What is the explanation for this phenomenon?

What is the explanation for this phenomenon?

Jealusy fueled cancel culture

Right is trying to compensate for internal insecurities he has knowing his a fucked up weirdo. Left has nothing to compensate for so he just goes "Ha ha bloody rapetime funny"


Any examples?

This is a phenomenon as old as time from the hyper conservative priest who ended up molesting a bunch of little boys to the male feminist SJW who raped several women.

Name five examples of each.

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I can think of a few
For left:
Maxwell atoms
Thurop van Orman
John dillworth

For right:
Chris Savino
Kyle carrozza

you're not allowed to make something that doesn't have gore and rape

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I'm so tired of these faggot Twitter templates

Not necessarily gore and rape but like, "the joke is this kid's mom died", "the joke is this person lost literally everything because the universe just hates them" or "the joke is this person's life is fucking miserable and they're waiting for the sweet release of death"
These are all within the current bounds of "edgy" ever since everyone apparently decided cartoons have to be wholesome as fuck

There's also Jhonen Vasquez and Greg Weisman on the left

Predators try to blend in the environment their prey is
I think it's called mimetic predation or being a Minecraft YouTuber

maxwell atoms

edgy cartoons

We're calling Billy and Mandy "edgy" now?

Greg is cuckbrained

You underestimate how fragile some people are, there's probably someone somewhere that hasn't even seen the show and thinks it is a hateful spiteful fart cartoon

Upstanding guy

Why are people fixated on whether or not some random celebrity that they've never met is a good or bad person?

anything rougher than bluey is "mean spirited" these days

Billy and Mandy was honestly pretty edgy for the time.
You have to remember we're not just talking about edgy but edgy by kid's show standards. Billy and Mandy and Total Drama Island in particular both let themselves push how much dark humor or sexual innuendo you were allowed to put in a kid's show.

Then what are examples of edgy kids shows like OP's image suggests with the hecking wholesome creators that's apparently a notable phenomenon?

this must mean miyamoto is a pedo since mario has no edgy jokes and blood

I don't think there's actually a lot of "bloody rapetime funny" creators out there who have gone on to do anything excessively good. Garth Ennis, for instance, is just a hateful, angry, bitter piece of shit. He doesn't make hyperviolent, repulsive shlock because he's actually a well adjusted, wholesome dude who knows that his stories require a certain amount of graphic violence to properly convey the message he's sending... He's just a terrible, crass, shitty little man. That said, he's never been caught with a harddrive full of CP nor has he been accused of trying to groom any of his young fans.

That said, there is absolutely, undeniably truth to the notion that people overly obsessed with purity and goodness are often covering for something. Their need to hide the repulsive skeletons in their closet most often manifests through aggressive virtue signaling and externalizing their guilt onto others, so no one suspects them.

He hasn't done it yet but I'd be interested in letting Rob Zombie write a kids show.

Left makes edgy shit because he's got a late teenage brain, right makes cutesy shit because he's got a childlike brain

The pedo overcompensates because he's deathly afraid of being raided. It's a bit like the speed limit, if a dude is driving 20 under he's drunk as shit or a drug mule.


Literally the only example of the right I can think of regarding cartoons is Kyle Carozza
I have yet to see an example of the left that has raised millions for charity and protects kids either
Celebrity culture needs to die as does Hollywood in general

Thanks for reminding everyone that you only rise to the level of your biggest trauma. I like to pretend that I am finding the artful in the artless and not coming face to face with the fact that I'm stuck at 11 so I will like comics, cartoons, toys, loud music and wrestling forever. You know how weird it is to have a child-like sense of wonder in your middle ages?

They're set up like strawmen but left is Alex Hirsch and right is Kyle Fat Italian. Alex has a lot of rumors about him but what cannot be debated is that children's charities are very important to him and he lifts others up into show runners.

By today's standards yeah Billy and Mandy is edge city.

the joke is this person's life is fucking miserable and they're waiting for the sweet release of death

wow He is litearly me

You're pretending it isn't?

B&M was incredibly goofy and lighthearted despite the single macabre element of the Grim Reaper being present. Some side characters went a bit harder than expected like Nergal but I would not call that show edgy. OP described edgy kids shows as those with blood, excessive violence and sexual themes.

I hate that you are right. Why alll these cartoon want to be Wholesome and shit. Even those that appeared edgy at first become weird melodramas (See Helluva Boss).

because they want to appeal to twitter/tumblr (wo)manchildren who want "adult" shows but nothing that might scratch their paper skin

What was considered tame back then is considered edgy now just like how in politics, a 2000s liberal and conservative are now a Commie and a Fascist.

Squeaky clean

John k

Ed piskor

Justin Roiland


Craig McCracken

Stephen hillenburg


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Giga based (a lot of Stephen’s fans these days have a rapist quality)

Why are people so obsessed with these "guy who does x thing is actually y and guy who does y thing is actually x" memes lately
I've seen like 3 different variations on it (being nice vs. being abrasive, looking ugly vs. looking good, and the one in the OP)

Doesn't exist.

Because people look like this and say this

I never watched Magiswords but I remember everyone talking about how horny it made them when it was still a thing. Is it really as squeaky clean as you suggest?

Don’t forget jhonen vasquez

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Thurop van Orman

didnt he groom his son into becoming a tranny?




Fucking enough

There are creators with inoffensive shows who we never hear about because they're inoffensive people and then those with edgy shows that match that perfectly but get away with it because it's expected.
Plus a bunch of overlooked dudes in the middle, since you're only going to hear about the creatives who donated to a bunch of charities or who got busted for cp.

Anon Babble could probably fill out a chart like pic related

Those that seethe about pedos turn out to be pedos themselves, I'm sure it's just a coincidence, right?


fuck off tumblr

I am increasingly convinced that there are three kinds of people in the world: perverts that can admit that they are perverts, perverts that can't, and asexuals.

in cartoons good people are pretty and the bad people are ugly so that’s how it works in real life