Questionable Content
I still don't get what Hurk is doing, is he trying to draw a line under all his legacy cast and move on or not? He just wasted a wedding between two of them to force a new character's random bisexual awakening.
He's telling us that Hannelore will NEVER EVER have sex
I casually checks new Questionable Content threads
Hannelore doesn't have OCD now
she's orange for some reason
is basically a different character now
Why even fucking bother. This fucking hack fraud can't even let my waifus keep their interesting characteristics.
I think that would lead to disappointment
Is how I would describe this whole comic
Working on a farm. She got a tan. Basically describe getting over her ocd by shoveling cow shit. You can have anxiety about stuff, but at the end of the day regardless of your feelings the cow shit still needs to get shoveled.
Yeah, Tanners is a different character from Hanners. It's too bad Hanners died under and avalanche of yak shit while doing rich white girl things and "finding herself" while in a poor third world country. At least Tanners is cute.
He doesn't have any idea of what the next major arc should be, because Cubetown was supposed to be a sendoff that sank back into the morass. The wedding was the next big event, but he couldn't figure out how to resolve any of the latent drama around the fact Tai and Dora are fundamentally incompatible, so he skipped to the end where there could be fluffy low-stakes shouting matches. Now he's hanging a lampshade on the constant hookups he used to have but doesn't want to introduce any stakes because it lessens his ability to pivot later.
So instead he references the fact that he could've and we waste another day of our lives.
OCD manic girl Hanners was completely different then the original one that smoked and caught martin pissing in a sink in the women's restroom when he was drunk.
However high functioning people with mental illnesses are not "Authentic" enough for his spectrum base so he ultimately was forced to change her.
Do you have any idea how difficult it would be to go from pic-related to literally shoveling cow shit? If Jacques wasn't a hack maybe he could have made an interesting arc about Hannerlore slowly getting past her OCD symptoms and improving little by little.
Instead we got the equivalent of "Palpatine came back somehow" and she just suddenly got better offscreen while we were busy looking at trannies and robots in the actual comic.
He doesn't have any idea of what the next major arc should be
It's going to be Marten opening a coffee shop in cubetown and the (non) struggles he has while doing so on an island of eclectic scientists. We're going to get several minor arcs spanning a week or two max (for like 3-5 months, but the new coffee of doom is going to be the next long arc.
Honestly, Hacks should just skip right to what we all want and get Marten to open a brothel/strip club in Cubetown filled Morays and staring Dr. Loli on Saturdays.
Sven needs to go back to fucking May.
NOOO! He heckin' can't because...uh...*checks notes*...helped pay for the body May herself picked out?
Yeah, I don't get it either honestly.
Have any of the characters in this comic even done anything more dramatic than Jacques stabbing himself? It all feels so milquetoast. Like he's too scared of having actual conflict in his comic to offend any of his Patreon donors.
He does "safe" horny. You can tell he likes drawing slightly chubby but not quite obese girls.
he's too scared of having actual conflict in his comic
Yes. It's always been like that and it probably won't be changing any time soon. Conflict in this comic is handled off screen every time.
He does "safe" horny.
He even did pinups for a short while, but those stopped as it didn't drive any new patrons to that tier.
man does have a type
I'm still very disappointed by that one time he drew the giant bread shop guy naked and not only gave him a mediocre dong but it was a poorly drawn dong.
Yep, he likes decent sized tits and a belly for sure. He did also create Moray, who's got big goo tits and ass, and a big goo belly and always naked.
Sentient Greyn Gootits CatAsstrophy Apocalypse Scenario LETS'A FUHCKING GGVGGOOOOOOO!
Tans don't last this long (how much time has passed in a strip that doesn't really have dates). In any realistic world, she'd be pale again
He wrote this on his Bluesky account a few days ago. He's got ideas. But they won't be very good.
Everyone tells me to never stick my dick in crazy, but this is too tempting. I'M GONNA FUCK TANNERS!
This makes my Richard the big Richard.
Can you do non tanned Hanners doing the same but exposing her asshole instead?
Hanners would never let anyone see her butthole.
Yes, Pale Hanners or "Panners", AKA The Original Hannelore, is dead. You will now have to (get to) settle for Tan Hannelore, or "Tanannalore", and her permanently tanned anus.
C'mon please? I've been ever so good.
robot_on_robot sex when?
The last time I read QC, there was a tall Asian library girl who was in some empty space with a gun. That was quite a while ago.
Finally clicked one of these threads and it looks like very little has happened since then, except the noses are more wonky. Chins are still annoyingly pointy.
Have I missed anything? Doesn't seem like it.
it looks like very little has happened
Nothing happens in this comic.
He just wasted a wedding between two of them to force a new character's random bisexual awakening.
i got a goth teen and an update on my dude Steve so i'm good for the next 1200 pages
marten should have Dora franchise out Coffee of Doom to have a second location in cube town
>Hannelore doesn't have OCD now
She still does. But she got better at keeping it under control. You know... character growth?
Conflict in this comic is handled off screen every time.
Like when Bubbles punched a wall next to Faye?
This isn't a webcomic, it's a ritual to appease the dark god Thum-b'lrr. If High Priest Jeph fails to appease the god, he'll have to pay another blood tribute.
I'm not going to pretend I read every comic of this shit but it seems like all the "character growth" for Hannerlore happened off-screen. She disappeared for a long time and just appeared again suddenly better right?
Correct me if I'm wrong. If I'm right this does not sound like good writing.
She disappeared for a long time and just appeared again suddenly better right?
In Hanner's case, yes.
For Faye and alcohol - Jeph gave us one of the best pages of comics ever. And then the aftermath. And she's fallen off a few times since then. And she pursued Bubbles instead of being a snark-asshole.
And the whole Clinton thing - he goes from jerk-nerd younger brother, going on a date, crushing on 2 other people, to finally choosing the hunk. All on screen.
I've read and reread the entire thing. I could go on.
But yes, Jeph is not Tolstoy or LeGuin. He could be more direct about somethings and he could show a bit more courage.
Like, Ursula LeGuin? The Wizard of Earthsea one? Stabbed Is The Left Hand of Darkness?
For Faye and alcohol - Jeph gave us one of the best pages of comics ever. And then the aftermath. And she's fallen off a few times since then. And she pursued Bubbles instead of being a snark-asshole.
And the whole Clinton thing - he goes from jerk-nerd younger brother, going on a date, crushing on 2 other people, to finally choosing the hunk. All on screen.
When was the last time this comic had a fully straight romance pan out?
Marigold and Dale still show up from time to time and seem to be doing fine.
actually this girl with an Indian dork is having a very fulfilling sex life
Yeah sure.
did not expect this to hit my nostalgia, of all things, but it did.
Oof, Very nice.
that's stupid and you know it's stupid. he barely had a base when hannelore was introduced, it was almost 20 years ago.
Dale is black