Where did it all go so wrong?
You can pinpoint the second her heart rips in half and her family explodes, god damn Powder you cute little stupid idiot
it was all downhill from here
where did it all go wrong?
Season 1 episode 1, 00:00:01.
And now jinx is gonna traumatize a kid of her own. Far out
women's breasts swell up with milk because of pregnancy anon, she'll end up with b cups
The kid is meant to give Jinx a little bit of hope that she can love and be loved, so that it gets taken away from her in the most viscious way possible
Her mistake was going for the kidney. If she'd given Vi a good spanking till she fell in line they'd be more in love than ever.
Jinx's face when the pregnancy test is negative again
Based wife beater professional
Why did she think putting 3x the amount of magic crystals (one alone leveled a large chunk of building) would be good to be PUT INTO A BOMB AND PUT SAID BOMB NEAR THE DOOR HER FAMILY WAS BEHIND
Jinx deserves to become a mother of 20 healthy babies
Probably around the time she blew up half her adoptive family.
Dumbass kid with no responsible adult supervision. Also Powder may have been born with mental issues that went untreated and unnoticed in the anarchy of Zaun's streets.
is he right?
Also Powder may have been born with mental issues that went untreated and unnoticed in the anarchy of Zaun's streets.
I think this is all but told to us outright by that scene of her going schizo even before the Vander bomb shit
In their relationship, Vi will carry their childre-
He's right in cringe
If Caitler had put that heat on Vi's seat where it belongs, they'd both be fine right now.
Vi and Jinx the good ending
Someone needs to knock her up with some kids fast
tfw everybody gets ships but you even though you're the MC
new thread
already ruined by shipfaggots
That's what it takes to make people watch a show anon. Sorry we're not talking Piltover politics.
powder eyes aren't grey
Unacceptable, completely ruined fanart. Her eyes were actually grey as a kid, which is a critically important detail as it's why Ekko freezes in his fight with her. Having a brief moment of recognition of his old friend.
Vi goes of to do this again to Isha
She really is a monster
All the good stuff happens in act 3, hmph.
Jinx is gay for Lux stop wanting to impregnate her weirdo incels
would be a kino scene in S3 to see her settled down
Noooo talk about the show but NOT LIKE THAT
this episode ruined the show for me
spent entire first season antagonize the two sisters and gut-wrenching past
suddenly they bickering like children
who writes this shit?
Note this gif and Sevika pinning Jinx with a thrown knife to the braid. No wonder she’s cutting them off.
It's not about redemption. There was never anything to redeem. It's about forgiveness.
Jinx leaves Zaun for Demacia? Pog?
Her smile was not protected.
Quads confirm.
With all the shimmer in her body not a good idea
Last thread, an anon revealed Viktor enabled him X-ray vision and was able to determine Jinx’s reproductive system is perfectly healthy.
I want to have sex with Jinx
I want to have sex with Jinx while she's pregnant
I want to have sex with Jinx while she's pregnant and well into her third trimester
2 days until ep6
thread dead
it's never been more over
Forgiveness… it’s more than saying sorry…
It's the calm before the cuck storm
Is Maddie a squirter
You couldn't live with your own failure. Where did that bring you Vi? Back to me.
that hand sliding to her chest
I'm gonna have a good laugh come Saturday, because I've seen lots of post calling Maddie precious and shit like that. If act 2 doesn't end with Caitvi reconciling, the shipper meltdown is going to be EPIC.
Jinx would make billions on OnlyFans. She doesn't do sex without payment.
bangs a 16 year old member of her fanclub
Venture Bros tier plot
Kek imagine Caitlyn's regime gets overthrown and she gets sent to jail for her actions as dictator. This guy is about to rape her when Cait sees in the corner of her eye Vi standing nearby watching. As the ugly bastard guard is about to rip Cait's lace panties off Cait gives in and begs for Vi to help her but Vi just smiles and walks away with a hand groping Maddie's ass(she's beside her)
Whats next for him?
he's had 3 fucking lines
Why is he even fucking here? Go home to your family, dude.
Literally Caitler
Joker 2 teaches us that SA cures mental illness so he's the only one who can cure Jinx
The entire world of Arcane knows "don't stick your dick in crazy".
Jinx probably blew them up
cure Jinx
Didn't you watch the 1st season? Silco said she's perfect the way she is, there's nothing to cure
Breakup with Mel.
What's his plan?
kino, would be the last thing cait's hymen see's
catgirl tranny bussy
Why did nobody ask where she went?
We had a significant change in government design and novody asked why 1/2 of our living council isn't present.
If everything goes well, these will be my best days on the internet
Is a twink
What are the chances Mel's mom has already dragged him off into her bedroom? With his legs broken it's not like he can resist.
Ahri or Evelynn would fix Jinx
Ekko is gay for Heimerdinger.
How would she(Jinx) react if you punched her really hard in the belly while she was 8 months pregnant with Silco's baby?
Pretty sure the barrel of Jinx’s pistol explored that territory first.
she doesn't need to be fixed
A bad combo anon. Isha will be lucky to escape with her cute little life.
I still wonder, why the hell did Jinx go and bother kidnapping Caitlyn...?
It comes off as a weird kind of jealousy, she could have just killed her herself to get her out of the way. It's very morbid she wanted Vi to kill her herself.
Isha is actually a boy
Jinx is into shotas
You'll see
Reminder that Maddie is Caitlyn’s spotter in Act 3
Going down stairs in that metal wheelchair was a ballsy move. Dude's skilled and it's only been like one day
To send a message to Vi to never, ever try that shit again.
Act 2 will kill all the hope for Caitvi. Between Caitlyn and Maddie and Vi and Jinx reunion Caitvifags will want to end it all kek
Maddie will prevail!
Unprotected sex with Jinx
The single finest medical mind we've seen in the entire setting thus far
Uses it to make magic meth and turn a buff guy into a furry
What the fuck is his problem
Imagine getting to fuck Hitler
Isha's too thicc to be a boy
Didn’t you see the leaks? Jayce killed him
Least gay nazcel
But I don't want to cure cancer, I want to gas Ionians!
