Who was in the wrong?

You know, Goofy's teeth are like blowjob guardrails.

Max. His problem is that he doesn't talk to his father about the concert. Goofy's problem is that he doesn't realize that Max is older and needs space but if Max seriously talked to Goofy then things would've worked out without all the conflict. But there is a chance that Goofy completely ignores his problem and stubbornly pushes ahead with the trip as he planned.

Both of them. That was the whole point of the movie.
Max is wanting to find his independence and is terrified of becoming his father which is reasonable and a major part of growing up but he starts to push Goofy too far away and ends lying to him/treating him like shit

Goofy is scared of losing connection with his son, the only family he has left so he ends up pushing to far to be close to Max, becoming smothering and not respecting Max's wishes, independence of even listening to him.

Its why I appreciate the second movie as well despite it being clowned on because its the same story but the roles are flipped. Goofy has to find independence from his son

Goofy might be a goofy fuck up but he always tries to do right by his son. Max is given a very clear moral choice and he consciously decides to lie to his father and does what he knows is morally wrong

left or right?

Look at this scene. Both Goofy AND Max know that Max was in the wrong. You can see the disappointment in Goofy and the guilt in Max.

I feel justified in liking stuff with teenagers who can be selfish and a little mean after watching this movie and Daria

Disney for sitting on mickey, Donald and goofy and doing nothing with them

All Goofy ever did was keep his son from ending up in the electric chair.

There's a whole other movie about Mickey and Donald hitchhiking across America inside A Goofy Movie


Max stopped talking, Goofy stopped listening.

Why did this become a meme?

You can really tell this movie was made in France

goof for not checking the map

this is your brain on Anon Babble

I must've seen A Goofy Movie at least 50 different times by now. Her tits are NOT that defined

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Its why I appreciate the second movie as well despite it being clowned on because its the same story but the roles are flipped.

It is good but they also turned up a lot of the gags and clearly had a lot of fun with facial expressions.

Because Goofy being stupid is usually played for laughs. When he has a serious moment explicitly reflecting on it you realize he actually realizes how others view him as a dumb screw-up. He's usually good-natured but it's a sad moment of self-reflection.

It would be like if you had a scene with Donald and he was all sad and frustrated that nobody could understand him through his silly voice.


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It was all because of Goofy and his stupid racism.

I don't know if I can really cut a middle path here. I get where Goofy is coming from. I understand a lot of the movie is set up that shouldn't be given dramatic weight in my head. But still he had a much bigger ask of Max, dropping everything to go on a cross-country trip that he didn't ask for or know about. His only explanation he gave Max was a fucking deaththreat. That's the overwhelming power a parent holds over their child. Max wanted a much, much simpler thing. To go to a house party with a girl he liked. On a wider scale: to have the freedom every kid wants the day summer vacation starts. Sure his teenage angst and obstinacy is a strong reason the divide between him and his dad. But he having no idea how to bridge this divide, and panicking is him cracking in the situation his dad absconded him into.

Goofy, when he found out Max wanted to go to LA became was despondent. So he decided instead of talking to Max, he'd stew on it so he could make a dramatic scene testing him at the turnpike. I'm not saying Max is blameless, and it's probably Goofy was truly hoping Max would do right. But Goofy could've been the mature one and had that conversation in the motel.

That said

I appreciate the second movie as well despite it being clowned on because its the same story but the roles are flipped. Goofy has to find independence from his son

I do side with Goofy far more in the in AXGM. I also wanted SO FUCKING DESPERATELY for a single scene to pop in and link everything I knew about Goofy and Goof Troop together. Like During the last third, I wanted Max to stumble past the trophy case for his college sports complex and find a full shrine to Goofy. Then have a janitor walk up, see Max ogling the trophy cases, and explain how that boy was the best of the best, the star athlete on a dozen different teams, but left in his last semester to get a job to support his newborn kid. To give a deeper reason for Max deciding to give Goofy the trophy at the end.

Who was in the wrong?

Goofy for fucking his best friend's wife. Why else do you think Peg is out of the picture following Goof Troop?

She's a thirsty one as that current comic proves

Well, it IS an “extremely goofy movie” this time around.

that current comic


Both. Goofy let himself get gaslit by a faggot who was butthurt over a little prank, and Max was being relentlessly on edge for no reason when all he had to do was just stop and say "Dad, please! Listen to me for one minute"

Pete is a careerist opportunist chasing the "American Dream" and never really loved Peg. It is probably why Peg is all over Goofy because Pete thinks he is harmless and to autistic to go banging his wife.

max, all that tantrum and he didnt even end up with the girl. th movie just show to us how retarded teenager are

Honestly, Max only had to cool off for a minute and explain the situation to his Dad without being embarrassed about it. But like proper movie plot device fashion, Max is your 90s teenager that thinks their parents don't need to know their business nor care and would rather just bottle it up inside and handle it themselves. Goofy on the other hand at least loves spending time with his son. Complete different vibes you often get in other movies when parents are to busy with work get involved. Goofy was TO involved and did not trust Max enough to not keep out of trouble. Hell, Goofy still did not fully understood what Max DID to get the Principle that angry. The creepy dorky principle wanting to host Co-ed science slumber parties.

Both. They even sing a song about it.

Hell, Goofy still did not fully understood what Max DID to get the Principle that angry.

Which is why both are at fault. Max should have said or at least pleaded his case about why he doesn't want to go on the trip, and Goofy could have mentioned he had a chat with the principal and that's what spurred the trip

that boy was the best of the best, the star athlete on a dozen different teams

Reminds me of how Goofy had all those different shorts of him playing sports, so it kind of works.

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Max should have said or at least pleaded his case about why he doesn't want to go on the trip,

He tried. Goofy immediately dismissed it saying that Max could go to plenty of parties when he's older, and smacked him on the head with his map.

by a faggot who was butthurt over a little prank,

It was a pretty large prank wherein he disrupted a major school function. This wasn't just like a little graffiti or something. You're an idiot.

There's a bit of a difference between saying

I want to go to a party


I want to go to a party because there's this girl I really like.

as an kid


as an adult


No he included "this girl" in his statement right before getting smacked.


Sure Goofy was talking over Max, and we need this misunderstanding to set the rest of the movie up. But from Max's perspective he raised his concern and his dad dismissed it out of hand, and downplayed its relevance.


Why the fuck didn’t just Goofy tell him about the principal calling before he planned the trip and then Max explaining that it was just a misunderstanding?