the tradition of having a Trans Speaker at the DNC"
do libtards really?
I really really really really really really hate this mentally ill faggot comics
he should do what his kind do best and off himself
Ohhhh, that erases everything she said before that then.
Not like she said much about that topic before either. And the point is about the campaign.
Shooting a series of word to indicate the character has a lot to say in a single panel is a relatively common trope in comic.
She seems flustered. Therapy not going well?
the left can't meme
Unirocanicaly where's the joke? Aren't strips supposed to have a punchline?
This has been the face of comedy for almost a decade, now, and it doesn’t do laughter.
there's no punchline
it's not a joke
Oh no, a whole paragraph!
Hes coping about the harris loss by jacking off to furry porn traced frok toddlers again
I wish this loser would just get outed as a pedophile already so I don't have to see his disgusting art style anymore.
There's probably several ways to convey the same message in two sentences. Something like "her agenda was the economy you retard, stop thinking about my dick 24/7, that's what I got your mom for" that centers the debate and calls your opponent gay.
"Oh shit, this rhetoric is becoming rapidly unpopular."
"Oh no, a study came out that showed studies proving that puberty blockers didn't cure depression was withheld because of pharma greed."
"Oh fuck, I better cool it with the trans talk during my campaign. This shit isn't winning me votes."
So, Sophie, why do you think Kamala chose to limit trans exposure in her short run? Why do you think they chose to not have a trans speaker at the DNC so close to November? Why do you think that is, Sophie?
Fuck you and your stealth election bullshit you fucking asshole. holy fucking shit I hate yanks so fucking much they shit up everything EVERYWHERE with bullshit that doesn't fucking matter to 90% of the places they shit up
Fuck you and fuck everyone unironically participating in this sham, this absolutely disgusting lazy self wank for any reason other than to call op a cunt
Isn't it weird how this guy has spent his entire life trying to get close to children? Kinda funny that he also traced toddlers for his diaper porn.
This article is outdated and it's indeterminate whether OP has been sucking cock for the last 14 years.
but the election is over (and you lost)
He already did.
Socioeconomic factors, chud.
But I want an actual arrest Kyle Carrozza-style. I want it revealed this fucker had ten terabytes of CP on their hard drive and they'll be rotting in prison for years.
Trannies don't go to therapy, they go to pill pushers.
Therapy is how they get the prescription for pills. America glorified that pseud profession so much that now they can prescribe medications and organ-destroying drugs to the mentally unstable
I made some diaperfur art. I have a kink I indulge responsibly and I refuse to be shamed for it.
I wonder if this person has ever publicly condemned loli before.
to be fair she didnt discuss any of her policies until the end and even then they made no sense and she refused to ellaborate further
What the FUCK is going on with that backpack drawing?
so harris lost because she ran an anti-trans agenda?
even for a vp kamala was pretty much nonexistant, i hve no idea what she said about trans people
What would have made you happy? If she had vowed to outlaw trans people?
people stopped taking their children to the park
comics dont need to be funny anymore
neither do comedians
the ultimate destruction of troons will soon be upon us
is he eating a vaccine????
New executive order for every federal agency to cease all programs promoting the concept of transitioning at any age
Ask Congress to permanently stop federal taxpayer dollars from being used to promote or pay for these procedures
Law prohibiting child sexual mutilation in all 50 states
Any hospital or healthcare provider participating in mutilation of minors will have Medicaid and Medicare revoked
Private right of action for victims to sue doctors who performed these procedures on children
Investigate Big Pharma and the big hospital networks to determine whether they have deliberately covered up anything relating to this
Any teacher/school official that suggests to a child that they could be trapped in the wrong body will faced potential Civil Rights violations for sex discrimination and the elimination of federal funding
Ask Congress to pass a bill establishing that the only genders recognized by the U.S. government are male and female, and they are assigned at birth
No, Harris just wasn't running on a pro trannies fucking kids in bathroom stalls campaign. Which means her campaign wasn't pro-trans enough, so PLEASE stop saying she lost because she was pro-trans, because she actually wasn't pro-trans at all!
I hope so. Diseases need to be eradicated
>Law prohibiting child sexual mutilation in all 50 states
Does that include male circumcision?
Apparently trans woke shit turns off the general public
That's what I said
I think it's just supposed to look like an overstuffed backpack with some of those "waist ties" so the weight isn't all just on your shoulders (and the backpack isn't bouncing on your spine), but of course it comes off as some kind of suspicious body armor for the artist's future trip to a Tennessee school.
One can only hope
This tranny is Canadian so what even is the point?
You know. Half the problems in the world I feel are because it suddenly somehow became rude to call out hysteria. No one says "calm down, you're being ridiculous," anymore.
Congress will be red for two whole years
I expect TTD (TTS) by the end of 2025
Trump appoints 50 new supreme judges
Anything pro trans needs to go through the supreme court to get approved
Has a single, solitary person said Harris lost because of her radical pro-transgender agenda (instead of inflation, immigration, etc.), or is this just the author's strawman? Don't tell me, I already know the answer.
It's less Kamala and more Dems (and the left in general) as a whole.
Yes, really. Democrats have a god complex.
too many words
unnecessary panels
ugly art
standard 2x2 composition
logical fallacies
Lol @ Democrats need to be woker.
People are actually woke now. They realize that changing the rules to benefit the shittiest players ruins the game. And the Democrats will need a Bill Clinton to get back in power.
Hopefully? Yes.
Realistically? Kind of.
The most likely outcome is it bans circumcision as a glamour surgery. It'll have a special exception for Jews despite the fact that no other religion gets special exception regarding religious practices like this.
We need a "shoop da whoop" edit of this comic.
Yeah, maybe the author should be worried more about Poilievre than caring about what happens south of the border.
And the Democrats will need a Bill Clinton to get back in power
Why? Just for Bill 2.0 to say
I did not have sexual relations with that trans person
It'll have a special exception for Jews
iirc some fundamentalist christians also cut their foreskins, so a general "...unless it's religious" may be applied
inb4 church of FSM establishes troonism as part of their set of believes
Doing the whole "HAHAHAHAHA" thing just makes you look butthurt and defensive. Which this comic doesn't even hide by the way it transitions from the tranny pretending to laugh to immediately yelling in anger.
he will eventually kill himself
The way things have been going yeah
Especially when people stop giving a shit about transgenders because we got a republican president again so its going to be 2012 feminism vs affordable living
Just because Bill Clinton was the most fiscally conservative president we're ever going to see again and unlike most Dems, working class folks seemed to like him.
says he's not from America
you lost
Reading comprehension of red team, everyone.
Nah, it'll just be an exception for Jews. Otherwise it starts to open a problem for Islamics who want to circumcise their daughters.
Don't care about bait and will answer your question earnestly: It entirely depends on what you're using it for, as long as it being a comic enhances the overall storytelling in a way that would be hindered by it being text only.
It hurts has a pretty good example, pic related coming from a character who absolutely hates Pasqualo, that's like his running gag. The comedy comes not in the text itself but the sheer absurdity of the length of his rant, you really aren't expected to read it all (though there's still a few nuggets of gold buried in to reward those who do read it all).
fuck it hurts!! was great
Also if it's a comic written by guy it's unreadable
She didn’t even run on it, she avoided it completely
Though the fact she didn’t respond to the They/Them commercial was absolutely ridiculous
It really was, It had the perfect amount of edge factor not too much to be unbearable but just enough for great comedy. There's a reason people still take about it hurts today and reference more than please forgive me.
Nobody who counts likes guy.