I miss Alice.
I miss Alice
She's right fucking there
aim better
If Russian Alice Anon is here, I'd like to thank him for showing me it, the animation was pretty nice.
that's Anon Babble
I like the cat
Today's my un-birthday
good for you
Why are w*men like this?
Today's my un-birthday too!
image how soft her feet are
I love her dress.
Then read her books
I prefer Australian Alice.
Sure its indie, low budget, and is totally unknkwn like all Australian cinema;
But its mkre charming, cuter, and follows the book more closely than any other adaptation.
Australian Alice also has a cuter dress
streuth, ya fuckin' cat is skitz ay, mate?
Bow down to Soviet Alice.
Bushranger Alice bows to no one.
As long as it isn't Goodtimes Alice.
Goodtimes Alice?
I am a lowly convict that only knkws of Bushranger Alice.
Who is Goodtimes Alice?
I gotchu, homie.
By the way, for the uninitiated, I got links for both Kievnauchfilm Alice cartoons brought to you by glorious Russian commissars of culture:
Alice in Wonderland (1981):
Alice Through the Looking Glass (1982):
lmao, mayhaps
thank you aliceautist for sharing the goods, too bad its not subbed
got a folder for all these alice screenshots?
Be nice
As a matter of fact I do: 0.1 GB dedicated to the silliest Alice screenshots I could find. What's interesting is that both cartoons have their quirks: the original Alice in Wonderland has horrendously bad drawn cels and looks unprofessional while Alice Through the Looking Glass has a shitload of paper puppet scenes that, when taken out of context, can look silly.
Anyway, CatBox of all of my shitposting material:
Every other adaptation of Alice is a crybaby bitch when they grow too big
Soviet Alice locks tf in
Love this cute little stoic.
Wanna hop in my white van to chase that White Rabbit? We can...go down the rabbit hole together.
kino thanks
my personal favorite alice is a certain arthouse movie that's banned on Anon Babble and probably here too so i'll only passively mention it
You can't even say the name? Or why its banned?
its because certain cunnychads of Anon Babble like to bring it up as their magnum opus even though there's really no upskirts or anything in the movie whatsoever
it's like Anon Babble's onirism, drives the jannies deranged because it's a "le dogwhistle".
good movie, very artsy but the close ups on alice can get annoying.
Cringe, but not as cringe as seeing some bitch on TikTok say "What in the Alice in Wonderland nightmares is this?" after some current event that I cannot mention. Like, bitch, I know damn well you've never read the original book and probably stan the fucking Disney movie or, God forbid, Madness Returns like a poser. Sit yo hoe ass down.
Of course she is. Creeps just love to ruin everything for everyone else and I'm sick of it.
Pedoshit then?
I just like cute stuff.
Can we not jusy have cute stuff without pedos ruining it?
Is the movie actually pedoshit or does it just attract them?
Creeps just love to ruin everything for everyone else and I'm sick of it.
like i just said it's not pedoshit kek its a totally innocent movie. it's called Alice Neco z Alenky
I will say normally i don't have a stance on this stuff because internet faggots are usually harmless but it is crazy how the conversation there about this movie gets derailed instantly, whether because of pedos or overly touchy moderation. I remember just asking about it before i watched the movie and got my post removed.
Hey what's going on in this thread?
my honest reaction to this post
All Alices explained
Soviet Alice = artful Alice
Australian Alice = soulful Alice
Disney Alice = normie Alice
Madness Alice = Tumblr Alice
Alice? Who the fuck is Alice?
I watched that made for TV movie with all the early 2000s celebrities in it a lot.