Bluey if the show was good

bluey if the show was good

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it would look cuter with only one eyelash line on each eye

It would look even cuter if she was trying not to "wee" herself during a long car ride

Chili wouldn’t do that if she could help it. It sets a bad example to her kids.

I actually like the part in The Sign when Socks asks her to pull over so she can pee even though they’re in the middle of a car chase, and Chili is very patient and understanding. It stuck out to me, it’s good parenting.



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Why are you watching a show for preschoolers?

t. gay man

"Adult" shows wish they had half the quality of this one.

That's a man

t. has only watched Bluey in his life

Implying this isn't a lavender marriage

I saw the upside where Blueys dad got handsy eith that little boy at the store and the last episode where Chili is revealed to be gay and would make out with her babysitter.

the episodes are only 7 minutes and sometimes that's all I’ve got the time or energy for

some of the jokes are downright funny and it’s actually entertaining

i’m mentally ill and grew up in a dysfunctional family, and that’s probably got something to do with why a wholesome show all about parents teaching their kids life lessons through play would appeal to me in particular

after already hanging out on Anon Babble for years watching and discussing more “mature” tv y7 shows, the jump to a toddler show wasn’t hard

because I can watch whatever I feel like

Take your pick. I’m not proud of all of these reasons, but I don’t know what else you expect from around here.

While we’re on the subject of pee, what’s up with all the times the kids take a “bush wee”? Is that something that’s normal in australia for parents with very young kids? I’ve peed on the ground while on a hike or campout in the middle of the woods before, but I’ve never encountered someone just straight up pissing into a literal bush on the side of the road like in this show.

I did once when my family was driving to the beach. I was, like, 6 and had to go

That's just wendy

No, Wendy is a chow chow.

INB4 It's the new MLP
also, why do I need to wait 900 seconds before posting?

more “mature” tv y7 shows

Seriously, I do not understand anons who have to scroll past the scores of other childrens’ shows in the catalogue, only to stop and ask why anybody here watches Bluey. A normal adult who does not watch children’s animated programming classifies them as all the same.

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Because of vidyabutts and

Why would Bandit need a vasectomy if Chili was just his beard?

where Chili is revealed to be gay and would make out with her babysitter.

Chilli's definitely bi, Lucky's dad is her bull.

Just another one of his weird fetishes probably. Bandit is a total freak.

"Adult" shows wish they had half the quality of this one

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That 100% has a pocket pussy in it.

I want an episode where the milfs of this show can't look away from my giant cock bulge

I want a massive lesbian milf orgy episode

I want an "all the moms get drunk on that cheap Aussie box wine and have a giant audience-attracting fight" episode

I want an entire spinoff about Bandit’s career as an anthropologist, in which he has an affair with one of his students I don’t care if that last part would happen, I just wanted to add something risqué to fit in

She should've farted in this scene

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in which he has an affair with one of his students

All of them?

Maybe if it took place after a timeskip and his daughters had moved out of the house, otherwise I don’t see how he’d find the time.

I want an episode where a character livestreams themself getting wasted at a kid’s funeral.

If bluey was good bluey wouldn’t exist it’s just be about Bandit and his harem

Bandit and his sugar daddies*

Least insane bluey fan

it's almost a minute long

"Oh-ho! Terribly sorry, that one's been building up for a while!"


Please, my dick can only get so hard (and on No Nut November, no less)