Had the best scenes in X-Men 97
Only X-Men to be in "What If?" season 3
Front and centre of all Marvel Rivals promotional material
Had the best scenes in X-Men 97
Only X-Men to be in "What If?" season 3
Front and centre of all Marvel Rivals promotional material
She was put up against Wonder Woman in Marvel vs. DC and got more votes so she's probably Marvel's most popular female character. That and Marvel has X-Men movie rights back from Fox so there' no more X-Men embargo.
Storm is the closest thing Marvel has had to a 'wonder woman' since forever. Now that Disney has control of the X-franchise again they don't have to go about trying to create a new one.
she will probably be in black panther 3
I’m so mad her MCU debut is in What If
She's Marvel's John Stewart.
>Had the best scenes in X-Men 97
She had good scenes in TAS in the first place.
I can't remember any specifically. Which ones are you referring to?
She is hot.
she's their first black female super
of course they'll push her. but to be fair, this isn't some forced push, she's been front and center almost the entire time in their extended media and still in the comics
90s TAS/x97
all sorts of vidya, capcom fighters, ultimate alliance, obviously the movies with halle berry
she just checks all the boxes. too bad the forced shit to black panther ruined both characters so hard, that the stench of that still lingers on both. t'challa has escaped it more due to the movies, but there are some casuals that want her to show up in panther 3, but i doubt it'll happen since coogler is going to have denzel in it
They spent a decade pushing Carol and it didn't work so they're finally giving Storm the push. People have been saying she's the most popular Marvel female superhero.
Storm fans can't accept this, but that Marvel vs DC vote basically played out as "X-Men vs Wonder Woman" in a popularity contest. X-fag tribal loyalty is so strong, Marvel could have put literally any X-woman in there and got the same result. Any of them.
More importantly, that was almost THIRTY YEARS AGO. Popularity isn't a fixed constant, and X-Men characters not named "Wolverine" or "Deadpool" have been irrelevant in pop-culture for a long time now, nobody from X-Men is "Marvel's most popular heroine" today. What we're seeing here is Marvel pushing Storm in advance of her being in the MCU, whatever early plans there are for MCU X-Men probably involve her being one of the main characters.
and also during the Krakoa era and post-Krakoa **cough** Ewing **cough** **cough**
anyways, any day is a good day to shill big black booty
Black Panther died, his sister is a flop, Photon bombed in Marvels, they want a major league Black hero and Storm is their best bet. She's a Black woman and one of the biggest X-men so if they handle her right she might be the next big marvel cinematic star
Disney has the worst Marvel Comics team ever, they brought together the worst people, and the whole world sees what has been done with Star Wars. With Storm they should first think about make Storm work for the black male reader, the straight black man, pleasing him immediately pleases black women and girls, but they make Ororo a woke conservative black Barbie, with pants and being thin, they are completely lost, Storm's cringe scene in What If trailer only serves to please Disney's youtubers Shills
that's always up to the artist, if anyone really wanted they could
so if they handle her right
Which is unlikely. They can't because Storm barely has a decent story solo
The ((people up top)) latch onto black women with power. That's why Amanda Waller is getting the same push for DC.
Just bring the brazilian pencillers and the leotard, is that too much to ask?
LMAO there, women are sexy, they can dress everything they want, good luck woke Marvel
She's a powerful black woman that readers actually like. So they're doing their damnedest to make her unlikable by making her an unstoppable, emotionally detached, holier-than-thou "goddess."
She, Rogue and MJ are their biggest female characters. But MJ is non-powered and they hate her and Rogue is white. X-Men solos don't work but Storm is black so she gets the push.
They're introducing her as a Goddess of Thunder wielding Mjolnir in fucking What If. They haven't even started and they've already catapulted the cart past the horse.
wakanda forever was popular as fuck.
She, Rogue and MJ are their biggest female characters.
Are you stuck in the 90s, anon?
Because she's black.
In fact, Marvel had two in 2008, Ms Marvel and Storm, but then Disney came and destroyed Ms Marvel with this absurd idea of taking away the fantastic, surreal and putting in the safe, realistic with the actress saying at the same time that the new editor that Ms Marvel costume was not practical, so any discussion here is meaningless because those who are there are people who retired Leia Slave, Jessica Rabbit and in this year 2024 an executive said that the concept of Tinkerbell It's bad for girls
That franchise that has a black director who is disgusted with shot scenes that highlight the actresses curves? that no black woman in those movies can show any skin? If anyone knows Africa, they know how pathetic these Black Panther films are.
wearing the same cringe costume from the first x-men movie
Marvel had two in 2008, Ms Marvel and Storm
years into the X-books pushing Emma as THE main female character of the line and demoting everyone else to lesser roles
pretending Storm was being pushed as one of Marvel's top heroines in 2008
Even the short push from marrying Black Panther had wound down by then.
Storm has always been a common character in Marvel. wtf are you going on about.
Marvel always push her.
than marvel Woke push her more because black people, it's better than push Luna or Ironheart.
She is popular and unlike Carol or Black Panther's sister she has good stories.
Also, she come from one of the most popular franchise ever.
She's one of the handful of popular black women characters they have
Handful? They only have about 3 in total
That's why Amanda Waller is getting the same push for DC.
Amanda is nothing special, why not push Vixen or Bee? And no, nobody cares about Nubia.
That's some delusions you got there.
Why not? For years she was their most popular female character. And she's a black female people actually like. It's a win/win.
I can't read through all that seethe.
She was the main Protagonist of Claremont's run.