
What was the fucking point of this? It comes out of nowhere and has nothing to do with the episode, it feels like turbo autism. Like a newhire tossed in an old celebrity reference thinking that's what "older fans" want.

Big lipped alligator moment?

We don't watch nuBob, it's satanic

It’s honestly not even the same show anymore. I’m genuinely baffled that some people think the later seasons or episodes are as good as, or on par with, the first three seasons.

Nubob is a fucking baby show, dude
It's for actual month year olds

Never seen a show fall off harder than spongebob even the squidward torture seasons were better

Rodney Dangerfield reference

Wow, that was old even when I was a kid. Are they expecting children to be watching this show with their great-great-grandparents?

It's almost like they want us to watch The Patrick Star Show instead.

Are they expecting children to be watching this show with their great-great-grandparents?

Of course, haven't you noticed the Peter Lorre fish?

Spongebob only has 2 seasons

Spongebob only has 3 seasons


I miss Paul Tibbitt

The nosferatu episodes were alright. Lawrence is the last guy keeping anything together.

I don't think people find them as good as the first 3 seasons, they're just more entertaining than the seasons after them, the shows are largely old animators and newer animators who grew up with the show doing whatever they want

doing whatever they want

Wish more cartoons could have the amount of artistic freedom SpongeBob has.

I hate rodney dangerfield.

Spongebob only has 3 seasons and the first movie

Jewish representation in modern cartoons.

big fucking nose

checks out

I mean the original run of the show had an explicit Nosferatu joke, bush year kids sure as shit didn’t know who that was.

they're going for the Animaniacs route, where the writers add jokes only they find funny

it's funny, you're just a loser
I would be sad to be you OP

I don't get why The Patrick Star Show is so well done and this one isn't. They try to do the same thing but the Patrick one drastically exceeds it in humor and pacing. The newest season of SpongeBob is literally just noise and characters getting hit over the head. You'd think they would try a bit harder considering the history of the show. I tried to watch the new Snow Yellow episode before Rock, Paper, Scissors on Monday and it was a half-hour of torture.

I knew who he was just because Nosferatu was one of my mom's go-to Halloween movies, but I guess that wouldn't have necessarily been common back then.

Wasn't there an episode where it ends with Spongebob and Patrick just having a seizure for no reason?

So basically like the original use of Nosferatu?

No, that fit the tone of the episode at least. You had a creepy night with Spongebob and Squidward slowly getting more on edge, and thinking a monster was about to kill them, only for them to be completely fine with this vintage movie/folklore character living in the restaraunt and messing with them. Here there's no relation to anything and it's just an actual celebrity parody who shows up and talks to the audience. Nosferatu isn't a normal ass person, he's a fictional character, and they use him directly with real photos and everything for the sake of the gag being "scary episode ends with something scary being friendly."

This...is Spongebob? What the hell is this animation style?

They often give up and just make a normal episode of a different cartoon. It takes less effort and understanding the atmosphere of the show.

and everyone knows there's furries on the crew now that younger blood has gotten in. there was some thread awhile back where some intern gloated about getting their out of place OC in the show but i don't remember the episode to find it

I'm an oldfag and had no idea there was even a "new" Spongebob, if someone asked me what show these frames were from I'd have absolutely no fucking clue.

Takes an screenshot where Spongebob is not on screen to make that claim

Yeah, because Spongebob alone was what tied the aesthetics of the show together.

The fuck do you want? The point is the newer episodes often abandon the usual style and aesthetic and does something completely different that's unrecognizeable. The other anon didn't seem to have a hard time processing the conversation. You going to bitch about how Spongebob isn't visible in the OP either?

Spongebob's style was way more than just character designs, in fact OP's image is so removed from it that you could remove the flower patterns in the sky and you wouldn't even be able to tell it was Spongebob at that point. In the classic seasons there was such a clearly cohesive style that even one-off characters still clearly felt like they belonged in Spongebob, the fuck is that Rodney Dangerfield shit?

bottom right elf can get it

He looks like he was based on Rover Dangerfield rather than actual Rodney Dangerfield.

We want to make our own original show so badly

but we are stuck on SpongeBob because Nick only cares about SpongeBob

let’s insert our creative ideas on this dead corpse of a show.

IMG_5634.jpg - 1280x720, 236.44K

I believe they expect the parents watching to be in their mid-30s to mid-40s and consider Rodney to be a safe reference. The grandparents and great grandparents know that he's dirty. It's like asking a Boomer, an Xer, a Millennial, and a Zoomer about Redd Foxx.

they are always fishing for internet attention
shit like this, nosferatu returning, that karen ep earlier this year, red mist squidward etc.