Fans wanted lesbian sex, they're getting it. Win-win, so why would they be mad? kek
Having a big belly would only worsen her posture
he's carrying act 2 very hard
too thicc
Isha's skin and bone, watchoo talkin' about
Jinx seems like the kind of girl who doesn't drink enough water. Probably pees deep orange piss that smells absolutely rancid with pussy musk. Once Vanderwick is released he'll track her down with ease....
Did you not see that booty?
Jinx puts him in a wheelchair
his catgirl girlfriend git turned into a tranny by Amanda
Ambessa overlooks him when naming a puppet
finds religion and peace, only for Jayce to murder him
Salo has suffered more than anyone in the cast
lets be real jinx probably fucks strays
Jinx is a squirter, she would make a mess in the bed
Jinx is a fire hose when it comes to squirting
She would tank it
No cause there's nothing to see, Isha's visibly starving
I get it, if I had his genius I'd dedicate myself to making bara furry knots a reality too
So that means I have a chance I look like this dude
he was kinda cute once Viktor estrogenized him
She would but the baby won't, imagine her expression when she feels her water break a month ahead of schedule...
Since Garen's too busy with Katarina, Lux will just have to keep having Jinx bear their magic/science babies to continue the Crownguard line.
Based jinx hivemind
no knot
jinx wont even give him a second glance
She would jump on you and rape your cock until she's pregnant again
I'm starting to feel bad for Vi...
Silco has a knot?
Reminder that Jinx was right about Matilda
Jinx runs a very successful Twitch channel
She sometimes invites her dad over to play zoomer games
She sometimes gets banned for going off on anti-Piltover rants
I think Silco got Jinx pregnant and forced her to get an abortion which is why Powder was just kinda fucked up but Jinx is full schizo, the dead fetus sliding out of her in the bar bathroom broke what was left of her
Holy fug, I found out why Vi was suddenly so adamant about protecting the kid.
She looks at Jinx after the gun gets shot out of Isha's hands, Jinx is staring back at her for a split second. The message she's giving her is that she's asking for her help to keep Isha out of this, and Vi understands immediately and gets off to try to deescalate Cait.
Vi was trying to fulfill Jinx' final request.
It's a blink or you'll miss it communication between them. I literally had to watch frame by frame to catch it.
kek this is even stopping being true in the Star Guardian universe
Vi's homolust simply took over upon seeing another blue-haired ranged-combat girl on her back in front of Vi.
jinx is pipkin pippa
Also, Its becoming true in the canon universe
Jinx could have pushed her away if thats what she wanted for the kid.
Jinx can't keep getting away with terrorism just cause she is the puppy-dog-eye giving world champion.
If I'm honest, I would. Caitlyn is hot, rich, a beast in bed and is probably into all sorts of kinky shit. Why do you think Maddie keeps pushing for a round 2?
Jinx teaching Silco about the modern internet would make for a perfect episode. Especially when Silco finds out about her spicy patreon content.
Jinx can't keep getting away with terrorism just cause she is the puppy-dog-eye giving world champion.
Oh but she can
She tried, Isha was bearhugging her too hard
bro's disappointed his brother is gay for conmen and racist noxian warcriminals, doesn't have a home to return to
Shota plapping oneechan
he's got a type and it's fellow single fathers with bara furry phenotypes
goes for the same swing as Episode 3
this time Jinx ducks it instinctively
Nice touch.
He's just like me fr fr
no blood
no splash
CLANGzerk sound effect
Man this was surprisingly unfinished
and me
Vander and Grayson's son
how many times are the leaks be proven to be better than the official release?
no sideboob
no pits
no tummy
no braids
It’s such a shame that he died
ahh yes
pungent my dear
Does her shoulder look disproportionately large here or am I tripping
Let’s be honest. Vi is so downbad that if Jayce pulled up to that pos apartment she would spontaneously kiss and fuck him in an effort to forget about Cait.
I think she has some kinda hoodie that is off and the material is over by the left shoulder.
It looks like it is a sharkhead with triangle teeth along the hood.
Why the green gas called The Grey?
The gas is grey, Zaun just has a lot of green neon lights
Do NOT make fun of her kigurumi!
Everything I see posted about this show looks horrendous and obnoxious. Like the most insufferable shit imagineable, straight from single stills. What the fuck is wrong with you retards.
Notice how it's not just Fishbones.
It has parts of Fishbones, her minigun and Vi's gloves.
It's the new shark hoodie she's rocking for act3
what do you mean one of my daughters is a schizo and the other is a dyke?
Cecil "LGBTBBQ" Heimerdonger zapping the gay away from Vi (she requested it herself after seeing Caitler fuck Maddie)
What episode will Smeech take his revenge?
She'll send Vander to yiff in hell for this
He already creamed all over Sevika when the forced masturbation mode started.
I'm not saying it didn't happen but thousands is a bit much don't you think
viktor love
I hope there’s a Maddie x Caitlyn kiss
they call it the "gay"
I'd drink it up
A Maddie x Caitlyn kiss would look something like this
no papers from the council ordering the gassings
Jayce will track him down in order to rape him
desu i like her more with black hair
I bet she sexually humilates her husband
The people of the underground deserve to breed
season drops
silco fans reappear
thread quality drops
It's not a coincidence
at least 4 so far
- Jinx whistle
- Heavy Is the Crown
- I Can't Hear It Now
- Lest's non-tranny voice
i'll take it over another adventure time/spongebob/family guy/edgy superman type slop
Did they change Lest's voice actor or is it just some weird mixing
silcofags are 100 times less obnoxious than vifags tho.
Wrong the leaks version of Heavy is the crown is better
They must have. That's a troon speaking.
