So the next season is going to be insufferable, right? It's going to be Bojack levels of, "Weinstein said he liked our show so we drove Bojack's character development off a cliff" writer self-sabotage, yeah?
So the next season is going to be insufferable, right? It's going to be Bojack levels of...
im really excited for it, i stopped watching it thinking it would be a half decent improvement of the comic but it somehow makes the comic look golden.
what if superman evil
Insufferable before the first episode was filmed
The latest season made me check out the comics because that was the season that sparked the whole, "IS THE SHOW BETTER NOW, FOLKS?" debate. I really like that Butcher and Hughie have a slightly friendlier relationship (Keyword: slightly) and that The Boys actually go after many supes, not just tunnel-vision on Homelander.
Weinstein said he liked our show so we drove Bojack's character development off a cliff"
What the hell qrd? I stopped watching BH back in S3. Also, the boys was only good for its first season when they killed the invisible guy, after that it was complete shit
“Someone who works with Will [Arnett] met Harvey Weinstein a year ago at a party, and he said, ‘You know, I loved that underwater episode of ‘BoJack’ you guys did,’” Bob-Waksberg, the creator of “BoJack Horseman,” told me. “When I heard that story, the idea that Harvey Weinstein watched my show really gave me chills, and I thought, what is he getting out of it? Does he watch it and go, ‘Yeah, that’s right. That’s the way to be. Us Hollywood guys, we’re trouble. What are you going to do with us?’”
They go more into it here:
Basically, the creator heard that Weinstein liked Bojack and started questioning the show's morals because he worried that a monster like Weinstein was sympathizing with his main character. He didn't want a character he made to be something that a figurehead like Weinstein could relate to.
There's gonna be so much obnoxious on the nose bullshit. I guarantee that Season 5 is gonna feature an episode where some supe accuses the Boys of eating cats
Yes Kamala should win
It's going to be Bojack levels of, "Weinstein said he liked our show so we drove Bojack's character development off a cliff" writer self-sabotage, yeah?
Is this another one of those "anons are mad because depicting a despicable character as despicable is like attacking me" threads?
I would have gone with a Man in the High Castle Season 4 comparison myself, except The Boys surpassed that in its own fourth season.
Firecracker is still best girl.
*Season 3
I know, its gonna be kino AF
It's a "Bojack's whole thing was he was getting better but then the Second Rapiest Man in Hollywood said he liked it so now he never gets to unfuck himself" thread.
nta but it's worse than I thought.
I appreciate the effort, but the time to spam Anon Babble with triumphant memes was like, a week ago. It's okay, we can reconvene in 2028 and you can run Musk against Sanders, it'll be great.
go back to r*ddit
Reminder that no one remembered being raped by Bill Cosby for decades until the 2000's when he told black men to pull up thier pants and be fathers.
its trump garrison again
doesn't matter because Anon Babblemblr is gonna keep defending this shit due to their acute case of ennis derangement syndrome
The show was never better than the comics and people only think otherwise because they were filtered by the first arc and started parroting this youtube video.
I understand why people don't like Ennis, but this is a bad faith argument.
A-Train redemption arc
temp v
Homelander's son
Hughie as Nightlight's personal punching bag
everything about Black Noir(s)
It has almost nothing to do with Ennis, and barely did from the get go.
We just gonna ignore the butchering of Butcher's entire character/motivation?
K, den
What if instead of Butcher it was a butch women and I instead of wanting to kill Homelander she wanted to have sex with him. That’d be pretty funny right haha
Unironically better than what we got.
The underwater episode? The baby's-first-concept-episode one? It was decent but the fact that it was a mostly dialouge-free gimmick is probably the reason Weinstein liked it, isn't it? So him identifying with Bojack is horseshit? They ruined their show for nothing?
His conviction was overturned as corrupt...the media's not so excited to report that.
What are Butcher's motivation in the show? It can't be that serious because I know he cucks out and doesn't let Soldier Boy kill Homelander because Soldier Boy is a racist (which apparently isn't shown, just told . . . through Soldier Boy's own crime fighting history paralleling FBI crime statistics) and because his wife's son asked him not to because he didn't want to see his biological father die.
Did he think his wife was dead but it turned out she was secretly alive?
I don't gotta like Ennis to say this show is horse shit.
season 1 follows the same story as the season we got except there’s no mention of Homelander having a kid
season 2 diverges when it’s revealed that Homelander never raped anyone and fem Butcher is actually a yandere stalker who made up the story and abused her CIA connections to play out her supervillain romance fantasies
Honestly I didn't really care for the show after season 2.
