Who would you play as?
Mom fighting game
for me, it's Madeline
no Drew Saturday
no Agent K
no Tudy
*Trudy X
Unpopular moms
For who? People with no taste?
Nicole's too OP nerf her, can't fight toon force
Where's Francine?
she is DLC bait
respect to the artist for including braks mom, but its missing paula from home movies. also who the fuck are the two on the bottom right?
bottom right
Toriel from Undertale and Elastigirl from the Incredibles?
undertale isnt even a fucking cartoon, why is it here?
also now that i think about it, would frylock be considered a mother? in colon movie film, its said that frylock is actually a trans man, and thundercleese says frylock is his creater/"father" in the 2003 new years bumpers. so does this mean frylock could count?
he’s a trans woman, he has a plastic vagina and transitions to be female
Elastigirl, provided the elasticity isn't ignored like the majority of fanart does for some reason
Why does she need to be in a cartoon to be featured here?
Why is it here?
slaps and basic karate kicks, sometimes uses shopping cart
cutaway gag for ultimate, summons a random event depending what she says
uses Rick’s weapons like guns and meeseeks box
summons rick’s ship for ultimate, which blasts half the arena
zoner who uses bombs, lab-rats and missiles from Armagedroid
summons Jenny as ultimate who blasts horizontally across arena
sword and shield combo, can heal if guard is down
turns into pink diamond as ultimate, strength and healing increase greatly
very nimble karate and kicks like Chun-li, bash people with her butt like Peach
for ultimate uses cleaning supplies and broom for increased reach and damage
brawler like Blanka with rage shockwaves
for ultimate turns into her anime form for greatly increased speed
ranged Fire/Soul attacks like a spellcaster
uses DETERMINATION for ultimate to become temporarily invincible
high range and high agility stretching attacks
for ultimate can summon a random family member to assist in attacking her opponent
>summons Jenny as ultimate who blasts horizontally across arena
Too OP
Toriel needs an ability to drop cake to heal.
A funny Beth Ultimate would be that all players including her get attacked and hit by another Sanchez family, but she gets replaced by the other Beth so there isn't a downside for her (referencing the episode where's infinite clones of them).
What would be the premise for the fighting? Black Friday sale?
Who is the strongest mom
or she could summon a doppleganger with the portal gun, or just her usual space-clone
Donna got cut
This some bullshit!
Just some pervert wanting to see girls go at it like "SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy"
She doubles herself temporarily, like every fighting game catgirl ever.
Replace the white Mombot with Anime Nicole.
Give Rose a secret Pink Diamond alt.
Give Marge a secret Large Marge alt.
Give Nora a secret Wisteria Wakeman alt.
Put Maddie in.
Put Francine in.
Final Boss: Pic related.
Did Bleedman draw this?
Should be obvious by the style. The style of someone who has asshole fans who leak his shit and then trying to rally a troll army against anyone who tries to get that stuff.
Nice boss
What is Bleedman doing these days?
Other Mother. Bet she'd be cool to play as.
Pretending to be a SFW webcomic artist on Twitter, but "secretly" drawing pedoshit for his friends, who then post unmoderated crops of that stuff on Anon Babble.
He should be glad they're only crops when leakers could easily dump all his loli porn into a sad panda gallery
Its not on Patreon, it won't be leaked.
I main marge
I once had all Playboy scans with her, but it's IMPOSSIBLE to find that shit again. Its not even on the common R34 sites. If any anon has them, I'd be happy.
What about Marge?
Marge should use a bulldozer on opponents like when she destroyed the brothel. Or she goes in an automatic crunk animation loop that deals massive damage, all you can do is move her.
She's the guest character.
undertale isnt even a fucking cartoon
I wish one day I could return to Anon Babble and proclaim the post aged badly.
Dexters mom takes up 3 slots
One of them isn't even a cartoon character but from indie garbage owned by a nobody company made by a fetus born after the 80s
Mrs. Boonchuy or Mrs. Noceda