The leaks had a girl voice acting her and doing an excellent job, they changed it last minute for this El Ogro del Genero
i’m starting to miss the xitter caitvifags
This is growing on me.
fucking christ riot just give me jinx Anon Babbleidya
see for yourself
horrifying, I remember vaguely the leaks being a bit more feminine but christ is it bad
I have to do it Vi, her entire pussy and uterus are contaminated with hextech
Yes it will and I can't wait
I fucking hope we see this. Had a great time watching the shock wave across the normy sphere at the end. Their are still in denial. Maddie is going to just drive that nail home, and if they kiss like this in 206, the rabidness is going to fever pitch.
Imagine being an artist and pouring your soul designing a sexy catgirl you secretly fantasize about then Tencent turn it into a tranny last second
The change is offensive imo. Somebody already did the work.
They could have just added intel/lore for the character and gave her a penis that way.
There's overlap with silcofags, but it's not a circle.
would turn into Caitler irl
The leaks are the worst thing to have happened for season 2. Robs us of the shock.
I know like ten girls that look like that VA. So many bitches are just their dad with long hair and some babyfat. It's why women cope so hard with makeup.
If they were gonna show that they would've already done so
They have given you that already
It's called League of Legends
Can you imagine for a sec what'd happen if Vi and Cait reconcile as friends but Caitlyn ends up with Maddie?
I imagine Amanda justifying it with a "it's more realistic" and how S2 is about forgiveness and moving on, that Caitvi weren't meant to be but that they'll always be an important part of each others' lives and go on about how they helped each other grow.
As a caitvifag I'd be pissed but also I'd hysterically laugh about how bad they screwed up the season.
reddit spacing
fuck off this board caitvi tourist
the new MCU movie is getting last minute reshoots because Trump won
Meanwhile these fucking retards probably made the cute catgirl a tranny because they were convinced Kamala would win
let's see what these riot fuckers are gonna do with the second whistling...
Been here since August fucktard, have a wank and kys
okay, what about jinx-centric vidya actually enjoyable without requiring the player to be a masochistic moba addict
been here since 2010 faggot
I don't care about Vi anymore. All I want is for Lest to sit on my face.
She has been closer to Ekko ever since his release in that universe.
Its becoming true in the canon universe
Some of us have been here for well over a decade. You're still a newfag
*findoms you*
He airbrushes his twitter profile pic to shit by the way
which one?
I can't imagine Caitlyn being happy with someone like Maddie t bh. It's like the safe, but boring option.
Wtf why am I attracted to Jayce why they gotta make him so cute?!
Also Jinx hoodie is kino, would buy. I just wish they kept her short pigtails like in one of those fanarts instead of the dyke cut though.
The tranny catgirl
my thoughts
Imagine that plus Vi ending up with Shield Bro
That's a bad game with an even worse player base. We want a good game.
you're that degenerate?
I am actually hoping for that outcome. That hit has done permanent damage. So much so that people are turning to online shrinks to justify the abuse. It has been hysterical. If not this outcome, then ending as best friends atleast. That way it follows the original story. Gives a diffiniative answer on their relationship and ends bitter sweet.
lel I would love to see how would you convince Riot to diverge manpower, tech, and money to make AAAAAAAAAAA shit that would cost 10 times more than supporting one year of League while also earning 10 times less.
Shieldbro is for his fish twink only
You want a big strong man to solve all your problems and choke you at night
Making maddiecait canon would put a target on their heads for the rest of their lives unfortunately.
me thinks silco got reincarnated
Not every game has to be AAAA and rake in billions to recoup costs, this is the type of cancerous thinking that is ruining the risk taking, creativity, and innovation of the industry. MBAs will be the death of us all.
Cait ends up with Maddie
Vi ends up with Jinx
it’s a need
Capcha: YGMOG
Of all the women caitlyn can have why would she go for a lame girl like Maddie
Marcus' daughter became a fascist
Jericho's son became a fascist
Arcane MMO when?
Not a chance. Caitvi is endgame.
It all started with Vi being a complete fuckup
I think Caitlyn will break up with Maddie because she was an obvious replacement. Gettingnover Vi eould mean letting her go. But we know that in game, Caitlyn never gets over Vi. Vi does. Thats why they always kept it open with hints at dating and dreaming about women. It would be exponential growth for Vi to reject Caitlyn. Would show that she shows value in herself and has bigger and better view of herself then to live for someone else. She was doing that ever since her parents died.
she’s the nearest lesbian durrr
I need him
Riot Forge took risks with six small non AAA games and you fuckers didn't support them. They even made a game about Ekko and Zaun with Jinx and you fuckers still didn't support it.
You're stuck with League now.
The annointed outcome
Nothing personal cubcake
Getting reincarnated as an enforcer is fucked up. The gods are having a laff for sure
Sharks have two (2) dicks
I am one of them.
Riot is a multibillion dollar company. They can afford to keep funding experimental projects. Imo they have a duty to do so with that much money.
Place your bets. Will there be a new opening animation for Act 2?
Nobody fucking likes Ekko, Riot
Get it through your skull, we like the cute girls doing cute things
The zesty niggas are only there for comic relief
There will be initial outrage but you can be sure it will only spawn a new pairing for writefags.
are you retarded? we've seen leaks months ago
Caitlyn fucks Vi with that rifle
??? The leaks showed no opening?
Keep an animal alive long after it should be dead
Come up with a solution that keeps an eye healthy despite being poisoned by river toxins
Come up with a formula that strengthens a body to undergo extreme changes
Bring a young girl back from the brink of death
Figure out how to keep a heart going after it's been completely separated from its body
Bring a guy back literally from the dead and turn him into a cool werewolf
I dunno man if you look at the timeline of what he's done from the perspective of his ultimate goal of resurrecting his daughter it lines up pretty well. He doesn't really care about fixing people, but it's a step he has to figure out to get where he wants to be
LoL bios are being updated
Okay but did he have to make WW's dick so big?
Seems gratuitous
it was updated yesterday you fucking idiot, people have been crying since last thread that she's still an enforcer
Act 2 is garbage expect for his scenes for now. Wonder what he's cooking to locate WW and why not just use his blood to lure him out?
