How did this last 8 seasons? I tried to get into it but I couldn't
How did this last 8 seasons? I tried to get into it but I couldn't
You gotta be western Canadian to really get the vibe.
Nobody cares about this shit faggot
then how the fuck did it get 8 seasons?
I’m from Canada and manage to watch the first season of this show
All of Saskatchewan will fight you, now.
This faggot got filtered hard
Aw, sweet
Now that you're here we definitely can't
can't wait until you reply to yourself like in every other thread
Some people refuse to change.
Says the lolicon who holds onto a show just because he wanted to fuck a girl into it
series started out in prison
season ends in a therapy session that takes over the entire series for the next 7 seasons so they can be a normal sitcom family
final episode returns to the therapy session
but it was the duck's therapy session and kevin never existed?
What did it all mean
And just like that your thread is ruined.
Your posts got deleted, take a hint snd fuck off
Government probably paid for it.
Most likely. Because this shit lasted way too long. 4 seasons would've been fine.
If you don't like it why are you in the thread
Gotta love how this show has its own Randy equivalent LMAO.
Dogshit show
Which character is that? Cause it sure as fuck isn't Percy.
It's pedo stalker faggot
Gee, who else is Drunken Welfare Man supposed to be?
Ronald Reagan is objectively one of the worst presidents in U.S. history because of his systematic destruction of mental healthcare institutions. birchy is a testament to that irrefutable and objective fact. In any proper civilization, he would have been subjected to immediate, involuntary, and indefinite institutionalization, cut off from the rest of civilized society, until he died of old age, or was outright euthanized for being such an extremely severely mentally ill sociopath who is psychotically hell bent on turning this board into his personal shitting ground.
Report any and all of his threads and posts for spamming and ban evasion.
This gorilla schizo again?
Reagan isn't responsible for something that happened in every western country at the same time by design.
Nigga be glad I'm contributing instead of spamming. Hmph!
How so?
He posted a drawing by his oneitis now be grateful and suck his dick
Gay, I'd rather discuss the actual show itself.
So... you DON'T want to discuss the show? Alright, if you say so.
Ask your local prisoner.