Paulo is having a bad time edition
BCB — Bittersweet Candy Bowl
Daisy should stop crying and start sleeping with Augustus.
Paulo feeling bad about the Piss-Queen after all he's endured sure says a lot about Taeshi's lack of intelligence.
So did Lucy roll on over thinking how funny it would be to rub Daisy's fat belly in Paulo's face or what? I got the impression this is just going to be another ass kissing PR chapter for worst cat, not a chance to introspect. Either way, looks like Paulo's finally lost faith in her.
Wanna take guesses on who's gonna show up next?
My bets on Mike arriving with the fag team.
Oh wow almost like Paulo and Lucy were not supposed to have spoken since Double Down. GG Taeshi, I wonder what she cut that made Paulo think Daisy hates him,
It's more retarded than that. Lucy knows Paulo and Daisy are crushing on each other and just assumes if they are forced in proximity *magically* a relationship will happen. It's why she beat his shit in on the ferris wheel some chapters back.
Its basically Pre-December BCB, where characters kept forcing Mike and Lucy together in hopes they'd kiss and makeup, but never did.
From a writing stand point it's extremely lazy, as it make a plot convenience and doesn't address underlying issues or connect character arcs in any organic way. Characters are thrown together randomly and whatever mood strikes Taeshi will then be the plot.
Remember she plans these out in contained chapters, not in a long over-arching plot.
Because nothing is happening other than whining I'm trying to get into digital art of these characters so they can actually do something.
It would fix like 80% of her problems. Don't know if it would introduce problems for Augustus though and that's the person I care about more.
It's meant to be Date Night where Paulo is in a gay mood and Daisy walks off all sadge. Then whines to Lucy (randomly) about it in Seeing Stars before she bites off his head for daring to speak to her.
But this is written more like a conclusion to Behind Close Doors where Paulo is pissy about Daisy shitting on him, though that is a retconned old chapter meant to be inserted in Volume 6.
I wonder what she cut that made Paulo think Daisy hates him
We already got an answer for that. It's him flat out ignoring her at every turn in favor of anyone else. What doesn't work is Taeshi randomly having Paulo try and talk to Lucy as if nothing had happened between them. I guess this scene still works of Lucy's most recent blow up reminded Paulo that she's a histronic bitch who holds insane grudges.
It's why she beat his shit in on the ferris wheel some chapters back.
Why the hell would Lucy have assumed there was any romantic attraction between Paulo and Daisy when she's seen zero evidence for it? Is it because she read the script? The script in Taeshi's hands? Taeshi, to whom Lucy is clearly a self-inserted fursona?
It's meant to be Date Night
Why would Paulo think Lucy knows about that when Paulo's too stupid to get it? I think Taeshi cut something plot critical from the chapter that Seeing Stars replaced and clumsily recycled it into Behind Closed Doors.
Nice art
James, he works there and Taeshi hinted that he's the one Daisy's seething about on her blusky
Daisy has reason to seethe at everyone who's on Paulo's list, including Lucy.
Dead serious when I say, that’s good artwork
I wonder how Daisy feels about Jasmine these days. Maybe they can exchange tips on getting Paulo to put out?
Jasmine only factors into Daisy's participation prize insecurity. She's no current threat and so Daisy would be her usual cheerful self around 3rd Best Girl.
It's a very low-key character trait Taeshi tries to tack onto Lucy, that she's just SO intuitive and SO clever she can just read people and knows what's best for everyone. This was hinted at in Seeing Stars where apparently she has a 'bullshit detector" and is the one character who is true and honest and tells others what's what! Except early Lucy never really had this, she was just abrasive and prickly and it served as the straight man to fuel the shitty-anime-esque humor.
BUT at the very least it wasn't as serious as modern BCB tries to portray itself.
Lucy apparently now is just *that* good at reading people and their intentions. Even though she always fails spectacularly with Mike, everyone else she just instinctively knows.
I'm sure this is just Taeshi's inserting her own BPD-flavored world-view, presuming herself to be that good at reading people and empathizing in her own twisted way even though BPD literally does the opposite when it comes to reading people's emotions or intentions.
I think that's why we get so many pissy aloof looks and then on a dime you get those forlorn puppy-dog faces in BCB. Once you notice it, it is a near constant in the comic.
This is amazing Ham, your style moved very nicely into digital sphere and I love this extra tall Jasmine. Whatcha using for drawing?
Guess Taeshi still plans out chapters as "few plot relevant and rest are fillers inbetween", so for the purposes of this one only the existence of Date Night and Seeing Stars matters and not the fact that entire new year, half of winter and start of the spring happened between them
Wow, she didn't say anything and he already turned it into a drama, Lucy just got Lucyspace'D!
ALSO, once again Paulo apologizes to Lucy.
When was the last fucking time she apologized to him? After You? When she then goes on a tirade about him loving her and how he needs just to neglect his responsibilities at work to force him to go to Daisy's birthday party after "beating him up" ?
Even in Double Down when he begs her to open up, and shows full support for her "emotional needs. Only to have her lashe out at him, has a screaming-fit, slaps him then leave. Only for him to be angry for 2 pages and then immediately start beating himself up for ruining his chances with her.
Even though at the beginning of that chapter he claimed he "no longer had feelings for her whatsoever."
So which fucking one is it Taeshi!?
