Anon Babbleol dragons

how did season 2 fuck up the design so bad

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Keep in mind, he's considered a runt

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Where is this one from? Also, checked

Creator got fired for making scalie porn but I still don't see the need to change the art style

Thieves & Kings by Mark Oakley

is this bait or am i retarded

He is a furry but I doubt that was the reason he was fired
IIRC the artstyle change happened to make the show easier to animate...and honestly it's so much better in motion compared to Season 1
Season 2 in general is leagues better
Better jokes, better plots, better action, etc

He is smaller and younger than other dragons

w...what do other dragons look like?!

Do I have to find the find the play he wrote about furry dog girl being a huge slut

Bigger and older

same.........wheezie is pretty hot too.........

yeah but she's stapled to a faggot


uh.....hey! what are you doing, wheezie! that's disgusting! that man is putting penis snot in your vagina!

yes Zackie, and I LOOOOOVE IT!

well, whatever, just don't get any on me!

yes please

I'm not big on it being about Spyro, I feel that it could stand on it's own without leaning on vidya.
...Or at least that's what I thought before seeing the war panels like this one, wish there was more of it.


let's go from this action hero chad dragon to a fucking noodle

I don't care that it's supposed to be an asian Lung dragon, it was fucking awful

also he is the american dragon not the asian dragon

Love Big Mal.

She is nice. Wish there was a milf version of her.

We see a herd of them
Basically the same thing but they dwarf him

As a bi dragonfucker, that's a win/win

he looks like a fucking anorexic

that looks like Shaun Reveal's style

i'm surprised no one has posted him yet

The Spyro connection is so tenuous and the comic so far removed from the original material as to be practically useless as anything but a point of reference for some really basic details like there being colour coded elemental breaths or Young Malefor being that character and not an OC.

It’s like comparing Drowtales to canon D&D because Drowtales is using Drow lore as it’s foundation.


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I hate how most of the time it seems, only the evil dragons look good. It's like if you're making a non-evil dragon the designers have to make them lame.

I hadn't figured it was so removed from the game's lore as to be it's own thing. Though the heavy focus on politics adds a lot of seriousness, I hope there will be a lot more war going on eventually.

They should allow post the dragons from mlp, Ember and Smolder are hot as fuck