Thanksgiving - Indians and Pilgrims

it's almost here, and you KNOW they'll be drawn all over internet in ALL kinds of ways!
which one is your favorite? know any obscure ones?


Yakari - Rainbow

true story

she doesn't go around completely buttnaked


welllll, that would be fun to watch. LOL

a joke only TV binge watchers understand.

I'm Glenn Quagmire

What makes the red man red?

nothing. not anymore anyway!

not as attractive.

Reminding me of that one Peter Pan porn parody. The Tiger Lilly was pretty hot and had pretty hairy vagoo.

is that like a comic? who's the artist?

it's almost here

You mean, it was a month ago.

almost, was, been, coming, going, JUST FAP!

My favorite Native is Turok.

Jen from Downtown

ynv42y7twl4b1.png - 320x234, 104.43K

The hero of the south

3fm70orc0ya51.jpg - 500x698, 48.9K

Nightwolf, Mortal Kombat cartoon.
Overall MK cartoon/comics media feel very unappreciated.
Some were referenced in MK11 game, to my utmost surprise.
Pic unrelated.

? We already had thanksgiving OP

idk if this counts but the pilgrim inspired witch hunters in Warhammer

witchhunter.jpg - 333x619, 40.34K

Tomhawk from Give me Liberty was pretty cool

I wish Adam would get gaped by a horde of AIDS-riddled niggers already. That smug piece of shit deserves to have his head stomped in.

true, but for now, enjoy Indian Cunny!