Gravity Falls

That image is from a porn comic.

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Doesn't look like porn to me

It's not a porn comic. It's some trade some dude did. 4 images, shitty art.

What a terrible artstyle

looks like shit

Imagine looking at things and only seeing porn

If Dipper was really cute, would Wendy be open to dating him? I think He was persistent enough, it was just that she wasn't attracted to him and he basically was disqualified from the start.

Sometimes, you just know it is though

ESL dialogue really makes it apparent it could be porn

Oh, its this asshole again. I just don't get you, you're unsatisfied by everything. Why? Why are you so of-brand autistic?

Who wouldn't want to see a horse with the head of a rabbit and the body of a rabbit?

The cock's all horse, though

"Mom lookit th' bunny!"

"That's nice, dear."

"Lookit th' big CAWWOT he's sittin' on!"

*Slaps her hand across the kid's eyes*

No way dude he wasn’t nearly persistent enough. Dipper didn’t even tell her directly he loved her, he kept it secret.
He should have flirted with her from the start, and made it clear he wants to date her. The second she said “i’m too old for you, you know that right?” he should have been all “no way beautiful, there’s only 2 years between us, and you know i’m way more fun than those boring teens. You gotta give me a chance to prove it, you know i’m right.”

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whenever she asked him to cover for her at work he should've said "only if you go on a date with me"

Gravity Falls sucked.

This is a porn comic that was originally in Spanish that has been translated via Google, isn't it?

One of my favorite Simpson jokes

First time I comment that on the board. Also first time I see a thread about this picture.
Are you autistic? Kill yourself and spare everybody else the trouble and the taxes.


Shut up fag

Look up his handle, he’s literally a porn artist. You can always tell.

I wish doublepines would make porn again.

What makes porn artstyle so recognizable? Some sort of free use brush that they all use? I don't know much about graphic design


Y'all can't behave

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ngl but that's hot af

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link to reddit shit pls?
I love kekking at these tards, it's almost as good as r/politics

A match cut to rival 2001

nvm found it cause im a hacker

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Gravity Falls is dogshit

no shit sherlock

is this true or just another instance of death of the author?

He's absolutely coping

8 hs

34 posts

mmhhh bros?

Can't be a cuck if you never had a chance in the first place.

Guy you don't need to suck Trumps cock, Elon already doing it.

Yeah, that looks like AI.

brings gay shit out of nowhere

yeah it's like that thing where autists can't stand people more autistic than them.

stan would be mad that he's making more profit with less effort.

Aang is a hundred years old

weird obsession people have with hating Mabel

How is it weird to hate Mabel?

It’s weird and misogynistic, chud

I'll be honest, I don't think Stan can vote. He's definitely done time. I doubt he'd vote for either though. He'd have some level of respect for Trump's con game and then try running for president himself. As for the rest,


Votes for Kamala, probably thinks Trump is some kind of alien creature controlling people's minds with some kind of tech


Doesn't vote. Has no interest, doesn't really relate to his small sphere of interest. Also probably knows it's rigged by illuminati types in the background.


Pays more attention to memes than politics, votes for Trump because of that. Has no idea what any candidate is running on.

He didn't age during his time on ice. Developmentally he is on par with Katara.

Tell me about it. The word cuck really lost all sense of the word.

the weird obsession people have with hating Mabel

this shit isn't even true anymore. all the hateboners are pointed towards ford now.

what's with this obsession people have with getting really mad at people who dare criticize mabel? i like mabel, and even i can admit that they really fucked her up. mabel's a good character with shitty writers that don't understand the concept of verisimilitude. yeah, no shit, 12 year olds ARE selfish and immature, and it's hard for 12 year olds to unlearn that, but you can't have her "learn" that's bad multiple times with no character development. that just makes her seem unlikable.

Stan wouldn't vote for him but it wouldn't be because of le racism and mean internet words. It would be for some meaningless petty reason like because trump puts ketchup on his steak or bumped into him in a casino in 1988 without apologizing when stan spilled his drink.

do they fuck on the boat?

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no it hasn’t, it always just means “guy who got emasculated by another guy”. We used it since the peasant revolution to mock barons who were divorced

If Kamala had won he would be spamming posts making fun of trump supporters every day.

You have to be in a relationship with the woman when she cheats with you to be emasculated.

No you don’t, you just have to want them. It’s always just been slang, and that slang has been used regardless of marriage.

Robbie is hot.

You can already tell by the paheal filename.
Well that and the terrible dialogue

Cartoonshi please.

No son what you're saying is dumb as shit because that's just you emasculating yourself.

Dipper would think both sides are either aliens or reptilians. He for sure wouldn't vote.

Literally nobody ever did that

Literally it’s been used that way for most of english language’s existence
It’s a slang word. Your faggotry is just a pornbrained modern attempt at a re-definition, that’s not how it’s always been used, it’s always just been slang

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Hey dummy you're missing out how all your examples have the guy be in a relationship first.

No dummy, they don’t, nice goalpost move from pretending you need to be married but even that isn’t true.
the origin of the term was used for deers competing over females. The deer who wins the fight gets the girl and is the stag. The one who loses to another male and can’t be with the female they like is the cuck. No pre-established relationship, just being a loser who lost the mate they wanted to another man, like dipper.

You definitely have to be in a relationship to be emasculated by a woman cheating on you because the cheating is the emasculating act and it can only be cheating if you're in a relationship with the woman.

The emasculating act is another guy showing you up, making you seem inferior and taking the girl you love

You still have to be in a relationship for that to be true.

That's not cuckolding though, that's just called being shown up.

You literally don’t, Women choose the naturally better option whether they were with you to begin with or not. If you lost the girl you love to another guy it’s because you’re inferior

You sound like someone who got cucked by a chad thundercock and excuses it with “w-well we weren’t technically married so it doesn’t count”

14 years old

That is cuckolding though, and it’s how it has been historically used:

You literally don’t

It's the literal definition though.

It’s literally not though.

I mean you're just flatout wrong about this and you can even see how all those historical examples are about married couples.

Yeah it is, we get the whole word from the cuckoo birds and we don't use it because they're single.

You guys seriously couldn't tell this was from a porn?

I mean those “historical examples” don’t involve infidelity, they involve a man getting divorced because he’s weak and pathetic. And the original historical usage for men were not used for married couples at all, just unmarried men and animals competing over a girl.

Really getting the vibe that you’re a cuck bro, and just REALLY desperate to redefine it so it doesn’t count that chad fucked the girl you liked.

The etymology of the word comes from cuckoo birds
The original use of the word comes from single deer, who lose the gir they liked but were not already mated with

Chances Robbie will cuck both Pacifica and Wendy from Dipper too? I’m guessing from 99-100% likely

You talking about the medieval like there's such thing as no-fault divorces back then is also dumb and untrue.

Really getting the vibe that you’re a cuck bro

All us GravityFallsbros are
dipperbros... we can never catch a break...

The etymology of the word comes from cuckoo birds

Yeah I know because that what I was talking about in the first place.