it's shit
It's shit
It's shit
Don't talk bad about Rectangle Man like that.
another edgy batman but somehow ironically funny for being edgy
im good thanks.
Batman AF
He's so ridiculously buff. Lol
What the fuck is up with his big fat legs?
new goal body unlocked
Hear me out
lipoedemea maxxing
are you dumb? or just dyel?
That looks so funny.
Even Penguin is swole in this
no im drunk and misspelled lipoedema
this is supposed to be a Bat symbol
Imagine if you saw an actual bat out in nature that looked like that shit. Put it out of it's misery.
I get it, it's actually an axehead he takes off and uses. But still a regular Bat symbol would still make for a better axehead than that shit.
why did they censor ass?
how heavy are actual penguins? i mired Oz in the storytime
Is the over the top-ness on purpose? Like, some kind of tongue in cheek thing?
more like tongue in asscheek because it sucks
yes. its meant to be cool and edgy like youve never seen edgy before.
Are the other Absolute books like this?
yes thats the point of the line, to make it stupid over the top edge thats meant to sound fresh and original but its just laughable and almost cringe worthy
he's a big guy
For you.
topping this years list of gothams sexiest men is batman
Yes. It's like Miller's Batman but filtered through the most extreme 90s shit around. I liked it.
You know what actually looks like an axe-head? Half of the fucking batsymbols. This just the world's most retarded attempt at imitating TDK, and when they realized they couldn't write like Frank Miller, then they started with gimmicky weapons.
It's Batman AF.
this legit looks like something from marshal law.
a parody of comics reminds me of a parody of comics
That's some improvement. Last time I posted that someone said it looked like Cable unironically.
I mean, I'm at least intrigued to see where they go with some of the changes, so thats nice I guess.
But what a stupid ass chest symbol.
Why does the bat symbol look so retarded?
you already know why, because it turns into an axe, because the author saw the part in the matt reeves movie where batman unclips his symbol and uses it to cut a rope
im pretty sure thats where the whole thing comes from.
Its the blade of an axe.
Beyond regular batman massive, man is like 6'6' and ROIDED bulking
300IQ engineer with spare time and apparently infinite resources or something
This is kind of silly
That sounds monumentally stupid.
Everytime I see this, I'm reminded of the Spiderman one with his logo based off of uncle Ben's coffin.
i legit thought it was a joke at first, but nope this is the new batman.
The Reeves symbol is more useful as an axe than what Bussyloot Batman uses.
It's been weird seeing people taking it very seriously and like it isn't tongue and cheek. I mean, everything about this is 90s campy. I'm liking it. It seems like Snyder and Dragotta are having fun with it. I like the chest piece, personally, but I know it pissed a lot of people off.
okay, doesnt mean its a fucking cool idea though does it? you fucking spedatron.
Tongue in cheek* fucking phone
It just seems like a pretty extreme transition from normal batman even if it is supposed to be just a meme piece about underdog superheroes. Though I'm kind of a fan of not having a 25+ member bat family I expect that'll happen soon with Alfred or some Robins
I get it. I've read enough Batman to last me a lifetime. I didn't expect to check this out or enjoy it but here we are. I like that it's not subtle about what it's doing. Not half measures and all that. It's been a breath of fresh air, for me anyway. I hope they keep the Robins out of it. Holy fuck. I didn't even think about that being a possibility down the line.
Don't worry anon if it's anything like standard DC continuities it won't happen for a few years anyway. I can't expect with the level of thought they put into the setting that Dick Grayson is going to be the standard type of robin with his family's murder. Might even be Joker's sidekick instead or something