Lesbians kisses in cartoons

But where are the gay males? I want some yaoi!

Just wait for my throuple webnovel to get an animation bro

Right here?


I want pretty boys

I see, blargsnarf.com's that way.

which one of them got molested?

While doing research on Arcane, I learned that 3 years ago, Ezreal and Ekko were going to develop feelings for each other (in the game, not the show), but Riot nixed the idea to not offend "certain cultures." You don't understand how much I seethed after reading that. Why the fuck is every fucking cartoon allowed to have lesbians kiss on screen, but you can't even imply gayness among male characters? Whatever, I stopped playing League over 5 years ago.

pretty boy

Could've been Ezreal...

Would those two policemen from Gravity Falls count?

Systemic misandry

Lesbians are easy to make propaganda with because the male populace is so weak and demoralized they just jerk off and ignore the fact that this propaganda is ruining the women they should be having relationships with.

They are ugly and didn’t kiss

tfw i find lesbians hot and don't give a fuck about gay guys

Sucks to be you OP. I know you've been making these threads for months so seeing you still seethe is great.

But where are the gay males?

No one likes to see man on man shit. Its gross, sorry not sorry. That is the reality of the world. It induces gag reflexes.

No one likes to see man on man shit.


I want yaoi

Superman's son get a boyfriend

But not like that!

I thought women loved that shit? Did Anon Babble lie to me

We do =D


You mean nobody?

We do =D

ywnbaw etc etc


So the people buying up yaoi in Japan all... don't exist? It's all just a money laundering scheme? Yeah great theory there, retard.

Irl lesbians are not the type of women said men are attracted to

lesbianbar.webm - 450x800, 2.76M

Men aren't jacking off to irl lesbians though. They're jacking off to bisexual (prison gay) pornstars. This is one of many examples for why porn paints a fantasy image in young men's heads.

EZPZ was right about WiA. All of it.

Lesbianism empowers feminism and vice versa.

Men's homosexuality empowers the thought of men's relationships between other men and zero need for a woman.

Please tell me that i'm wrong, please.

1, 3, 4 (left), 8, are all fuckable.

You are wrong.

Gay men are gross and even the most bible thumping snake handler will find two women kissing hot which is why it's easier to get away with
Sorry fags it is what it is

I have fucked girls who love this kind of stuff, skill issue

I'm not attracted to those women

the male populace is weak and demoralized

Sounds like a you problem.

You don't understand how much I seethed after reading that.

I honestly don't blame you. I hate inconsistency.

women kissing is hot, men kissing is not.

lesbianism is the one that needs representation, the patriarchy is still a thing.

While doing research on Arcane, I learned that 3 years ago, Ezreal and Ekko were going to develop feelings for each other (in the game, not the show), but Riot nixed the idea to not offend "certain cultures."

the patriarchy is still a thing.

How is that related to male homosexuality?

Michael Yichao, though he's privated his Twitter account. I managed to find picrel off Google image search though.

rqgljp5cm8481.jpg - 535x591, 55.78K

Because it's male.

it’s propaganda that’s to blame for me being a virgin

Irl lesbians are not the type of women said men are attracted to

I am. More importantly you're conflating butch with lesbian. All butch lesbians are lesbians, not all lesbians are butch.

sounds pretty sexist to me, attaching homosexual men to the patriarchy, just because they're male

That's how the things are.