Vi will only be a contractor doing the enforcers favors here and there.
Eh, seen a bunch of people arguing working with the enforcers is not the same as being one. Either way, point is that she stays in Piltover licking Piltie pussy every night.
working "with" the enforcers
not working "as an" enforcer
Oh fuck no, she's just gonna be Neo-Vander
The MEAN streets of Zaun
grow up
doesn't mention caitlyn anywhere
Caitvi dead
I remember only seeing hate for Jayce in season 1, this is surreal.
sniffing a line of coke off viktor's purple ass
singed's dead daughter loved big, old, muscular furries
a father must fulfill his daughter's dreams
Any outfits from this season you are looking forward to seeing cosplayed?
I don't think so, I think they'll keep changing frames here and there but aren't openings expensive to make? Plus, I'd say the current opening seems to hint at things that haven't happened in act 1, like Ekko's section hinting at time travel, and Caitlyn's showing her snapping out of it after the crown thingy.
Revolutionary Jinx isn't until act 2 yet there she is waving her flag, and we still have to see how the BR is connected to Ambessa.
If we analyze the opening well, I'm sure we can dig more shit out of it that hasn't happened yet, so my guess is that they won't change the opening.
yes? just like the rest of the stuff on the list
you really think I wanna hear Lest's tranny voice as she tickles my toes?
Arcane has painted Singed as the fairest guy in the entire series. Hey man, I brought you back from the dead to advance my research and you kinda became a werewolf in the process. Sorry about that. Have this fat cock on the house. You know, as a treat.
teams up with vi and he is suddenly a well written character
I swear theses insecure dykes don't watch this show for anything but self insert
faggots arguing semantics
"with" is the word they've always used to describe her job. It was the same on the old bio.
You're literally on your last legs. It's time to give up. Coping this bad is bad for your health
Caitlyn "stench up the trenches" Kiramman
Caitlyn "drop the gun or there's no oxygen" Kiramman
Caitlyn "Zyklon-B for the undercity" Kiramman
Caitlyn "baseball bat meets sewer rat" Kiramman
Caitlyn "ignite the zaunites" Kiramman
Caitlyn "no common ground in the underground" Kiramman
Caitlyn "sump goblins get nerve gas bombings" Kiramman
Caitlyn "target everybody in that tar pit" Kiramman
Caitlyn "lesbians into has-beens" Kiramman
Caitlyn "mustard gas the lower class" Kiramman
Caitlyn "don't need a warrant to smoke out the warrens" Kiramman
Caitlyn "spray the Lanes with iocaine" Kiramman
Eh, if Caitlyn ends up sheriff (like the merch suggests) she'll be working with Vi either way. Cait's bio does mention Vi, but it hasn't been updated yet.
Vi got cucked btw
Imo it's a completely different VA cause the leaks it's really feminine. It's not just a voice pitch filter. the timing's are slightly different so it was re-dubbed entirely by the new VA
Will have to see the scenes in ep4 too cause there's a few
Male characters carry she show
Viktor, Silco, Jayce, Singed, Vander when he was around
Jinx is the only exception
We have to finish Cuntlyn's arc in the show before they release it. They have to rework how she becomes sherif.
any show ever
Malebros keep winning
Femalesissies keep taking L after L
Jinx and her daughter are honorary bros
Just two social outcasts, chilling
(they fucked later)
I'm gonna overdub the final cut with the leaks, idgaf, someone has to make it right.
In the og lore how did she become sheriff? Became elected? Now she can simply step down from being the commander and name herself sheriff if she wants, under martial law I assume there wasn't any sheriff.
You do know they can still change the characters endgame right? Vi isn't even in full enforcer fit, she may very well be just a collaborator.
I just can't take the female shounen protag (vi) seriously. It's just fucking retarded.
I'm surprised how much I'm invested in Ambessa this season, instigators are always fun.
Male characters getting more depth and their relationships with other men getting more care and attention by the writers is why fujos exist
But do they sound like men trying to sound like a woman?
she is very one-dimensional (and retarded), Silco was miles better
It doesn't say she is an enforcer, it say's she's working with them.
Momo carries dandadan
This geberal is so fucking retarded but stuff like this keeps making me come back
Season 1 Viktor was the most interesting story. Now.. not so much. Now Vi takes the lead.
zoomer tranime
who watch this
Since it's all but confirmed that Mel is embracing the Medarda name again, she needs to gtfo of Piltover once this over. Her family's banners were called to war in Piltover, it would make no sense for the populace to accept the new head of that very family as their councillor again.
At lest should have said Cait
Vi is the biggest non-character this season
Too bad we’ll never get to see them interact because it’ll be 50 before we get an Infinity War type movie
That's cause you're another retard who doesn't understand her. Bet you're a psycho jilcofag too
Vi literally has no personality or story, she is just Amanda "I'm afraid of dicks" Overton's self insert
Jayce is talking to mel in that voice line isn't he?
Everyone, go home grandpa.
Capcha: YGMOG
I never get the good ones, last one I got was "SPHD8"
( - _ -) fml
Now Vi takes the lead.
KEKEKEK. I can see if you said Jinx or maybe Caitlyn as far as the females go but Vi......?
you sound like a womyn
She's written like a young man with tons of issues.
It doesn't change the fact she sides with Piltover on a daily basis, and that she probably stays there long term. In the new pit fighter skin, she wears the badge, hell even in the show she does, it's just flipped.
If you think Vi is happily gonna fuck off with Jinx and Ekko and live in Zaun like nothing happened, you're delusional. Especially if you take a look at Jinx's updated bio.
I understand her perfectly well, I just think she is a weak character who is weak of character
Here's what I think will happen with Mel.
She'll dig into who was her father exactly, find out why that's important and trade her own life for her mother's.
She'll forgive her mom, but make her leave Piltover for good.