This was hinted at in Seeing Stars where apparently she has a 'bullshit detector"
When was that shown? All Lucy did during that chapter was transparently bullshit everyone else, hallucinate a truly insane blame game, and scream at Paulo.
When was the last fucking time she apologized to him?
Witch Hunt. And it was such a miracle that he abandoned all anger toward her and has simped ever since, no matter how Lucy treats him.
Even in Double Down when he begs her to open up, and shows full support for her "emotional needs. Only to have her lashe out at him, has a screaming-fit, slaps him then leave.
To be fair, Paulo did lose his temper and bring up her rape-slut tendencies.
There's only one way to fix BCB
To be fair Paulo asking her if all people for relationship advice was bullshit, so credit to her
Lucy is stopping to count what could be 75 cents at most as if he is so stupid he would short her, adding insult to injury. I know it's probably supposed to be 3 pennies and taeshi just picked a sort of unclear colour to shade them, but if that's the case then it's even more insulting. As if he can't count to 3.
so whos the shooter
also im confused why did she start crying why is paulo being a cuck saying he's sorry to lucy when you know daisy randomly started crying. when paulo would have ran after her even at work asking whats wrong, asking his boss to take his break early and dude saying yes because he just seen some teenage girl start crying. and it looks really fucking bad to have a cashie that clearly knows the person crying to pretend nothing is happening.
holy shit tae what the fuck are you doing
conceded with no selfeestem
shes a teenage dream if you hate yourself
So we're at the "Fuck You" part of the cycle next?
Lucy is stopping to count what could be 75 cents at most as if he is so stupid he would short her
Taeshi probably just wanted to give Lucy something to do for a moment to keep her at the countertop, like a force of habit. But she accidentally underlines her insane paranoia and lack of faith in her own so-called friends.
Could somebody with better reading comprehension and memory than me explain why Paulo's acting like he got Daisy's parents killed or something. Last I could tell Daisy was feeling unwanted and Paulo was only vaguely aware of her being upset at all. Kinda skimmed the last few chapters for context but maybe I didn't skim the right parts.
why did she start crying
She's still not over Paulo aiming for his gay coworker to the point of betting a date on a race rather than do the bare minimum to swoon her and it hurts her that she's more and more obviously some last choice, seeing him made it worse
why is Paulo being a cuck saying he's sorry to Lucy
Self answering question, also Paulo had vaseline vision when it comes to Daisy, she'll see her upset wanting to go home and just say goodbye and then ponder what could she be so upset about?
Also I don't think Paulo is going to approach Daisy precisely because Lucy is there, and Paulo will ALWAYS put Lucy above Daisy
Lucy needing to manually count three coins of the same type, guess she bonked her head when she jumped!
He's not upset about Daisy but about Lucy, not sure exactly what triggered him since white cat has been as polite as her illness allows her, he's probably making a problem on his mind that she's mocking him by bringing Daisy around
Well, Lucy's been pretty hostile toward Paulo in their last couple of encounters, so Paulo probably doesn't understand that she's randomly back down to her baseline level of bitchiness. Lucy just expects everyone else to write off her moodswings and this time it didn't happen.
This was the last time they talked
David, full of this april fools page should be on candybooru
No, we already had "Fuck You" part in Stars (and technically him saying sorry too, this time just doing it properly and with a delay)
Thank you everyone! Also >Whatcha using for drawing?
I use GIMP (and the pencil tool) with a small Wacom tablet. It works well enough for me.
Jasmine made Paulo un-put-out. (put in?) Unless you mean actually caring about the person instead of just using her as a crying towel (Rachel).
Makes you wonder if Lucy will finally realize she needs to stop exploding on people and assume they will get over it. Or whether Taeshi will give her a pass and blame Paulo for assuming too much.
I suppose so
all tae needs to do now to make lucy the perfect bpd monster is bring daisy over to her house and get Augustus to start flirting with daisy get them both drunk and then call over paulo saying daisy want to talk with him at her place.
open the door and paulo see's someone elses dick in daisy as shes moany loudly and lucy is smiling smugly behind paulos back to the point daisy/augustus cant see this 360 moonwalk away to her bedroom keep the door open and start rubbing one out while everyone is yelling and fighting pleased at her manipulation
cooming hard when she hears paulo crying loudly saying i fucking hate you whore then hearing bone crunch shut up you fucking loser all you do is treat women like shit no you shut up rapist garbage stopppp fightingggg boyssss bawwwww here is lucy ''ughhhhhhhhhhh harder fight harder almost there ughhhh gonna cooooom so hard god i can taste the tears must not walk up to the room while rubbing one out still and lick the tears from all their faces''
oh my fucking god lucy what the fuck are you doing why the fuck are you masturbating
waityoufuckingwhore you you set this al-ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh oh god im cooooooming *tosses whole fucking lamp out the door* get the fuck out of my house paulo, daisy this is what you get for using me
Augustus get your ass in my bed now why are you looking at me with those eyes i said get the fuck in my bed noiwait no Augustus please nono dont * whack whack whack* im sorrrrrrry please stop it its daisy's fault she kept lusting after paulo dragging me into this noooooo helpppp what are you doing with that phoneline nouahghhcoughcoughbangbumpcoughcoughcough
I just realized I forgot to put in my username, soz.
If Taeshi makes it to where Lucy develops feelings for Paulo now out of all times on planet earth to do it I will have the same general dissatisfaction as the other times this cycle happened.
This won't happen but the detail of it being the whole lamp is nice