Did he think his wife was dead but it turned out she was secretly alive?
As opposed to the source material, in which his wife (who kept his violent nature in check) was raped (possibly by Homelander, or else Black Noir) and the fetus exploded out of her stomach using heat vision so he had to beat it to death with a lamp.
Which was his whole motivation when he got recruited by Mallory.
The showrunners are hacks of the highest order.
Might as well do the rest of the seasons while you're at it
Did he think Homelander killed her?
Also I may be thinking of something else but didn't his wife divorce Butcher? And in the show, he's not the same kind of man as in the comics obviously, but how much did they dial him down?
He thought Homelander raped her because of the description of the rapist in her diary.
She died when it burned its way out of her.
It was most likely Black Noir dressed up as Homelander, but it wasn't something Homelander wouldn't have done, and he admits as much.
The show wife is a completely different character than the comic wife.
Season 3: Hughie takes over the Boys and tries to reinstate the original goal of policing supes. Soldier Boy is awakened and Butcher is brought back on but she betrays them at the end and steals a large supply of compound V, using it to create her own supervillain team to finally get Homelander’s attention
Season 4: the Boys are forced into an uneasy alliance with the Seven as Butcher’s supervillains reign chaos across the states. Starlight and Hughie take charge in training the Vought supes for actual combat which causes Homelander’s mental state to deteriorate as he sees them start to outperform him as genuine heroes. Eventually during a confrontation, Homelander breaks and agrees to spend a night with Butcher. The two form a bond and form an army composed of Homelander’s loyalists and Butcher’s villains which they use to take over the White House. Black Noir tries to stop them but is killed by Butcher in a rage, and Tek Knight is killed defending the President but gives the boys the keys to his armory on the way out as Neuman and several of the Boys are captured by the loyalists. Season ends with Hughie, Kimiko, and M.M. traveling in secret to Tek Knight’s hidden armory while Starlight tries to rally the surviving heroes against Butcher and Homelander’s supe army which is growing by the day as Butcher uses Neuman to stabilize the V injections of her human loyalists
So weird. I've seen clips on YouTube of Homelander trying to be a dad to this kid and in one of them he just pushes the kid off the roof to make him fly and he falls and I think he breaks his arm on the grass, to Homelander's obvious disappointment.
I wish Butcher would have e beaten Ryan's head in with a lamp at birth.
Fucking bullshit donut steel OC garbage
The show really started going to shit the second they started leaning into the Homelander = Trump shit
fans of the shitass comic are trying to claim the comic is good now
no, fuck off.
Even stupider is that they already HAD a Weinstein-character with Hank Hippopopolous.
And for a show about how shitty people have to deal with the consequences of their shifty actions, it sure didn’t have much interest in punishing PC who poached one of Bojack’s students. Or Neal McBeal the Navy Seal who was a whiny little shit and was rewarded for it. Or Hippopopolous who never showed up again.
That Preacher show was such a dumpsterfire, man…
There had been reports and allegations about Cosby as early as the 80s. He was just too popular of a star so it didn’t gain traction because his lovable husband and father imagine was so strong and he was so popular that people wanted to ignore it. Not to mention people’s attitudes and understanding of sexual harassment, abuse and rape has changed for the better over the years. Or are you one of those contrarian freaks who also thinks all the child molestation scandals with the church are fake because the victims didn’t talk about them until decades after the fact?
People who thought the show was better never read the comics.
I refuse to believe you could read the initial run and think it was worse than the show.
I guarantee most people saying that are lying faggots who didn't actually read it.
I watched this show recently. I was going to avoid it and just read the comic like always, but my wife wanted to watch with me so I gave it a chance.
The first season was good, it was like robocop meets some altverse about superheros. very cynical but still more interested in being cynical than preachy, they even go after the cleary attempt at capitalizing lgbthiv+ for selling crap, but it doens't last sadly. After a season two it kinda loses me as it gets more and more political. it always criticized how certain people used ideologies as fuel for profit, but in later seasons they lean to hard on the political side and becomes just another critique of the right wing political side of us while threatening the left side as martis who do nothing wrong. Is always the cringe stuff about communism and concentration camps.
It has it's moments, but you can legit skip any personal drama not related to homelander after season 2 because it honestly doesn't matter and is stupid as fuck.