The one about rallying together I assume? I hope not. Mel has no jurisdiction anymore in Piltover as long as Caitlyn's still commander.
I like Vi but i wish she had more agency, it feels like she's just been going with the flow.
This black rose shit is dumb way to complicated the main story is complex enough
She's the fat faced figure head, little Mel imagined for her vassal state.
Both her and Jayce
Whats wrong with fujos?
If Arcane's characters had a different ending than they do in LOL, why would they release this?
I worked as a customer service rep. You'd be surprised how many women get mistaken for men over the phone. Same goes for men being mistaken for women. Thankfully most of them take it in stride, I guess you get used to it after it happens to you for the hundredth time.
I'm not saying there isn't a clocky t girl voice, just that you'd need other clues to be sure that's a t girl and not a reg woman with a deep voice.
post more jilco we are so back
After this and mouthwash fujos scare me, they have something for broken men.
They’re women
Captcha: THROAD
What does it mean anons?
In your dreams, anon. Vi basically imprinted on Caitlyn so that’s impossible.
Throat choad, anon
They don't see the issues with the male body. Thus, they seek to perpetuate it and even escalate the body horror.
I want to see them interact more
They hate me for being me. . .
Nothing. Jayce will do this in act 3 btw.
The gas is green and gay and they call it The Gray
They aren't pumping out enough art that's what's wrong. Winter break is soon though, we'll get a flood of leaking Viktor hexcock in a few weeks
Please stop shipping them, Silco saw her only as a daughter
Look at me I'm a tranny! Yes I'm a tranny how could you tell? Did I even mention I'm a tranny
I’m a drooling faggot
Why r they pushing this don’t we already got enough interracial couples? Only got platonic vibes.
She ain't done yet neither, about body some more fools. Her kill count higher than Viktor, Jayce, Caitlyn and Vi combined.
There are 3 types of relationships
1) Gay
2) Interracial
3) Interracial AND gay
Back again!
Caitlyn leaves her in virtually every scene so far, once she sees Vi again they’re over.
dude beat the shit out her
people want them to be an item
Yes why is Amanda Overton pushing it I wonder
But it doesn't sound like just any man, it specifically sounds like a troon pretending to be a woman.
Isn't Silco supposed to be gay?
you think they want any Noxians of any kind hanging around Piltover after a Medarda wages war on them? Mel gets the boot too by association
I know the VA is trans, I was being argumentative and pushing back against the photo posted being proof enough
The male body is divinity itself. The Ancient Greeks and Romans and Renaissance artists knew it, and so do I.
Sisters indeed
He has a league voiceline where he says he had a crush on her before she went crazy, and there is a voiceline about how much he misses her (Powder)
In terms of romantic interest towards Jinx in the main timeline, thats it.
Vi's gloves
Him and Vander could have raised Vi and Jinx together as a couple
there is nothing gay between vander and Jilco you retarded fujo
One piece of fanart riot featured isn't proof, they don't even know each other.
silco did
but jinx wants him to be everything: a dad, a sister, a friend, a teacher, a protector, a lover
I sure hope so. It's ridiculous if they ignore that AND her very much being part of the problem in the first place.
Witth this hair/outfit her head looks way too big
Both are in the wrong, and it's all Vi's fault.
are you gonna source that buddy
They literally fucked
Look I have a theory. >Mel could falsely take her mother's side to destroy her from within (hence the outfit). After that we will see her fighting in the final battle against our squad and later kill (or wound) her mother from behind.
The male body is divinity itself.
It inspires those cursed with it to invent such things as flamethrowers. It's a dehumanization tool used to monopolize sex and use love as a bait to get money.
Don't you understand why they broke up? Silco wanted to be pounded by Vander but caught him in bed with Vi's mother, that's why Silco hates Vander!
not gonna happen.
ekko is gay.
idk about that, you don't desperately attempt to reconnect with someone that tried to brutally kill you over a political disagreement unless you want their dick to rearrange your guts
this thread is the most cancerous shit I've seen on Anon Babble yet. what happened to this board?
Me thinks it’s the reverse. Look at the way Silco looked at her in the leaks and then came over.
maddie is the superior redhead.
Calling it now, Jinx is falling to her death here (she doesn't actually die)
xitter is here, season one here was less retarded
You weren't here for Encanto threads. Incest of all possible combinations as far as the eye can see
Bingo anon here, anyone can give me ideas for Saturday? Trying to guess fandom reaction to Vi cucked
You have seen it before the season came out. Nothing but lesbian twitter refugees.
True. Ezreal is his boyfriend.
Is this true?
season one here was less retarded
I blame the leaks, every discussion have been exhausted until we get episode 6.
Yeah, it'd be really dumb if Mel's family can ravage and pillage Piltover with Medarda war drums and everything while getting stay on the council. I hope the creators are better than that.
Chemicals that turn you gay
ruling cabal of pedos
foreign puppet masters
demonic powers
Arcane is Alex Jones' fever dream
Don’t you mean “endgame”? Maddie and Caitlyn are already canon
Cardboard sex leak is real
Episode 9 is more brutal than S1 Episode 9, abandon all hope now or suffer the consequences
Isn’t Lest being trans kinda insulting to trans people? Isn’t the ideal they’re going for is that trans girls can voice cis female characters too. From the leaks Lest was created as a regular female, but is now magically trans because the VA is also. Bold move Amanda.
How far did the leaks go?
tfw among his last words was dismissal as a mere daughter rather than being called love of his life
is there any way out of the daughterzone?
who cares?
he said the dykes will be fine
Ambessa has a move called Public Execution. Who is it going to be?
Yes it did, did you forget how it opens with paint the town blue while the enforcers and Noxians arrest and beat the shit out of Jinxers/zaunites?
Why would it be? Ekko is obviously going to do an “At the speed of force” scene which means everybody is going to brutally die before he rewinds time.
What's the most kino ship in arcane and why is it vilco?
I told you already its Isha
Its the orange hue scene where jinx has bloodied nose in the trailer.
