What was her fucking problem

what was her fucking problem

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Insecure about being fat but won't put in the effort to change. Also Chinese.

We don't know for sure what kind of Asian she is, if at all anyway.

Kind of noce Downtown is this pre 9/11 show. I'm sure the next season would have them beating random turban and hijab wearers in the street.

She is a hater.
If you are like her roomate and like to go out and have dates she thinks you're a shallow bimbo slut.
If you are like Alex's friends and like to play videogames and read comics she thinks you are a loser virgin incel.
If you are like Serena and like to both go out and have niche interests she thinks you are literally the devil.

She needs some correction.

Tired wagie + likely had a bad upbringing. Shame we'll never find out more about it.

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She needed the big D.

Shame she wasn't a zoomer, She's be drowning in dudes.

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Horny femcel


God she’s so hot. I know she’s a hater, but she’s the top of the waifu charts for me.

If you are like her roomate and like to go out and have dates she thinks you're a shallow bimbo slut

The roommate was a slut. She was dating multiple guys at a time, and teasing the neighbors across from her. She even commented that she wish she knew she could get stuff with her body when she was younger.

However, I think it's the hotel bar episode in which she learns to dail it back. Shout out to the pianist who help drunk jen back to her apartment and bang the roommate.

Same, I don't want some insecure tradwife who worships the ground I walk on I want a chick who'd bust my balls and be an asshole.

No one appreciated how best she was and gave her the love and dickings she rightfully deserved

she's just like me fr

She was ahead of her time. In this day and age a cynical chubby nerdy bed-rotting hater asian girl would be rolling in dick

hey being a hater makes her extra hot. we could hate everyone together

And she would get the help she needs for it

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ywn spend an evening watching trashy reality TV with Jen while you eat ice cream under the electric blanket and bitch about how stupid everyone is


Self loathing projected outwards at everyone and everything else like me

Late 90s was unironically peak for "anti-racism". There were lots of diverse characters in shows but they didn't make a big deal about it, it was just a group of friends hanging out together and they rarely even mentioned the fact that they're from different backgrounds (other than groaning about their parents or something).

Oh, great! So if you're not a hooker, and YOU'RE not a hooker...WHERE THE HELL ARE ALL THE HOOKERS?!

it's yet another thread made by a deranged fetishist that can't help himself about a character from a show he had never seen and will never see

No attempt whatsoever to even try and talk about Downtown in this thread.

Ok start the discussion then, try me

I'll talk. Of all cartoon, Matt is probably my favorite graffiti artists. (Purely fictional cartoon) It's not post ironic banksy like Regular show.

The subway exploration of graffiti is my personal favorite episode. In that reminds me of highschool exploring and seeing graffiti scrolled on the wall of abandoned buildings.

I loved the entire vibe of the show. 90s pre-9/11 NYC, decadent but not completely insane like today. No sòycial media to make everyone hyper self-aware about looks, social norms, and acting in "cringe" ways. Really a very human show of a bygone era

Yeah, also the episode in which they argue over trains on which one can get to coney Island. It's that kknd of down to earth adventure, that takes a mundane thing like taking a train and making it into a race.

I loved that. What was it, the second episode? I remember it being pretty early on and it was already super immersive