Why is it that Hulu's Animaniacs was trying really hard to seem relevant and ended up being super outdated by the...

Why is it that Hulu's Animaniacs was trying really hard to seem relevant and ended up being super outdated by the time it actually aired? Compare this to how they did pop culture in the 90's.

Did they just choose fleeting subjects, or does pop culture relevancy go by way too fast for a typical TV pipeline to catch up with?

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Pop culture today ages faster and much worse compared to pop culture in the 90s.

the biggest legacy of the reboot will be the anime designs and that's it

The mobile Internet has excelerated the speed of irrelevance.


The thing is, original Animaniacs never actually tried to be "relevant". They weren't constantly chasing pop culture trends, it was a show explicitly made as a homage to vaudeville sketch comedies. It was parodying Hollywood in general, so everything from the 30s to 90s television was fair game. It's a show made by, and for, movie/tv nerds.

The 90s Animaniacs was closer to The Critic than it's own reboot.

I drew my opponent ugly and angry therefore I win

That's very accurate.

Political cartoons in general have a very short self life, it doesn't help that comics can be pumped out next day while cartoons take a year.

There were a couple of times they drew him kinda derpy/ugly, but he actually had a solid character design.

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Thanks to multi media

OG Animaniacs was made by theater kids, nuAnimaniacs was made by buzzfeed bloggers.

OG Animaniacs was made by theater kids


buzzfeed bloggers.

Those are theater kids.

South Park came after the original
That made it so they can get current events within a few days for a new episode
NuAnimaniacs still takes at least a year if not two to develop. So they want to be relevant the way SP makes it but can't, because it's again 2 years past cycle. And original Animaniacs knew this so they never tried to be super-era specific, only occasionally, and went into different approaches to humor and older references. NuAnimaniacs didn't

One problem is they would do shit like make a joke about "mansplaining" and "manspreading" and neither side, left or right, could figure out if it was on their side or not. So the end effect is it just pissed off both.

Look at pic-related. Notice it's not actually making a joke and is just referencing shit from modern day. Not even modern day really, "mansplaining" and "manspreading" are terms from years ago. Are we just supposed to laugh because they referenced [THING]? What is the joke?

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"mansplaining" and "manspreading" are terms from years ago

Those terms existed before the term "woke". Woke was originally invented by the left and now mostly just used by rightwing people to mock the left. Snowflake was originally used by the right and now is mostly used by the left to mock the right. "Fake News" was originally used by mainstream news to mock smaller news outlets like InfoWars but then it was weaponized against the mainstream news.

Everyone is under multiple layers of irony and sarcasm so shit is going to be very confusing for future historians trying to decipher just what the fuck anyone is even saying anymore.

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Basically this, the news cycle and everything is so fast now that things are guaranteed to be fucking tiresome within a few weeks or even less. Compare that to the 90s, a world without Twitter or widespread access to the net; where shit like some figure skater getting clubbed in the knee cap and someone getting burned by mcdonald's coffee is considered entertaining for about half a decade.
Remember Glasgow Wonka? That got tiresome within a month.

The joke here is the absurdity of the sentence

He had long abandoned the bow tie by that point.

Yeah this, the original Animaniacs spent most of its time parodying things that were already set in stone. Even stuff like Goodfeathers, while the setup was based on Goodfellas, actually made fun of way older gang/mafia media overall. When they did poke fun at more contemporary pop culture, it was also stuff that clearly had legs to stand on when contrasted with that older stuff too.

And probably more importantly, most of the jokes worked even if you didn't get the reference. I was a kid at the time and 90% of the specific references flew over my head, but I still laughed at the joke they were making. I didn't know who Perry Como was, but a guy named Perry Coma singing everyone to sleep with a boring song was funny in its own right.

Wanting to fuck Yakko is always time relevant

you cant parody something that you hate

It's bizarre that they were making fun of Trump when he was already gone from the office in Season 2. Only for his second term to completely outlast the show. I guess he got the last laugh

Jon Stewart dunked on him so hard that bowtie got burned into his soul.

What an ugly looking show, genuinely hideous.

It was made by people who did not even like the original and wanted it to be as different as possible.

First 6 shorts

5 with Orange man bad

Why try manipulate political opnion with fucking animaniacs?

Did they just choose fleeting subjects, or does pop culture relevancy go by way too fast for a typical TV pipeline to catch up with?

Both; many of the subjects they chose to satirize were already past their prime (Trump's presidency was coming to an end already, among other political targets), but as already said, social media has made pop culture and current events move so much faster as to render it impossible to properly satirize anything.

The point of satire is to expose and ridicule the unacknowledged flaws of society, but now that everyone can loudly announce their opinions to the whole world on social media in an instant, most traditional satire gets beaten to the punch and ends up merely aping what has already been voiced online.

It was made with hate, remember!

johnny telling lies

no papa

Jon Stewart dunked on him so hard

I'm so tired of this retarded revisionist history. The criticisms of Jon Stewart were 100% correct. He uses his show to push a serious agenda, and when given pushback, he cowers behind "Hey man, I'm just a comedian!"

Hulu really flopped by wasting time dissing republicans, that's why new Animaniacs sucked.

I still believe rob paulsen when he says nobody intended that to be about the court case. it was done way before that, it was just taking a celebrity named johnny and doing the gag on johnny johnny yes papa.
don't forget that telling the truth is basically career suicide.
who is that supposed to be?

But it’s funny to use it in a bit because he was such a little bitch that he stopped using a bowtie after getting mocked publicly for wearing one.

I still believe rob paulsen when he says nobody intended that to be about the court case. it was done way before that, it was just taking a celebrity named johnny and doing the gag on johnny johnny yes papa.

are you high?

Woke was originally for conspiracy theorists and then the CRT people decided that holding down black people was the one true conspiracy and that was what woke meant.

The actual woke is when you open your third eye and find Christ. None of this shit is real, lay up your treasures in Heaven.

He has a point though. Jon Stewart wasn't the most trusted name in news because he was so damn good, it was because everyone else was so damn bad. The Daily Show is expected to be theater. Crossfire was expected to be actual news discussion on a serious news channel and it was theater devolving politics into a shallow shouting match. The beginning of the takedown was very telling of the men on the show: Tucker said something nice about John Kerry but Paul "Indiana is Basically White N*ggers" Begala can't bring himself to say anything respectful about GW Bush. Begala tried to duck under Stewart's vitriol but he was worse than Carlson because both were disingenuous dicks but at least Carlson isn't a pussy about it.

Plus let's face it, Tucker Carlson with his pause the video and comment style was lifted straight from TDS and for years, he was the right wing Jon Stewart.

Why do people want to do the South Park thing? South Park episodes are by and large unwatchable years later.

Reminder that they wrote and broadcast this during the middle of trump's first term, so the "we think" is referring to their unironic belief that trump could have been impeached and forcibly removed from the presidency