First 5 episodes
Artists, futa fetishists and sane people who want chicks with dicks in their fiction do just that.
But online community (50%+ bots) and DEI require human sacrifices and constant humiliation.
isha. beheaded like that princess in mel's flashback while jinx is forced to watch unable to stop it.
Its the orange hue scene where jinx has bloodied nose in the trailer.
ep 6
The funniest thing out of all this is some arcane writer deliberately stating the idea that Vi was raped in prison is up to the readers imagination
Of course she was. She didn't keep training because it was fun.
Amanda doesn’t work in the voice acting department
Cardboard anon was the fakest shit and people keep harping on it because they just want a caitvi sex scene.
The one about a fakeout Vi death was more believable. Then there was the one that actually got the Viktor'd Warwick thing right.
What I meant to say is she'll trade her own life to the Black Rose/Leblanc/whatever the fuck in exchange for her mother's.
She'll have a teary-eyed farewell with Jayce, assume control of Clan Medarda and make her mother stand down. Something along the lines of
you've waged war all your life, you've earned your peace
i know this is prob false but, what happens to aisha in ep 6? who is shooting at ww in ep 6?
jilco + vi is a good crack ship but silco would never handle it. both because he's too possessive of jinx and doesn't want to share her and because nobody would ever want to deal with their constant bickering. he wouldn't be getting any work done in his office with jinx and vi fighting like in
They are doing Macbeth references with Caitlyn and according to google he dies anyone here knows more about this play?
Literally not possible, short of maybe a Jinx+Isha murder-suicide. Who in S2 are we supposed to care that much about?
Vi tity also got slow-mo cool action scene in ep 6 right, Fakeout VI death wasn't more believable kek, he claimed renata is actually sevika and that Vi and caitlyn wouldn't interact for the rest of the season, which is fake after s2 act 2 reviews came out and jinx,vi,caitlyn dinamic appear in it.
This dude is onto something
It's apparently a cursed show you aren't supposed to even mention the name of.
There are so few trans characters in mainstream fiction that trans people are happy to be hired to portray one. People will stop caring about representation when it's as unremarkable as women wearing pants.
If everyone is going to die in different ways, imagine how Caitlyn or Jinx will die?
that's fair, and mb it is the same VA for both I have no way of knowing honestly. they might've just said nah, don't sound so feminine, do another take or whatever
all I know is I prefer what was leaked
fondly remembers Vi’s police brutality themed abilities before the quiet censoring
excessive force
assault and battery
jilco + vi
Silco and Vi. Jinx is busy getting blacked by Mel_.
excessive force
assault and battery
Those are certainly themed after police brutality, but are hardly endorsements.
such a cute non canonical pic
Nonsense, Silco would have been a good dad even to Vi
You get it
But there's so little of it that I've spent the last four years learning how to draw so i could make more food for myself.
There you go, that's the stuff.
Silco was only good for Jinx because he saw himself in her. He would have shimmerroided Vi like he wanted to do with Vander.
When a villain redeems him/herself he should die, its basic storytelling.
Jinx must die.
they can still change
dude give up, nothing is changing this late in the game. The series is already uploaded on Netflix hard drives. If those bios are being written now in that form, it's because the writing is on the wall.
its basic storytelling.
This is not Hollywood.
I’m feeling fantastic
they don't even know each other
heh it's cute that you don't know.
by the way I'm still waiting for your proof
Jinx doesnt come off as sexually interested in anyone at all, never once tried to use her charms. She is just an autistic savant.
canon lore says otherwise
the Piltover enforcer
the sheriff of Piltover
Oh they really aren't changing their endgame are they
This is the new canon. Its being written right before our eyes.
Jinx knows she has sex appeal, and will use it to get out of tough situations.
Jinx is one of the most sexually charged characters in League wtf are you talking about?
never once tried to use her charms.
Did you not watch S1?
oh yeah it is. And the new canon being written already confirmed already confirmed Jinx survived. Sorry to burst your bubble.
Cardboard sex
Hah I would love this
Nah, she never flirts with anyone. In LoL in LoR in Arcane. She is just a schizo/autismo
What the fuck is "cardboard sex"?
he is not a knower
lol. Lurk moar.
He would've abused Vi cause he loves ti project himself and Vander onto Jinx and Vi.
believing sexuality = flirting with people
you must be 18 to post in this board
A leaker who claims that Vi and Cait have sex on Vi's bed of cardboard boxes shown in the trailer. It's not that complicated.
Cardboard sex leaker anon
Paranoid schizophrenia
I demand to know if Caitvi survives. No trolling, no theories. I NEED TO FUCKING KNOW I CANT WAIT ANOTHER WEEK AND A HALF
Fantastic is not a caitvi song btw. It's a song for Jaycemel when they reunite and have sex again.
i mean...
Yes , in Act 3 episode 8 they get back together.
you'll know prob by saturday
Macbeth was paranoid and ridden with guilt from the blood on his hands. I think we'll see this soon with Caitlyn in e6 and act 3.
They reconcile episode 6 and stay together, anon.
making shimmer for dad with Uncle Singed
Its just a teenage girl hugging her dad, anon
Dont be weird about it
Vi brings Cait the head of her sister so they can have make-up sex
Jinx is a child in a woman's body. She doesn't have a sex drive and is probably only very vaguely aware that she's attractive and even then doesn't know what that means.
So can we say with everything we have 100% that Vi titty leaker is right?
It’s a tribbing technique in which a piece of cardboard is placed between where their legs meet to reduce friction/clinging skin so the two women can trib faster than without cardboard.
Caitlyn tops and you will see butts
I never found Jinx sexually charged. Just cause a woman dresses scantily doesn't mean she's the horny type...
Both of them survive
The relationship… well. Wait for ep 9 :)
But he was manipulated into doing all the fucked up stuff that he did by his wife, it doesn't really fit here.
They have sex on Vi's dirty cardboard bed and it'll be the best sex Caitlyn has ever had.
