Father-daughter duo has more chemistry than any other ship in the show

Father-daughter duo has more chemistry than any other ship in the show

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That's true for many shows desu

Father-son duo simply under fatigue

Mother-son duo impossible because women in media can't relate to being mothers and have zero maternal feelings

Father-daughter duo is the hymn of our times.

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I wish I was Charlie and in an incestuous relationship with Lucifer.
I'm right wing and conservative btw.

It's what the obsession with strongmen stems from, we can tell

Im not saying I disagree but can you give me some more examples?

Seconding for research purposes

Male or female?

Now that you mention it, there is too little of mother characters who actually have a role in a story nowadays.

If I get to be a dad I hope I have a daughter.

What is Guitarspear

You guys should read Samurai in Hell on ao3
There's a nonzero chance of Jack getting with Loona

I only read manhwas these days so I'll recommend "Male Lead's Little Lion Daughter"

Meh, I even preferred Luggie.

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I miss her, bros.

Radiostatic proves you wrong.

"Oh what's that? You think that "leak" of Lucifer dying to Lute was real?"

"Well guess what you filthy males? It's gonna BE REAL NOW!"

Badass traditional woman with the most powerful heterosexual love for the most based character avenges him by killing the pathetic faggot who literally represents the worst of reality

Why would I be mad about this?

she thinks anyone besides fagjoshis cares about Lucifer

Alastor gets dominated by all the men in his life.

Disgusting, he gets dominated by the women. Get it right.

He gets dominated by both.

I like charlastor because they are pretty equal so they can switch. Switch Alastor who gets loved and pegged in equal amounts is lovely.

Adam was killed off before Vivzie threatens to become a TDS-induced feminazi

Bullet fucking dodged, in my honest opinion. I can't imagine how much more obnoxious they would have made him just for the sake of "ewww men".

She’s just going to make Lute gay

Considering how mindbroken Lute is over losing Adam and if the leaks are right about her killing Lucifer, I think she'll die before turning gay.

Ah, the good old days of Father Fuck World!

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That would just make him more likable.

Will we get a hardcore Vaggie/Charlie sex scene to own the Chuds too?


Why do you think women tend to date men that remind them of their fathers.

Nice, with how safe they played it S1 you'd think lesbian bed death had already kicked in for them.

Probably true. Adam was supposed to be Mr. Toxic Masculinity from conception. What resulted was a character even the writers had to admit they liked.

I wish Chaggie was actually interesting.

This is the opposite of good news

Vivzie would rather sexualize the gays.
Why does she even think she's bisexual? Still, she does have a good eye for designing female characters, so there's that.

She’s a millennial “bisexual.” She probably made out with a girl once in college or something

Imagine obsessing over dicks entering your daughter to the degree that it drives you that clinically insane