What a little jerk he is


Are you telling me that you wouldn't scratch behind his ears until he begs you to stop?

He wasn't as much of a jerk but still pettable.

I would correct them by examining their anal cavity

An owner can do whatever they like with their pets.

a bear and deer are not pets.

Until you make them be pets.

That's called prostate petting.

Be thankful, for the gods have bestowed upon you the basedest of tastests.

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The Coachman doesn't want you to know this, but the donkeys at Pleasure Island are free and you can just take them.

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Why is he dressed like that

I want to eat deer.

This is Anon Babble, anon. The deerfuckers are over on Anon Babble.

made for bambi

"Correct me."

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Bear Vanellope.

Deer is quite good.

cant believe there isnt more content out there about him getting rape correction.

First off, kill yourself disgusting zoophile.
Second, what the fuck is this new "correction" meme I've been seeing recently around the chans?
Must be cope from aging millennials embracing a "daddy" persona in hopes it attracts zoomettes or something.

The same kind the Joker needs. Right up the pellet-pipe.


old man, ive been talking about rape correction for YEARS on the “porn chans” cause i get off on domming.

I get venison jerky sometimes, has a unique feel to it

He was a little boy but got transformed into a donkey.

Spotted the newfaggot.
Take your own advice.

You all belong in Anon Babble you disgusting furverts.

Needs correction by the Prince.

Bambi? More like the prince of my wood.


I wish. There's nothing better than human men having sex with anthro cubs


anthro cubs

Name them

Other threads have Mrs. Brisby. But we have Fievel.

He's Jewish.

Are you saying that you prefer uncircumcised?

Do you not?

Not that first anon but it's alright. A little scruffy looking. Need more youthful cuteness y'know?

What about...

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Hmmm too simple.

Hmmm... doesn't he has barbs?

See now that's a good one. Though anon does make a good point


Bambi and Ronno kissing