Sex scene is episode 7, I’m willing to bet money on it.
t. Literally didn't watch S1
Same, she seems too immature to even act sexual.
And as we see in the leaks - she has issues with human touch.
what the fuck are you talking about? nothing in s1 shows she is sexually active or interested
She comes across as too childlike for that imo
What are you talking about? Amanda outright shut this idea down.
Yes it does? Macbeth himself was guilty for all the terrible things he did regardless if it was at Lady Macbeth's behest or not. He spirals and hallucinates. Also, wouldn't Ambessa be Lady Macbeth in this scenario if we're taking into account the leaked eps 4 and 5?
Episode 8 and I'm willing to bet all my money on it.
And who’s Lady Macbeth in this scenario Maddie? Vi? Ambessa?
Anon, just because you get hard as soon as you see a bit of titty doesn't mean the rest of us do
So you say
Even her tattoos would have been cooler
inb4 crazy jilcofags start spamming their fanfics
This is true, but its animated by frogs and French people don't believe that children are asexual.
etc, I can dig up a lot more if you really care.
I don’t know how I feel about this musty pit of drunken misery being where Violet has her first time. Days, weeks, or months of depression were had in there.
Nobody listens to Amanda since she keeps spouting weird shit. A lot of what she says seems to just be her personal interpretation, regardless of if it actually makes sense with what we see.
it was way worst, thx too jilcofags
Silco learns how to forgive Vander through Vi
Would've been KINO.
enforcer flirts with Jinx in the leaks
she flips him off
Its over… she is confirmed gay
she doesn't hve issues with touch? where the hell you got this from? She hugs people just fine. She has no problems touching people to play pranks (like with Chuck), even her ifght style can easily be meele.
tells Vi she hopes she fucked Caitlyn before she kills them
She knows what sex is. Mental child Jinx meme needs to die. Being stunted is not the same as being an actual child mentally, she's not retarded.
Lux is on her way
She's at least bisexual and she learnt it from her big sister. Her straightness comes from Chuck.
I have a feeling we’re going to get top Vi
homolust is good
Yeah, she does. She does between almost inappropriately touchy and seemingly alarmed.
Knowing about sex doesn't equal being sexually active nor that you're interested in it.
She is fine when she initiates it, but people touching her, like the people who she releases from prison or vi in s1, cause her to tense up.
Have you seen how he mixes drinks? Swoon.
She’s not she likes Ekko
Thing is we can speculate about this but never have confirmation cause she hasn't shown any romantic nor sexual interest in anyone.
Not like she was going to breed anyway
Okay but she's also not neutered and would naturally have a sex drive. There's no reason to assume she's not interested in sex just because you don't know who she's fucking.
all these retards saying Jinx isn't a sexually charged character
you stupids know she even tries to fuck a yordle once right?
Jinx and Ekko have a song together
its in french
Its over, anti-miscegenation bros…
Another Top Vi truther! We're so rare these days.
A case of nurture and not nature.
Maddie ends up with Jinx. Everybody remains happy.
Who’s the lucky hamster?
Sure. Say what happend in ep6 in great detail
Just like her sister, how cute
This actually happened in the leaks btw
She is just like me fr
It runs in the family
But that's forbidden love
Interesting. Someone else says Ambessa makes the deal with LB, not Mel. I wonder.
ie Ambessa sacrifices herself to LB to settle the feud if she let's Mel live and lead house Medarda. but then again why would any trust LeBlanc lying is like 95% of what she does.
it's her blood in your veins
This but about Jinx coming out as gay
You cant just say a name, post proof
That comic was written by Anthony Burch (sure glad I'm not him) and is non-canon because of the yordle glamor plot point.
This is so fucking cursed I can't even put it into words.
I'll take Jilco or even Vilco(?) over this.
That song is pretty much a love song between enemies.
At this point, the only reason they won't be endgame is because Jinx is still a crazy loonie in LoL canon
Maybe Ambessa becomes LB’s slave, and the next series is about her breaking free..?
What the fuck, when did incest fans come back?
With Ambessa gone, and no longer hoarding all the twinks in PnZ, Jinx goes to peg every single one of them with various attachments
Last scene we see is her heading towards Viktor’s camp with “modified” fishbones.
Caitlyn arc just started and these motherfuckers online can’t shut up about redemption I don’t know it pisses me off seeing the words “Caitlyn and redemption” in every damn post about Caitlyn like damn let her arc play out?
They're trolls, all of them. They can be safely ignored.
You asked for it
That puppy is topping nobody…
Characters are getting reworks to be closer to arcane, we we will see.
Is it hereditary or was it the green gay gas…
Most xitter Caitfags are caitvifags and they can only think with their pussies unfortunately.
It was The Gey
People of the underground deserve to breed
How can I get a Caitvifag gf? (I am male)
you don't know who she's fucking.
Almost certainly no one. In S1 she's all over Silco, who certainly has no sexual interest in her, and any underling with enough spine to defy Silco that way would be a character. In S2 she's got other stuff on her mind.
Goddamnit, We should have taken over the frenchies after taking back the iberian peninsula, FUCK
Jinx will get a love interest in s2 and his name is _____Ekko
You won't be able to, theyre all dykes and trannies or other straight males.
And when they do talk about her redemption they're more focused on how she'll "grovel for Vi" rather than her atoning for her mistakes in Zaun which is miles more important.
Find a bisexual one
Somewhat related, I met my best friend in /ag/ / Arcane general over two years ago. We are both lesbian, hate trannies, and conduct extensive transvestigations.
VanderWick while Jinx watches.
Ambessa has no legitimate reason to kill Isha in cold-blood. Rictus could've snapped her neck easily in ep 4 but he didn't.
VanderWick on the other hand has killed at least a dozen people, maybe more, many of them enforcers including Prison Warden and personally attacked Ambessa, damaging her armored mask. If anyone is getting publicly executed, it's VanderWick
Caitler is being redeemed right now.
