Now that the dust has settled, honest thoughts?
Now that the dust has settled, honest thoughts?
what fucking dust, shit was memoryholed faster than a Stalinist secret policeman
I couldn’t even finish watching it, it becomes unwatchable so fast even for autistic people that wants to find meaning in it
there was some anons here saying it simply filtered people
i believe those anons are retarded
I'd rather watch
They give Razzies for TV too, right?
simply filtered
If R&M has a "brand" it's self-aware comedy and frenetic violence. R&M the Anime had neither. It was an awkward slow-paced mediocre sci-fi anime. If we had Kill la Kill but with R&M characters people would've gone nuts. I mean it would've been the most Reddit thing ever but people would have actually like it.
I don't know who Elle is but Beth was really stacked in it so I approve
it did
that’s why I think it’s stupid to act like it’s some sort of hidden masterpiece
it’s like some fags on this site can’t accept they like something that’s shit so they gotta claim “oh you just didn’t GET it”
I'm going to hate watch this show
Coombait is pretty much all Rick and Morty has going for it these days, so that feels appropriate.
Netflix was WILD for this one
It was so bad that it's gonna make Season 8 look like Season 1.
Worst anime I have ever seen, at least Chargeman Ken was humorous, this was just awful and boring.
Demarco should be ashamed.
How come Wayne doesn't hold a grudge toward Rick for being the main reason his life went to shit after Season 4? It's always Beth he targets for accidentally shooting him, but it's Rick who got him fired from his teaching job after recovering from the gun wound.
I'm sure the Uzumaki adaptation was shame enough.
grass tastes bad
lmaoooo DAMN
I was expecting a "scott pilgrim takes off" kinda thing where it's written like an American show but animated like an anime. What I got instead was a pretentious anime with a Rick and Morty skin. I think the most enjoyable bit was where the Beths were having a conversation about Morty's girlfriend where the space one goes:
Hey don't you think she's too pretty for him? Maybe she's using him for something.
Like no fucking confidence in her son!
Wasn't it reported years earlier that the anime would be handled entirely by a Japanese team? No Harmonisms to be expected.
I appreciate the amount of effort they put into recreating the Smiths' living room. Family Guy couldn't even get the Hollywoo sign right when they parodied BoJack.
Some people don't find it fun when their esoteric fun clubs have the same opinions as the general public because they feel that their elitism sets them apart. I feel the opposite is true: when normies and weirdos can unite in kicking the shit out of something terrible it is truly glorious and a linking of sophisticated minds with the rabble.
US Acres is a comic within a comic made by Jon Arbuckle.
Hi, I'm Brad Anderson, creator of the nationally syndicated comic strip "Marmaduke." You should consider being a creative. I'm haunted by uncontrollable thoughts of mutilation and sexual assaults on a near daily basis. But, you know, I channel it all into my work.
Huh. I never got that impression from reading "Marmaduke."
Well, did you get the impression I was trying to make you laugh?
Which show is more pretentious, Bojack Horseman or Rick & Morty?
An attempt at a joke like this in Season 7 would not have landed nearly as well. It'd suffer from snarky line reading and an underwhelming punchline
Definitely Rick and Morty
it's not the same if it comes from a different season number
Care to elaborate why?
Nta but please read the entire post you're responding to before you respond to it.
Not elaborate enough
different writers, different expectations for what makes "a good rick and morty joke"
Just watch the Kuato episode to understand what I mean
Funniest *dolphin chirp* I've ever seen.
Rick is not a woman, that's why. Poopybutthole is a chauvinist.
They don't give Emmys for movies, no.
I wish they went with the team that did Samurai & Shogun or the Akihabara shorts. They made a Rick and Morty so Japanese that you could only understand if you're a Japanese fan.
This is a frustrating trend, nowadays if you disagree with someone you'll be immediately accused of baiting. Even worse is that retards found out about the word contrarian and will use it against you even if they're the ones with the unpopular opinion.
any screenshots?
here's one
here's another
not big enough to make up for the art style looking like shit
Why are the outlines green?