I'm glad to see good comics being so successful
I'm glad to see good comics being so successful
They all suck though. His sucks the least of the three, and Wonder Woman sucks the most, but each of the three is middling fan fiction tier dogshit.
Is it still readable? Can you enoy it like a handjob?
Picrel is my favorite out of the series
Only if you like sad handjobs from boring men who will spend the entire time telling you how they aren't gay and that this is actually a totally different, unique thing that's not like one man jerking off another man.
Not really. As bad as DC’s ongoings are these don’t exactly scratch the itch any better. The problem is DC needs to fire and move on from every single one of these writers. Yet they just keep on giving them jobs.
You said it much better than I did lol
Sexual degeneracy destroys the joy of normal everyday things like looking at little sea creatures, seeing criminals thrown in jail or church. That’s your problem
They're great though.
I didn’t like them all that much. Wonder Woman ws particularly odious.
Thats sad. But still you coom.
Like the anon above you. So you feel like you came but to get there was a bore. Thats a very low effort you get for your bucks.
Guess the problem is there are probably not better writers or they are cheap enough.
Cooming, in this case, meaning that it's a book, with a story, and characters, and dialog, and things happen in it. If that's really all you need, there's hundreds of thousands of comics already available. Even some that achieve those same extremely simple criteria while actually being good.
Guess the problem is there are probably not better writers or they are cheap enough
Insane to suggest (even assuming you meant “aren’t cheap enough”). Im not talking about going to get older writers like loeb or millar or blah blah blah. I’m talking about finding new talent and prioritizing ability rather than identity. Hiring writers not casting them.
Also silly to think that Jason Aaron and Scott Snyder aren’t demanding the highest pay rate DC will pay despite being atrocious.
More like Absolute Trash
IDW hinged its entire future on the Jason Aaron relaunch of TMNT. No way in hell he took a paycut to have that job.
I agree
If you didn't like Absolute Batman, I'm really curious to know what comics you actually like.
Currently? The moon is following us, mugshots, UXM, space ghost, precious metal, ultramega. Been cobbling together the loeb Superman/Batman run, the Busiek Trinity run, the dini Tec and a few others.
What a weird thing to imagine absolute Batman is like some seminal, shining star in the sky we all must look to. Genuinely, get a fucking grip.
First issues sell the most
Give it some to see if it stands on its legs
If they don't fuck it up and manage to succeed in ways New 52 failed, color me impressed
I honestly think by issue 12 superman and Wonder Woman will be well out of the top 25 and DC will be shilling the All-In/Absolute Crisis Crossover to salvage any of it. Batman is batman it’ll be top 20 no matter the quality.
Compact comics are a success to new readers because of their affordability
Absolute line is new reader friendly
I hate how this is such a no brainer but I still can picture DC not doing the obvious
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What if Batman kills?
What if Wonder Woman kills?
What if Superman kills?
DC if full of hacks.
Scott Snyder buckbroke Anon Babble.
Nah Superman is the worst and it isn't even close.
I completely disagree. And this is not a defense of it. But Wonder Woman is dogshit. Poorly written, no concept of character voice just Kelly, as always, using her own voice for every single character and the art is a fucking eyesore. Ugly for ugly’s sake.
I agree, I don’t see any reason why any of the absolute books need to be printed as floppies. They should be digital only and then collected in compact format for trade release.
The only comics that should be printed as floppies are mainline ongoings meant for traditionalist readers.
No Wonder Woman is horrible. The art looks like it was drawn by a 10 year old.
Anon Babblentrarians once again proven wrong! just like with nuUltimate
But enough about Marvel
All of those are shit except for Busiek and Dini's work kek
I did not care for Absolute DC
Glad DC is doing well and Marvel is a complete downward spiral and the only people who care about them are faggots who are hate reading. Fuck them forever.
Wonder Woman: Promising
Batman: Eh
Superman: Very no
I haven't read anything from DC lately that I hated as much as I hated the first issue of the new Iron Man run. Maybe Power Girl but I think I'd even take that.
It's all unreadable shit. It's blowing my mind in every top ten thread sales thread that Marvel has any books in them. Who is buying this garbage?
There's some books from Marvel now that I really like, but I do think DC is much stronger overall. I'm enjoying Hulk, Moon Knight, Spider-Boy, Fantastic Four, the main X-Men book
The only one I have enjoyed was UXM and that's just because I am a fan of Peach's art. I dropped it recently because it's going nowhere. Will get the omni if they do one but Marvel is in a rough spot creatively for sure
I like UXM quite a bit. It does move slowly but I'm seeing what it's developing into and I do enjoy it.