What are your thoughts on Amy Wong?

What are your thoughts on Amy Wong?

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I'm not enraptured with Amy. I don't spend my time shipping. But I can't see any way that she wasn't a much better match for Fry than Leela. Bender's Big Score didn't do much to convince me otherwise.

wong hole

I get confused by the time shenanigans on Bender's Big Score with every Futurama rewatch. Am I dumber than Fry?

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How is the artbook by the way?

It exists.

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She pretty much represents what any hot asian american chick would be....a massive whore that would ride the cock carosaul and end up with a beta provider like kip. Many such cases!

Fun, but I'm a Leela man myself.

I wanna hump her.

Based on her eating habits, she's gonna need one of these someday

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what did they mean by this

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The nudist beach episode

Yeah... my thoughts on her are.

I'm sure she was a lot of fun for the artists and designers to draw

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She's best girl by leaps and bounds and I've always been a little bitter that she ended up with Kif. Kif's cool though so it's not all bad.

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The romance in BBS sucks, ironically the ending of the Fry/Amy episode shows why Leela is great for Fry and in general.


What if she were more impulsive tho...

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Why? She's boring

ironically the ending of the Fry/Amy episode shows why Leela is great for Fry and in general.

only cause they have to make Amy randomly fickle in way of the status quo to have it make sense. Leela and Fry aren't that great.

leela clapped amy's cheeks

I'm turned on by women who take charge.

Scaroused, if you will.

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i wonder if she made fry breastfeed from her

It's certainly possible.

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I'll grant you that Amy was a slut that didn't even wait to get her shoulder fixed to go on a new date, but Fry was the one who ended the relationship for no reason.

that one Calvin Klein-ass photo of Kif


breastfeed from her

Good luck with that...

cyclops eye

singing boils(boyle)

elbow talons

random tentacle growth

lays the occasional egg

Her nipples likely have quills or she lactates battery acid. Everything with a mutant is a coin toss.
At least with Amy, all you have to worry about is weight gain...which the future has a cure for .

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Ozempic is apparently lost technology in the XXXI century.

What are you, CHICKEN?

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she says as chicken wings sprout from her shoulders

I can work with that.

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Who's funnier, Bender or Roger the Alien?

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Hard to say. Roger has more scenes but Bender usually never fails to make me laugh. I'd say Bender but only cause I'm pretty sure if you put a compilation of him vs a compilation of Roger with the same time, I'd be laughing at Bender more.

ONE OF the best girls

What does she do with two extra arms?


kek why do they have a picture of Zapp?


Captain's orders. Also keep it by the router.

I like her when she's cheating on Kif and cucking him. Other than that she got pretty boring when they paired her with Kif.


God I fucking WISH

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