Lol I have a similar story but we met in twitter back in 2022 . We re both huge caitvifags and do caitvi cosplay.
I started dating my bf, he showed me Arcane and I became a caitvifag at first sight
Real women aren't into yurishit
At best you'd find a tranny
gets executed
singed picks up his body
they do shimmer experiments and turn him into a wolf
Must I go there to find such based people?
I hope you two break up soon
It’s a case of detecting posting patterns and narrowing down individuals whose posts you enjoy, then finding an ‘in.’ In our case, it was the /ag/ Discord the thread created which lasted all of a week. In a general in between seasons, there’s a lot of time to pinpoint fags. I also had a call with a twink from /ag/ once which was pleasant.
I know there’s slower Arcane threads on Anon Babble and even Anon Babble, but I’m not sure if there’s an Arcane General on Anon Babble yet. Once regular Arcane threads are kicked from Anon Babble, I imagine there will be an /ag/ going on for a while in Anon Babble.
We aren’t romantic, but she is my baby girl.
Can't even check out fanart on X without seeing a bunch of leftie accounts who spend all day making their manifestos about Caitlyn. It's either that or the redemption stuff because they want their yuri ship back.
I like the idea of Mel negotiating her way out of trouble, it suits her s1 character and is believable.
It's a good contrast compared to the others like Vi who just want to smash things to get their way.
I'm assuming its just she still hates Enforcers and the rule of law in Piltover for all they've put her through so she'd rather eat dirt than fuck one
Jilco shit is being spammed
somehow it's Timebomb getting pushback
This thread is a disaster
Is Caitlyn actually a good shot?
The consequences of step-parent/sibling porn becoming normalized.
I miss when we joked about Maddie’s lips and speculated about the sex scene. The board was a shitshow too, but it was fun.
They both suck. Leave my daughter alone.
Meanwhile, blacked porn will never be normalized no matter how much the kikes shill it.
Are u straight or bisexual
I missed when we badly coped about Vi getting cucked
Jinx is for Chuck, she needs some normalcy and stability in her life
But tbf most 18-30yo women are
bisexuality exists
At least Jinx actually liked Silco.
How do you expect me to argue with a post that's empty besides fanart? It's like talking to a wall.
Verification not required.
Which is more heart wrenching, s2 act 1 or s1 act 1? I have a harder time watching the latter.
Ask the hundreds of women she's bedded.
S2 so far has been an abject failure. I'm just sticking around because the people who have seen more seen to acknowledge that and say that it gets back on track in S2.
Isn't your bf scared that you'll leave him for a real life Caitlyn and/or Vi?
I hope you start to hate eachother
Says the jilcofag whose ship was never canon and is deader than dead
I hope you two breakup
Too much homolust in this community
There's like five pedos here arguing against the ship because they want Jinx to fuck a literal corpse. But that's okay because no matter what they cope for the next hundred threads, they know a skeleton doesn't have a penis to fuck
Damn, why is Jilco art SO FUCKING GOOD?
Meanwhile the caitvi shit you guys have been posting all these months looks like it came from the deviantart of a mongoloid?
There isnt enough time to develop a romantic partner for Jinx, she is going solo
It's drawn by actual women, not men badly pretending to be women
Not me, I just really hate timebomb because it feels forced. I don't know why people want Jinx to get together with someone she didn't give a shit about for nearly a decade. Getting them together is pretty much throwing away her character. And I think she's gay.
The more mentally ill the artist - the better the art.
hypothetical vi fight sequence music
I'm a Lightcannon guy. Those two are father and daughter. Nothing else. The Jilco poster is just spamming fanart and not making claims. The options are just fruitlessly telling them to get lost or I can save mental by ignoring them.
I can save mental
Why do you talk like a retard?
Found the fag who never played League
Unfortunately I can confirm that the lesbian cardboard scene is cut short by a 10 minute full-sclonged BBC scene where Ekko keeps using the Z drive to pump loads inside of Jinx.
Antijilcofags are just as delusional as jilcofags. Jinx's interest in Silco is as obvious as his disinterest in her (sexually) is.
Jinx likes older men
Should fuck Caits dad just to spite her
She's more obsessed with Vi than she is Silco. The dinner party scene spells that out when it's Vi she gives the choice between Jinx and Powder. Not Silco.
right, she needs to be with a white boi instead.
more senseless shipwar
ladies, ladies......everyone knows who's the REAL best ship in here
the newer thread(made before the allowed time btw) already has a Vi Cuck joke in it
These new threads have been a disaster
This is one is particularly fucked up
But skeletons are great at boning
jinx steals ekko's timetravel thingamajig to go looking for silco
Could you just fucking imagine if that's how Arcane ends?
Yes, Piltover’s best.
With time I’ll appreciate act 1 just like I did with s1.
How about multiple different versions of Jinx come to steal away the old man for themselves?
New thread
They will fuck in act 3
Can’t tell which is more cursed, this shit or Ellie/Joel
If that happened the atrocity known as TLOU2 wouldn't exist
Feeling fantastic
Fucking fantastic
Wanna get drunk and cry over his missing asshole
Probably Ellie/Joel if only because voice lines for one of Jinx's skins confirms she likes dudes.
New thread
Abby > Ellie
No peepee, no poopoo hole
there is a mouth there is still hope
Cucky boy is still going lmao
pedo still here
glad it makes you boil enough to stay
put down the feminist propaganda
Cucky boy is afraid we'll mock his little rice grain like all the poor women who've had the misfortune to see it
Timebombsissies, why can't we get any respect?
Not even Anon Babble takes us seriously
Of course she's gay. She has lesbian sex with her flesh and blood sister, Violet.
still thinking about dicks
men you're desperate for some, are you
Vi and Jinx are only half sisters
The leaks pretty much imply that Vander is Vi's biological dad
It's okay, Ching Chong
Tell Joshua Ùlmer we said hi
Flesh and blood half-sister having sex with each other.
Ok Cletus, tell NAMBLA I said "Stop touching kids you faggots"